Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 108 Cleaning up the Portal

Chapter 108 Cleaning up the Portal (10)
"Bai Yi, why are you here?" Feng Youran sat up and asked casually, ready to go to the kitchen to cut some fruit.

"It's okay. I heard that you have taken over the Kyoto Magazine. I'll come over to see if there is any need for help." Bai Yi said lightly.

"Fortunately, although it's a bit difficult, I have a solution! Hey, what happened to your eyes?" Feng Youran said in surprise, pointing at the corners of Bai Yi's blue eyes.

"I accidentally made it on the construction site. It's nothing wrong." Bai Yi hid for a while, thinking that he would not be able to see it if he came at night, but he was discovered anyway.

"Then you have to be careful, and put on a hard hat when you go to the construction site."

"Well, don't worry, I will be careful." Bai Yi said with a smile, finally there was a smile on his face since he entered the room.

Ye Jue looked sideways, and said jokingly: "Actually, it's good to have someone more caring by your side, why don't you consider Hao Ge?"

Bai Yi's face darkened, and he glared at Ye Jueao.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

"Hehehe... that's fine, just ignore him." Feng Youran also laughed.

"How are you doing over there? I haven't seen you coming over for a while."

"Everything is going well, but there are a few families who have been delayed for a while. Now the construction period has caught up. It is estimated that the main body will be completed in September this year." Bai Yi smiled, and put the fruit in his hand on the table. .

"Wow, it's lychees!" Feng Youran exclaimed, it's really rare to eat lychees at this time.

"It was brought over by a manufacturer in the south. If it wasn't transported by air, it probably won't be fresh here. Try it, I'll make it for you if it tastes good." Bai Yi said happily, and handed a lychee to Feng Youran .

"Mmm, it's so sweet!" Feng Youran gave a thumbs up, her eyes narrowed into crescents.

Bai Yiwei was godly, but quickly interrupted his thoughts with that unignorable gaze, he turned his head and smiled in protest, causing Ye Jueao to roll his eyes.

"Youran, it's too late. I'll come another day, so you don't have to see me off." After speaking, Bai Yi strode away from the courtyard.

Ye Jue lazily got up from the sofa, walked to the table, picked up a lychee, and hummed, "Is there any delicious corn from me?"

"Hahaha... so sour, you are jealous of this, you are really jealous!" Feng Youran laughed loudly.

"Okay, dare to call me, see if I don't deal with you!" Ye Jueao stretched out to scratch her itch, scared Feng Youran dodged left and right in the yard, and was finally hugged by Ye Jueao.

Ye Jueao snorted in an aggrieved voice: "I hate people like you the most, good or bad!"

"Don't say that, okay? My stomach hurts from laughing." Feng Youran covered his mouth with a smile.

"Then what should I say? I admit that I'm jealous, and it's a big pot, what should I do?" Ye Jueao said a little shamelessly and helplessly, the more they were together, the more he didn't want to be separated, and he didn't want her to be seen arrive.

"You, what can I say about you?" Feng Youran said with a light smile, stretched out her arms around his waist, pressed against his neck, and smelled the faint smell of soap on his body under her nose.

"Say you like me, and you only like me!" Ye Jueao yelled, but then his body stiffened slightly, and the expression on his face was a little unnatural, obviously he thought of Ye Juehan.

"I like you, and I only like you!" Feng Youran said word by word, put her hand between the two of them, gently pushed him away, and looked into his eyes.

"Youran... I shouldn't"

"This is what it should be!" After the words fell, Feng Youran stood on tiptoe and kissed his thin lips lightly, as soft as petals.After three days of accounting and cleaning, a thick report was placed on Feng Youran's desk. She looked at the densely packed digital reports and was a little surprised. She didn't expect that they still owed so much money. .

After closing the report with a snap, Feng Youran pressed the internal number.

"Notify everyone to wait in the office area, and no one is allowed to go out. The meeting will be held in 10 minutes!" After speaking, he hung up the phone.

After these few days of adaptation, Su Xiaomo got used to Feng Youran's way of doing things, and she became more comfortable with her work.

"Listen up, everyone, the meeting will be held in 10 minutes!" After speaking, he walked to several people and asked them to guard the door without saying all the words.

"What's the matter again?" Someone muttered.

Han Daheng was also a little uneasy, he was too calm, Fan Shuzhen couldn't be contacted these days, and today he was thinking of going to her home to look for her, but now he was in time for a meeting.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Han Daheng said pretending to be calm, and dialed the phone again.

"Why do I feel so weird?" Old Feng muttered keenly, frowning.

"Strange shit, you've seen a lot of ghosts!" The person on the side spat, but his heart was also flustered.

Twenty minutes passed quickly. Han Daheng just wanted to get up and pour some water when he saw a familiar face walk in. He was taken aback for a moment, and then felt his scalp go numb.

Ma Qiang also saw Han Daheng, and several people in police uniforms behind him also walked in.

Feng Youran was wearing a white sweater and lemon yellow cropped trousers and stood at the door of the office. Her phoenix eyes scanned the entire office area, and then settled on Han Daheng.

"Xiaomo, start a meeting!"

Su Xiaomo quickly called everyone over, and then stood beside Feng Youran.

"Here is the audit report of our magazine for the past ten years. I believe everyone is very curious about the contents. I remember that I once said to give some people some opportunities, but some people don't know how to grasp it. So don't blame me for being cruel now! "After speaking, Feng Youran threw the information on Han Daheng.

"I'm doing the right thing, what am I afraid of, don't think that you, a stinky girl, have a few stinky money, and you are great. Without us, you can just wait for the yellow shop!" Han Daheng shouted, his eyes were red. Of course he knew what he was doing, but he just didn't expect it...

Feng Youran smiled at Ma Qiang and the people from the Public Security Bureau, "Lawyer Ma, take it easy, I don't care what people want here, but I remember you said that if you don't plan to spit out the money, Will it increase the severity of the sentence? Then I will wait and see, wanting to swallow the money that should not be taken for nothing, and want to get out of prison to live a good life, that is a dream!"

"Okay, the evidence is in our hands, and I will pay attention to it all the way!" Attorney Ma said with a smile.

The team leader looked at the newly appointed general manager with some curiosity. He didn't expect to be so ruthless at such a young age. With this trick, those old fritters would be subdued.

"Okay, take all the people involved in the case away!"

(End of this chapter)

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