Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 109 You still have me in your heart

Chapter 109 You still have me in your heart (1)
"Yes!" Several people said in unison, and then compared the list and brought Han Daheng, Lao Feng and those people to the bureau.

Han Daheng looked at Feng Youran bitterly, wanted to scold her a lot, but he didn't say anything for a long time, just walked out with those people indignantly and helplessly.

The magazine office was clean all of a sudden, and instantly felt that there were many fewer people and the space became larger.

"Now Xiaomo has a list that I have drawn up, everyone should start working according to this new position. In addition to adhering to the original style, I will launch new columns according to the needs of the market. The details of the specific implementation plan will be In the recent promotion, if you have good opinions, you can also put them forward, so that anyone who has a good idea in the future and can bring positive benefits to the magazine can get different levels of bonuses and opportunities for promotion, regardless of age, regardless of education, The key is you—you can do it!"

After Feng Youran finished speaking, everyone applauded. There are mostly young people in the magazine now. They thought they had to rely on their pens to gain qualifications step by step to climb up. Now it is different. They can also rise quickly. Really Exciting.

Xiao Moren stood at the gate of the magazine and watched this scene, with a deep smile and rare fighting spirit in his eyes, this game is really getting more and more fun...

The summer vacation is coming to an end soon, and the time of a vacation has changed a lot. Some people and some things have changed. Ye Juehan stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the road at his feet. He moved his luggage, like this Training is necessary, but fortunately there is such training, otherwise it would be really difficult for him to survive the summer vacation that he dreaded for the first time in his life.

Ye Jueao is also busy with his entertainment business. Since he was a child, he likes to play weird things. He has all kinds of whimsical ideas. He actually moved the indoor entertainment city that can only be experienced in foreign countries to Kyoto. And on the five-hectare land in the southern district, he has already completed the first step of his dream, and this huge amusement park has also attracted more attention for him, only then can his follow-up goals be achieved...

Zhan Lie and Ye Jueao stood in the central garden area of ​​the amusement park, looking at the various amusement facilities around them, they felt like returning to their childhood.

"Jueao, what are you doing? Don't you have enough childhood? Don't you want to grow up?" Zhan Lie teased with a smile. Now he thinks about the scene of returning to He's house and being scolded by the old man, and his scalp becomes numb.

"Hehehe... It's so interesting to talk about our childhood. Who in the capital city doesn't know how many little devils we are. I have taught my grandfather a lesson for this." Ye Jueao said with some nostalgia, I also thought of Yejia.

"That's right. At that time, you had the most bad ideas, and Miaomiao, who always liked to hang out with your brother, was punished by you. Seeing you was like seeing a ghost." Zhan Lie laughed. My memory is really good, and it has been so long now in a flash.

"Her, hehehe... Now that you think about it, if I hadn't screwed her up too much, would she have taken a fancy to me?" Ye Jueao said with a bit of a sigh.

"Her? Go ahead and dream. That girl has always been your elder brother since she was a child. Did she fall in love with others? Back then, her small appearance really fascinated a bunch of little boys in our yard."

"It's true, isn't she the same now? She only has my brother in her eyes, it's okay, only my brother!" Ye Jueao said happily, he knew very well that girl's feelings for Ye Juehan, so this is also Reassure him a little.

"Why did you mention her so well? You shouldn't be eating what's in the pot and looking at what's in the bowl, right?" Zhan Lie squinted at him, he understood Feng Youran's meaning to this brother very well, but now Some don't quite understand.

"How is it possible? No matter how beautiful a woman is for me, it can't compare to my leisurely." Ye Jue spit arrogantly, looking so arrogant that Zhan Lie wanted to punch him.

"I said, Jue Ao, how much money do you have now? After all, why do you do this? Why can't I figure it out?" Zhan Lie leaned on the railing and tilted his head in doubt.

"What do you mean the money comes quickly?" Ye Jue asked, staring at Zhan Lie with his proud black eyes.

Zhan Lie thought for a while, "I think the restaurant is pretty good now. There are many places of interest in Kyoto, and it's a city with a lot of people. Who can't eat?"

"Wrong, I think children make the most money. There are only a few unpopular amusement parks in Kyoto. Although the initial investment is large, the income is continuous, and it is not affected by the season. Students, lovers Men, women, and families are all good choices, aren't they?" Ye Jue said with a proud smile, but the fundamental reason in his heart was not this, but he didn't want to tell Zhan Lie.

"Hehehe... That's true, you will definitely be popular when you open the door."

"This is just my first step. Isn't there an industrial area separated from Shidong District? I plan to buy it there." Ye Jueao planned.

"Where? Didn't you say the year before last that the factory was not allowed to be built in the urban area and moved out? That's where you said? But do you have enough funds?" That place is not cheap, and it is only two kilometers away from the urban area. , can be regarded as a prosperous place.

"Almost, but it's dead, people are alive, I'll just think of a way." Ye Jueao wasn't worried, he also had his own way.

"How about I ask you about it?"

"I'm thankful, but I think I should rely on my own ability for some things. I appreciate your kindness."

"Our brothers, if you have something to say, speak up." Zhan Lie said boldly.

"it is good!"

The two then walked around the amusement park, and then walked towards He's house, but when they came to the intersection of He's house, they saw Song Miaomiao coming from the other side.

"Brother Jueao! Brother Lie!" Song Miaomiao shouted obediently, smiling sweetly with two dimples.

"You want to go home, do you want us to see you off?" Zhan Lie asked with a smile, he was famous for his good temper.

Song Miaomiao looked at Ye Jueao, she raised her head and looked at Ye Jueao who was much taller than her, "Brother Jueao, why have I been to Ye's house several times and I can't see you?"

Ye Jueao raised his brows and snorted coldly in his heart, he was still as unlovable as before.

"Really? Didn't my brother tell you? Or did you not hear the rumors? Don't tell me you just came back after going to Mars." Ye Jue Aoxie teased with a smile.

Song Miaomiao's face changed slightly, "I thought it was all a lie. Who would have thought you would do that? Really." She muttered.

"You know now? You don't have to worry about bumping into me when you go to my house. Isn't that better?" Ye Jue shrugged proudly.

"I don't. It's because you like to bully me. I don't know where I offended you." Song Miaomiao said aggrievedly, her big eyes were watery, and it was distressing to see.

(End of this chapter)

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