Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 110 You still have me in your heart

Chapter 110 You still have me in your heart (2)
"Okay, Miaomiao, you're overthinking, since you're passing by, why don't you go to my house to have fun?" Zhan Lie smoothed things over and said, living in a big courtyard is intertwined with adults, and some things are not right. It is necessary to make everyone unhappy, just get along on the surface.

"Actually, I'm planning to go too, so let's go!" Song Miaomiao said with a smile, with a smile on her face again.Mr. He was sitting in the living room playing chess with Feng Youran. Regardless of Feng Youran's background and background, he felt that he liked her from the bottom of his heart. His precious grandson, who hadn't seen him for several weeks, came back from other places. So he called her and threatened for a long time before coaxing the girl out.

Feng Youran picked up a white piece and landed it on the chessboard. Mr. He looked at the densely packed pieces on the chessboard, put his hand into the chess basket and rubbed it slowly, his eyes were shining brightly, he picked up the piece for a long time, smiled and lifted it up. started.

Feng Youran held the teacup and smiled lightly, and took a sip of the tea into her throat.

"You little girl is really good. I'm going down with this chess piece. It can only keep me alive in this game, but you will kill me with one move when you turn around, hahaha..." Mr. He laughed and said, he just likes this girl indifferently He is only so old now, and in two years, he will definitely be a woman who can rule the roost.

"Grandpa He accepted it!" Feng Youran said modestly.

"Xiao Lie's chess skills are also good, I don't know who is better between the two of you!" Mr. He joked.

At this time, Zhan Lie opened the door with Ye Jueao and Song Miaomiao and walked in. Zhan Lie heard grandpa's hearty laughter from outside the door. If the old man's deepness was not from his own people, it would be difficult to distinguish which came from the heart and which It's false, he has a slight interest in the person who can make grandpa so happy.

"Grandpa, I'm back!" Zhan Lie said with a smile, with a warm smile on his slightly dark handsome face, thick black eyebrows, a breath of energy in his bright eyes, and under his tall nose is A red and attractive mouth, this is a handsome face, with masculinity in the delicate facial features, giving people the feeling of bathing in the spring breeze.

Feng Youran also raised her head when she heard the sound, and looked at the person who came, but then her eyes turned to Ye Jueao, who was not to be ignored beside that person, with a smile.

"Hehehe... I'm back. I was talking about you just now, so I'm here to introduce you!" Mr. He smiled and stood up, seeing Ye Jueao's eyes slightly teasing.

Zhan Lie also saw Feng Youran, he was a little flustered, on a beautiful fair face, with a raised nose and sweet lips, even though she was sitting there, it was impossible to ignore the aura emanating from her, which attracted him the most. It was her pair of phoenix eyes, the upturned corners of which contained bottomless pools, which frightened him.

"Hello, my name is Feng Youran, nice to meet you!" Feng Youran stood up gracefully, took a step forward and slowly stretched out her small white hand.

When Zhan Lie heard her name, he smiled, no wonder he felt so familiar, so she was that person.

"Hi, just call me Zhan Lie or you can call me Lie Zi with Jue Ao." Zhan Lie stretched out his hand, and then left.

Song Miaomiao was also looking at Feng Youran. It turned out that she was the girl who made Ye Jueao leave Feng's house and didn't care about anything. She knew she was beautiful, but she didn't expect her to be so beautiful. She glanced at the chessboard on the table, her eyes Pupil shrank slightly.

"Miaomiao, Jueao, come on, everyone sit down." Mr. He said with a smile, his eyes glanced between Song Miaomiao and Feng Youran.

Ye Jueao walked up to Feng Youran, looked at the chess game as well, then smiled and whispered in her ear, "Wait to go home and play for a while?"

"It will be miserable for the loser!" Feng Youran said with a low smile. Compared with the cold and peaceful just now, she now has an indescribable charm and intimacy.

"Hehehe... Maybe it's my leisurely too!" Ye Jue said with a proud smile, he liked the intimacy she only showed to him, and this also made old man He on the opposite side smile a little narrowly.

"Okay, young people, let's play. I'll go upstairs to rest for a while." Mr. He told the nanny to prepare fresh fruits, and then went upstairs alone, but his eyes showed interest in Song Miaomiao who was silent.

Zhan Lie looked at Song Miaomiao on the side and saw that Ye Jueao didn't seem to be introducing Feng Youran, but when he came to his house, he couldn't neglect Song Miaomiao out of reason.

"Miaomiao, the person opposite you is Youran, she is older than you, it is not an exaggeration for you to call her sister." Zhan Lie smiled lightly.

Ye Jueao raised Wei Wei's eyebrows, he knew Song Miaomiao so well that he couldn't believe that she didn't know who Feng Youran was, but if she wanted to hurt Youran, then she had to pass him.

"Youran? Feng Youran?" Song Miaomiao whispered, raising her beautiful big eyes to look at Feng Youran who was drinking tea with her head down, with a hint of disdain and hatred in her eyes.

Feng Youran naturally received her gaze, and she also thought of this person. Although she only heard about him, when she saw him today, she felt that Ye Juehan underestimated this girl, and some things were not caused by Ye Jue's treatment of her at that time. As said, this girl definitely has a deep affection for Ye Juehan, and she has also mastered Ye Juehan's weakness, so she is a person that should not be underestimated.

"How about we play a game of chess?" Song Miaomiao said with a smile, but there was a hint of arrogance in her eyes.

"We're not bored playing chess, why don't we chat!" Zhan Lie looked at Ye Jueao's dissatisfied eyes and smiled and reconciled. Women, especially beautiful women, always seem to have endless wars ...

Song Miaomiao looked at Feng Youran with raised eyebrows, and said cutely, "Sister, don't you want to play?"

"Tired!" Feng Youran smiled brightly, with laziness and a touch of carelessness, and her gestures were unusually graceful.

"That's what I forced." Song Miaomiao pondered, with one corner of her mouth curled up, showing a slight smile.

"Liezi, will you transfer to Yucai in the second half of the year?" Ye Jue asked with a proud smile, with his big hands on the back of Feng Youran's sofa as if protecting him, with a dangerous aura.

"That's right, we'll be classmates again when school starts again!" Zhan Lie also said happily.

"Yucai? Then I'll join too!" Song Miaomiao said with a smile, and gently inserted a piece of fruit into her mouth gracefully.

"Miaomiao too? Hehehe... This time our childhood playmates are gathered together." Zhan Lie smiled gently, with a nice voice.

Song Miaomiao, Ye Jueao, and Feng Youran were slightly shocked. Indeed, Ye Juehan was only here, but when they thought of this person, their moods were different.

Leaving Zhan Lie's house, Ye Jue held Feng Youran's hand, and the two walked leisurely, all the way towards the sunset and the sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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