Chapter 123 The Gypsy Girl (1)
"Shen Mingli!" Xiao Moren yelled again, and after a while the door finally opened, but what he saw was not Shen Mingli, but a muscular mixed-race man standing at the door, and next to him was Luo Fang with a big belly.

Luo Fang looked at Xiao Moren and smiled slowly, then looked at him in a hurry, and said slowly: "You are late!"

Xiao Moren frowned, and wanted to ask about Shen Mingli's whereabouts. If Shen Mingli had already been captured, it was impossible for him not to appear so quietly.

"He's not a family right now, walk slowly, don't see him off!" Luo Fang turned and left after speaking, and the door was closed at the moment she turned around.

His other home?Shen Mingli, you are a fool, you did this because of a woman, now that he can't find him, probably even if he finds Luo Fang, his composure and self-confidence will be useless...

Luo Fang... In his impression, she has been looking at Shen Mingli with eyes full of love, just so lightly, but like faith, but in her eyes just now, those things that seemed to have passed away have long since turned into Shen Mingli Knowing the resentment, the couple finally became like this, is it Shen Mingli's doom or God's tease... How many people can have a life of more than ten years, and how many people can be by my side like this for a lifetime... Cherish... Maybe this thing makes me feel sad. He awakened to the hidden meaning...

Mo Yu looked at Xiao Moren who suddenly became quiet, held his hand, and looked into his eyes worriedly, which were full of deep love.

Xiao Moren also looked at Mo Yu, and looked seriously at the woman in front of him, this woman who had been with him for more than ten years but had no regrets. He pulled her into his arms and closed his eyes Shen Sheng said: "Mo Yu, let's get married!"

Mo Yu was stiff all over, and couldn't believe what he heard.

"Let's get married!" Xiao Moren repeated again. Now his heart is also very complicated. No one can predict his life and death in the next moment, nor can he predict what he will become in the next ten years. If... If a steadfast Love is the last thing left, so why can't he open his heart and start a new life, even if the wind and rain come, he will never be alone again.

"You, you're joking." Mo Yu said with trembling lips, tears streaming down his face earlier, and the arms holding him tightened unceasingly.

"No, this is what I want to say most in my life, let's go!" Xiao Moren said with a smile, hugging Mo Yu tightly, looking at the lights in the distance, the two of them walked towards the car hand in hand, and then disappeared into the thick night among.

Luo Fang stood by the French window on the second floor, gently stroking her stomach with her hands, and looked at the red car with complicated expressions...

Baby, mother has nothing left, but for you, I will protect everything that belongs to you, and no one can touch it, including... your father... Shen Mingli lay on the big bed a little restlessly, watching Zhao Xiaowei wipe her hair Walked out of the bathroom and didn't speak.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Xiaowei asked softly. Tomorrow she will get what she has been looking forward to for nearly ten years. She will become a legitimate Mrs. Shen, and she will never be an underground lover again, and his son will also be the Shen family. the prince.

"I don't know, it seems like something is going to happen." Shen Mingli said uncertainly, the divorce agreement has been prepared, he will divorce Luo Fang tomorrow, and he will try his best to give her the compensation for the breakup, but for decades couple, he also felt a little guilty.

"Don't think about it, maybe you are under a lot of pressure to discuss the cooperation with Hong Kong recently? I will massage your head and sleep well, and you will be fine tomorrow." Zhao Xiaowei smiled.

"Well, maybe I'm thinking too much!" Shen Mingli smiled, lying on Zhao Xiaowei's lap, enjoying the beauty's service.

Feng Youran took a pen and drew a cross on Shen Mingli's name, then looked at it with a smile, with a dress covering her shoulders, she turned her head and took Ye Jueao's hand.

"Busy working?"

"Not yet. I met a few people from Macau through an American friend. The project in Kyoto is working well, and I have a lot of funds on hand. I plan to cooperate with them." Ye Jueao said without any concealment Said.

"Going to Macau, do you want to be a casino?" Feng Youran said in surprise.

Ye Jueao pinched her little nose, and said with a smile, "I just want to be a legal businessman, but I haven't finalized what to do, after all, it's not the only one over there."

"I'm worried about you." Feng Youran snorted.

"With your words, I would die for you!"

"I don't like to hear these words. Promise me that no matter when the time comes, no matter what happens, I will want you to live, even if... we are enemies, opponents, I will not allow you to die." Feng Youran held his hand stubbornly Said.

"Hehehe... There is no such day, I will always be like this, always be by your side as the person who loves you, little girl, tomorrow is an important day for you, go to bed early, don't let wild thoughts go." Ye Jue smiled proudly at her A kiss was printed on his forehead, and he shook his head amusedly.

There will never be a day when he and Feng Youran, she is his bride, there will be no one else in this life except her, no one can change...

Feng Youran also kissed him, watching him leave, she felt inexplicably sad, the words just now came from her mouth for some reason, thinking of the way Ye Jue looked at her, she also shook her head Head, when did she become so suspicious?He can let go of Yejia for her and guard by his side. After so much, what else can make her doubt?

This... Is it because I love you too deeply, to the point of being cowardly...

Shen Mingli got into the car with the divorce agreement that had been drawn up, and under the watchful eye of Zhao Xiaowei, he left the villa where he and Zhao Xiaowei lived together. Compared with the luxury of Greenland Villa, this place is more peaceful and leisurely. And the location close to mountains and rivers is several times more than the green space.

The uneasiness from last night reappeared in his mind, Shen Mingli frowned, and decided to settle the matter between him and Luo Fang as soon as possible, maybe everything would be smoothed out and he could start his new life.

At this moment, he didn't even consider that Luo Fang also had a child of Shen Mingli in his stomach, and he thought more about himself.

Luo Fang glanced at the time, and stood in the living room habitually, but today there was no figure of the man here, her hand was hanging by her side, she smiled coldly, and glanced at the expressionless and stern two in the living room. A man, said slowly: "When will Miss Feng arrive?"

"At nine o'clock, she will show up at Mr. Shen's magazine office, and there is no need for Madam to worry, everything is going according to plan." Alex said in a deep voice. In fact, he also did not understand the master's intentions. For the top experts, the ones who can let them go out on missions are basically heavyweights. Whenever a person of this status is equipped with the two brothers to protect them.

(End of this chapter)

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