Chapter 124 The Gypsy Girl (2)
But the master's order is unquestionable, and his pungent methods made those who tried it even more terrified, so they had to obey absolutely, but he became more and more curious about that Miss Feng. Could it be that everything was caused by her? body?

"Then I'll get ready." Luo Fang said as she turned and went upstairs. Alex and Sam made a gesture, and then followed behind her.

Luo Fang stopped in her tracks, turned her head and looked at Alex, "Are you guarding against me?"

Alex replied blankly: "I am responsible for protecting the safety of Madam, so before you are in front of Miss Feng, I am obliged to protect you at all times. Madam can do whatever she wants, so don't worry about me." Not slow to follow behind her.

Luo Fang was a little annoyed, but then she realized that Feng Youran would never allow herself to repent easily at this time. If she repented, the consequences would definitely not be something she could bear. She has the ability to protect her, just as she has the ability to destroy her , This kind of cognition made her feel more awe of Feng Youran.

"It's up to you!" Luo Fang went upstairs after finishing speaking, went back to the room, changed into a dress for herself, put on a goose yellow shawl, combed her hair, and walked out again.

Looking at the time, Luo Fang went downstairs, got in the car prepared by Feng Youran, and drove all the way to Shen Mingli's Kyoto Literature and Art Magazine.

At this time, Feng Youran and Ma Qiang were sitting in the car in front of the Kyoto Literature and Art Magazine. The black glass made it impossible to see the figure of the people inside. As time passed, a familiar car appeared At the gate of the magazine, but before driving in, it was surrounded by a group of reporters who had been waiting for a long time.

Shen Mingli looked at those reporters, a little puzzled and surprised, what's going on?How come there are so many people there so early in the morning?His eyes searched hard among these people, and suddenly a reporter who had dealt with several times came into his eyes, he opened the car window and frowned at him and asked.

"Old He, what's going on? Why did you come to me?"

That reporter, Old He, also looked at Shen Mingli in astonishment, squeezed to the window, and quickly said in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, you changed hands of the magazine, and you still don't know?"

"Changed hands? Nonsense!" Shen Mingli said angrily with a gloomy face, changed hands?How could he just transfer his decades of hard work?Who spread the rumors?

"Ah... I don't know if I'm talking nonsense, but I'll probably know later." Lao He said with a sigh, feeling sorry for Shen Mingli in his heart. It seems that he didn't even know how he died, and the news came in the middle of the night. Let him get the front-page report today. The most important thing in their news industry is contacts and news networks. Although the news is shocking, with the above attitude, there is absolutely nothing wrong.

And he also had some friendship with Shen Mingli, seeing his bewildered and angry look, he said everything he could say.

With shock, Shen Mingli slowly drove the car into the parking lot in front of the magazine office, got out of the car, and was immediately surrounded again.

"What are you all doing? Don't create something out of nothing, be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

"Guard, guard, let them leave quickly!" Shen Mingli shouted loudly, but even though his voice was not low, he seemed so powerless and insignificant in the noisy crowd.

"Mr. Shen, don't you know about the transfer? I heard that the person in charge of taking over the art magazine is coming soon. You don't know anything about it?" A reporter squeezed forward and asked.

"I don't know, I don't know, my magazine is my painstaking effort, and I can't sell it to others in my life!" Shen Mingli can no longer maintain his good temper, such persecution made him fuming, and he wanted to kill him The one who lied.

"Could it be an inner ghost in the company?" Another person speculated, looking at Shen Mingli sympathetically.

"Hurry up, I tell you to hurry up, Wenwei, call the police!" Shen Mingli pushed away those who stood in front of him, walked towards the guard, picked up the phone and dialed out.

But the phone was not connected yet, a pair of somewhat rough hands pressed the button to hang up, and that gentle smiling face made people feel a cold current from an extremely cold place at this moment.

"What are you doing here? I'm busy here!" Shen Mingli unhappily knocked off Luo Fang's hand, and continued to prepare to call the police.

And Luo Fang felt chilled because of Shen Mingli's action of abandoning him like a shoe, she withdrew her hand, and gently wiped the place touched by him with a handkerchief, extremely graceful.

As soon as Shen Mingli looked up at her movements, and then at her expression, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Hanging up the phone, "Why are you here?" Shen Mingli asked coldly, his eyes fixed on Luo Fang.

"Why can't I come?" Luo Fang smiled lightly, the goose-yellow coat made her more feminine at this time, so gentle that it seemed to melt into a puddle of water.

Shen Mingli didn't speak, but frowned, as if he was constantly analyzing her words, his eyes were full of doubt and distrust.

Luo Fang didn't care what he did, and walked outside on her own, while Alex and Sam were still standing behind her. This situation suddenly made Shen Mingli reflect.

He took a step forward and was about to grab Luo Fang's wrist, but a flashing figure grabbed his hand firmly and then flung it away. Shen Mingli was even more angry when he saw that person clearly.

"Luo Fang, since when have you started playing with men? It seems that I, Shen Mingli, sometimes go astray." Shen Mingli sneered.

Luo Fang turned around and calmly looked at the furious Shen Mingli. This man is really ugly right now, and she was so hesitant before coming here, she really shouldn't...

"Shen Mingli, I know how to play, and I won't be like you. I played with a seven-year-old son. I have endured it for so long, and I have been a hypocrite for so long. Now I don't want to bear it anymore? Think about it? Am I going to live with that woman? That's what you plan to do, right?" Luo Fang asked.

Shen Mingli was taken aback for a moment, and pursed his lips tightly, "Don't force your words."

"Hehehe... I'm being unreasonable. I have been with you for decades as a regular wife. From when you were nothing to now, what have I gained? Except for the title of Mrs. Shen, you have put your heart on it. On me? For so many years, because I couldn't give birth to a child and a half daughter for you, you clearly saw how painful I was, but you deliberately drugged me to prevent me from becoming pregnant. What kind of heart do you have? Are you sorry for me?" Luo Fang said word by word, her eyes were sore, but there were no tears, she shed too many tears for him, and now he doesn't deserve her to shed a tear.

"Then what did you think when the Luo family separated me and Xiaowei? You don't know my pain. The two of them have been living like mice all these years. How about you? Can you feel it? Don't say it I'm ruthless, if you want to blame you, you shouldn't have intervened between us." Shen Mingli also said clearly, and then threw the divorce agreement in the briefcase on Luo Fang, but it happened to hit her protruding belly.

(End of this chapter)

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