Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 130 Meeting Ge Song Again

Chapter 130 Meeting Ge Song Again (3)
"Ge Song..." She wasn't sure, she hadn't seen him for more than a year since that parting, she thought it would be very difficult to meet him in this life, but she didn't expect to meet him here.

Ge Song turned around with a smile, stretched out his hand and looked at Feng Youran enthusiastically, and Feng Youran happily gave him a big hug.

"Why are you here?" Feng Youran asked.

"Heaven's guidance!" Ge Song said pointedly, but his brown eyes lightly swept towards Feng Youran's ankles, the golden light made him feel instantly better, and the smile on his face was even more brilliant, restrained From the aura just released, he instantly transformed into a gentle and suave young man. At this moment, no one could have imagined that he was the successor of the King of Arms, that devil full of dark aura...


Bu Qianrong looked at Ge Song in awe. Although she couldn't compare with Ge Song's ability, she saw the murderous intent that flashed in his eyes just now, and her eyes caught the traces and quickly swept across Feng Song. Youran, what she hates is that woman, but Ge Song protects her. Although she doesn't know what their relationship is, she knows that Ge Song, who is cold and even extremely bloodthirsty, will never treat a person so innocently, because in In her life, she had never seen such a careless smile from him. After thinking about it for less than half a second, she revealed the cuteness of her little daughter, stared at Ge Song, and shouted pretending to be dissatisfied.

Ge Song had put away the expression he had just leaked, and looked at Bu Qianrong's words, he lowered his eyes slightly, raised the corners of his lips and smiled: "Qianrong, you are so naughty."

Ye Jueao stood behind him, but he felt an inexplicable irritability and uneasiness in his heart. How could the timing of this person's appearance be so coincidental?The strength and speed that can't be ignored just now are above him, and more than that, he looks harmless, but it makes him feel that white teeth have been exposed under that harmless smile, this person... Definitely not a simple character.

"Cousin, do you know each other?" Bu Qianrong said with a smile, and looked at Feng Youran curiously, as if nothing happened just now.

Ge Song also followed her gaze, and said in a serious manner: "It's more than knowing..."

Bu Qianrong was shocked all over, and couldn't help but tremble in her heart. She smiled and walked in front of Feng Youran, showing an undefended smile, and said, "I was really rude just now, I'm sorry, forgive me, okay?" As he spoke, he took Feng Youran's hand and shook it familiarly.

Feng Youran lowered her eyes and took her hand. Her wheat-colored skin really made people like her jealous who couldn't get tanned. Although she didn't know why she came here so quickly to show her favor, she was willing to give Ge Song this face.

"It's all a misunderstanding, there's nothing unforgivable." After speaking, he raised his head and smiled.

Ge Song's eyes fell on the smile mark on Feng Youran's lips, and he actually wanted to reach out and touch that real feeling.

Bu Qianrong caught Ge Song's momentary daze, and sighed for her decision just now, it's a good thing she didn't offend the devil.

Ye Jueao stood where he was, but he still didn't find anything. He didn't know how to make friends with Feng Youran, but the moment he raised his eyes, he also saw the flash of emotion in Ge Song's eyes, which made him feel a little complicated , this person... is better than him... Although I didn't see anything else, this sentence came to my mind.

"Jueao, come quickly, let me introduce you." Feng Youran walked over with a smile, stretched out her small white hand to hold Ye Jueao's big hand, so natural, so taken for granted, Ye Jueao instantly Full of strength again, he greeted Ge Song's eyes that suddenly darkened with a confident smile.

"Youran, is this the friend who was with you?" Ge Song asked slowly, with a smile on his face, but it was just an expression, without the mood just now.

"Ge Song, this is my boyfriend, Ye Jueao!"

"Jueao, this is my good friend, Ge Song!" Feng Youran introduced while standing between the two of them.

"Long time!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" After speaking, the two reached out their hands tacitly, and then seemed to be slow, but in fact they tortured each other with the strength that they wanted to crush each other.

Feng Youran glanced at them, then put her hands on those of the two of them, raised her phoenix eyes and said jokingly, "Why are you so reluctant to let go after seeing each other, could it fell in love at first sight?"

Ye Jueao and Ge Song let go of their hands in an instant, and then looked at Feng Youran's playful eyes with aversion, and then smiled.

"I only like leisurely alone in this life." Ye Jueao swore, walked a few steps to the reclining chair just now, picked up a towel and gently wiped the right hand he was holding just now, looking provocatively With Ge Song.

"Hehehe... Youran is really getting more and more naughty, I don't know what will happen to my uncle when he sees you?" Ge Song said with a smile, with his hands behind his back, and also wiped his hands with the back of his shirt in disgust.

Bu Qianrong clearly saw Ge Song's actions, she was looking at the expensive hand-made custom shirt with pain, it was enough money for many people to eat for a year, and it was wasted like this, she I can guarantee that this shirt will definitely be thrown into the incinerator of Ge Song's family. For the things he hates, he, Ge Song, will definitely destroy without any ashes, just like his people.

"You said he's here too?" Feng Youran said in surprise, that person was also special to her, she learned a lot from him during the few months with him, but she couldn't understand him , and she never thought that she would be in such a situation when she left there. Although they didn't break up unhappy, they couldn't talk about harmony. This was always an indelible regret and melancholy to her...

"It's hard to say, you also know his temper. I'm going to have a party tomorrow night, maybe he will show up, leisurely, you are my territory now, let me do my best as a landlord, okay?" Ge Song He sincerely invited, and looked at Feng Youran expectantly.

Feng Youran was a little hesitant, she only regarded Ge Song as a friend and didn't want to do anything, but based on her feeling, she felt that Ge Song wanted to be different from what she thought, but Ge Guanyu's temptation existed, so she didn't want to refuse.

Ye Jueao's hand froze for a moment, others couldn't see Feng Youran's change, could he...

"In that case, let's go play too?" Ye Jueao stepped forward and said with a smile.

Ge Song's brown pupils shrank quickly, and said with a smile: "It's still easy to talk between men, so let's decide. The Feng Youran I know is not such a coy person!"

"Okay, then let's go there tomorrow." Feng Youran smiled, and suppressed the complexity in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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