Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 131 Meeting Ge Song Again

Chapter 131 Meeting Ge Song Again (4)
"I'll send someone to pick you up at the hotel tomorrow morning." Ge Song smiled.

But Bu Qianrong came up with a smile, took Ge Song's hand and blamed: "Cousin, you are too mean, your family has caught up with the castle, and you are still stingy with two rooms to entertain friends? Today I can see It's your stinginess!"

"You girl, I'm saying I'm stingy." Turning to look at Feng Youran, she spread her hands and said helplessly: "Youran, Jueao, let's go back together, or this girl might say behind my back how stingy I am." Woolen cloth!"

"That's right, it's decent." Bu Qianrong agreed with a smile, her beautiful big eyes swept Ye Jueao's direction catching the trace, and suppressed the smile in her eyes.

"Jueao, what do you think?" Feng Youran asked with a smile, she didn't think it mattered, but she respected Ye Jueao, if he didn't like him, then she wouldn't agree.

Ye Jueao looked at Feng Youran, and naturally felt her thoughts, the haze just now disappeared, and he only saw his own shadow in Feng Youran's eyes.


Then Bu Qianrong greeted the people around him, and followed Ge Song and the others towards the hotel where Feng Youran and Ye Jueao stayed. The two of them went upstairs to pack their luggage, while Ge Song and Bu Qianrong were at the hotel waiting for them in the hall.

As soon as the two of them sat down, the manager of the hotel trotted over feeling the sweat on his brow, and stood beside Ge Song respectfully.

"Young master!" I don't know what day it is today, but the young master actually appeared here, and if it wasn't for Ji Ling, the lobby manager downstairs, he wouldn't know it. If he neglected the young master, then he would definitely not have a good day, but Just saw it, why did he feel that the young master is in a surprisingly good mood today?

"Well, don't worry about me, go down!" Ge Song waved his hand indifferently, picked up the water glass and took a sip.

"Yes!" After speaking, the manager retreated respectfully.

Bu Qianrong looked at Ge Song like a new mirror, she didn't expect that the cold-blooded and cruel cousin could not escape the relationship, which really surprised her.

"Cousin is ready today?" Bu Qianrong is casually wearing an ankle-length chiffon dress at this time. The deep V neckline makes the bikini inside faintly visible. Regardless of her young age, but Under the foreign diet and habits, her figure is not like the petite flat of the oriental people, but rather bumpy, hot and shocking.

Ge Song raised his eyelids lightly, and leaned leisurely on the sofa, "Have you taken a fancy to that man?" His legs in white linen slacks folded gracefully, and he looked at the little pepper opposite with a half-smile.

This cousin can also be said to be an outlier in the family. For several generations in the Bu family, men have been trained as successors, but this generation is unique to her. The Bu family has only produced her as an only child, and there is no male. It can be said that the whole family was in a hurry. Although a male appeared in the end, it was too inappropriate in terms of status and age. Sooner or later, the head of the Bu family would fall on her.

And she also has a bit of deserted, cold-blooded, smart and beautiful that belongs to the Ge family, but at the same time, no one can catch her eyes.

"I'm the same as my cousin." Bu Qianrong said unabashedly, frankly and shockingly.

"Then each depends on his ability. I don't want to see what happened today, otherwise, don't blame my cousin... Hu, short!"

"Hehehe...Cousin, is she still my little cousin, you just like this? If you become, how can you spoil me?" Bu Qianrong laughed, but her heart was heavy and she couldn't hurt her. That woman is indeed a bit difficult. If her usual wrist is used, killing or cutting a mere woman is a matter of her words, so why is it so troublesome.

"Little cousin...hehehe..." Ge Song smiled faintly because of this address. His fair and handsome face and slightly curly hair made him more popular at this time. How rare and kind, look more harmless.

Bu Qianrong looked at him, sighed secretly, and then asked in a low voice.

"Cousin, do you have... a plan?"

Ge Song took advantage of the situation and knocked her on the head once, "Buddha's day can't be said, can't be said..." Then seeing that she was a little naked, he stretched out his hand and pulled her collar.

"Why?" Bu Qianrong slapped his hand off and hummed.

"Although I know what Ye Jueao likes, but your appearance... probably won't catch his eyes." Ge Song said intuitively.

"You don't care about me!" Despite saying this, Bu Qianrong tugged on the collar, feeling a little depressed in her heart, but with a sweet feeling.Back in the room, Ye Jueao and Feng Youran each packed their luggage and put them by the door, waiting for the waiter to come and pick them up. Ye Jueao looked at Feng Youran's dry lips, got up and went back to the room to pour her a glass of warm water.

"What does Ge Song do? He seems very mysterious." Ye Jueao asked slowly, looking at Feng Youran's expression.

Feng Youran took a few sips of water, sighed, and looked at him helplessly, "What are you doubting?"

"No, I'm just curious." Ye Jueao replied, but only he knew if he was curious or not.

Feng Youran looked at him, "I don't know his background very well, but he shouldn't be a simple person..." She really only knew this. At the beginning, she and Ge Song studied and played together on the mountain, but they never said anything. It's just so pure... But can Jueao believe it?
Ye Jue smiled proudly, "Let's go, it's almost time, don't keep your friend waiting!" Then, without waiting for the waiter to come over, he stood in the corridor with two suitcases and looked back at Feng Youran , the expression on his face remains the same.

"Yeah!" Feng Youran smiled and followed.

Ge Song watched them get out of the elevator, and glanced at the location of the lobby manager with some displeasure, making the lobby manager almost limp. Seeing that the guest whom the young master cared about came down with his luggage, he broke out in a cold sweat , ignoring the others and rushed over directly.

Ye Jueao kept looking at Ge Song, so he noticed his every move. When the man approached, he turned slightly sideways and walked over.

Seeing this, Ge Song put away his displeasure and went up to him.

"Let's go!" He said without any explanation and reached for the red suitcase.

"No, it's just a few steps away, so you don't have to bother." Ye Jueao said, holding Feng Youran's things tightly in his hands, a touch of alienation appeared on his seemingly gentle face.

"Alright." Ge Song withdrew his hand and walked beside Feng Youran, while Bu Qianrong walked by Ye Jueao's side. The four handsome men and women walked out of the hotel like this, attracting countless astonishing gazes.

Looking at the red Maserati sports car parked at the door, Bu Qianrong blew a whistle, raised his eyebrows and looked at Ge Song.

"Cousin, is this the first car you changed this year? Isn't it too flamboyant?" Said so, but Bu Qianrong couldn't hide the love in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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