Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 144 The Return of Jueao

Chapter 144 The Return of Jueao (2)
But he can't say it, it will only make both of them more uncomfortable.During this period of getting along, he saw Feng Youran's excellence, and also felt the somewhat suppressed emotions hidden in her heart, all because of Ye Jueao, but the person whose self-esteem was hit hard couldn't see clearly These, blindly avoiding, even hurt her.

"Zhan Lie... Is Jue Ao okay?" Feng Youran asked quietly, then turned and walked towards home.

Zhan Lie was taken aback, because Feng Youran had never asked herself.

"Forget it, let's stop talking, let's go, I'm a little tired!" Feng Youran said quickly, because she saw the hesitation and a touch of pity in Zhan Lie's eyes, but the answer is already in her heart, isn't it?It's just that she deliberately pretended not to see anything.

"Youran, he'll be back soon!" Zhan Lie said, looking at Feng Youran seriously, her expression fell into his eyes just now, her sadness and heartbreak made him feel heartbroken, he couldn't let them If the two continue to torture like this, today he will make it clear to Ye Jueao, knock his head off, and let him see what he has done.

Feng Youran didn't speak any more, just sighed lightly...

After Zhan Lie sent Feng Youran home, he found an excuse and walked out. In the phone booth, he waited with the handset frowning.

After a while, the phone was finally connected, and a drunken voice reached his ears.


As soon as Zhan Lie heard this, a burst of anger rushed up, he tightened his grip on the phone, gritted his thin white teeth and said bitterly: "Ye Jueao, are you still a man?"

When Ye Jueao heard Zhan Lie's voice, he was [-]% sober from his drunkenness. He rubbed his handsome face with his hands, sat by the bed and said angrily, "Liezi, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Don't tell me I'm sorry. I thought you'd figured it out, but you've been avoiding it for so long, and I'm here to help you block it, thinking you'd be able to wake up, but look at your actions now, I'm really Regret, regret agreeing to you."

"Liezi, what's wrong with you? Could something have happened?" Ye Jueao asked nervously while clutching the phone, with anxiety and uneasiness in his eyes.

"Are you still worried?" Zhan Lie asked angrily, and sighed in his mouth. These two people are extremely smart people, but they are so naive, which made him very angry when he saw it, but he was helpless.

"Liezi, tell me, you still don't know my heart?" Ye Jue smiled wryly. During this period of time, he was also suffering. Although he didn't call Feng Youran, it was entirely because he hadn't adjusted his mentality. He didn't want Feng Youran to share his pain.

"When will you be back?" Zhan Lie asked again.

"The cooperation has just been discussed here. I guess I won't be able to go back until the construction starts."

"Jueao, come back early. I agreed with you to leave because I thought you needed space to breathe and calm yourself down. But during this time, I was with Youran. I now understand her heart for you. It's not because of what she paid You are few, it is because she has confidence in you, even if, as you said, you are not as good as Ge Song, she still loves you, she just loves you as a person, why do you have to be so stubborn." Zhan Lie painstakingly persuaded.

"Liezi, I..." Ye Jueao hesitated after hearing his words.

"At the beginning, I thought you had the courage to leave the Ye family and want to be with her. I admired your courage. At that time, I thought, if I could be as lucky as you someday, I would meet someone who made me put everything aside. But, Jue Ao, how long has it been since you started, let’s say one more year? Where did your courage and determination go? You can obviously be very happy, why? Torturing each other like this, is this love?" Zhan Lie leaned against the phone booth and said slowly, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

Ye Jueao was silent, he leaned against the bed, against the cold wall, yes?How long has it been before their love can't stand the test?Is it love?Still at the beginning...

"Jueao, do you doubt it too?" Zhan Lie's voice floated over slowly, revealing a wave of powerlessness.

"Liezi, I'll go back as soon as possible, wait for me!" Ye Jueao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Hearing the beeping sound in the microphone, Zhan Lie suddenly smiled, Jue Ao, you...

After returning to the small courtyard, Zhan Lie looked at the lit lights, smiled gently, closed the door, and walked into Ye Jueao's room.The pointer of time will not change because of people's will, it is still moving forward and will not stop for anyone.

On the afternoon of the weekend, Feng leisurely lay on the bench in the yard, enjoying the rare leisure with her eyes closed, but her brain never stopped for a moment, and she didn't want to stop, because she would feel lonely when she stopped. She will feel heartache, and will start to miss him, so she has to be busy and squeeze out all her free time, so that she can face it calmly instead of showing a disgusting ugly face.

"Youran, I brought you some fruits, come and have a look!" Bai Yi smiled and walked in carrying a basket of southern fruits. He was dressed in white under the sun, making her stare slightly stunned, and then smiled. It gradually got bigger.

"What are you laughing at?" Bai Yi said as he sat next to her, took out a lychee and carefully peeled it.

"I was thinking about the scene when I saw you for the first time. You seemed to be wearing white clothes that day too..." Feng Youran said with some nostalgia. For some reason, she actually remembered the past, which had never happened before.

"Hehehe... You were domineering enough at that time. To be honest, I was really afraid of you!" Bai Yi laughed and teased, and told her frankly how he felt.

"If you give me another chance, I will do it again, because I think you can do it!"

"You really think so? To be honest, I felt insulted more than your confidence in me at the time, and I resented your ruthlessness in my heart." Bai Yi leaned to the side and said lightly, but his eyes faintly glanced into the distance If not for that encounter, then he would not be tempted, and he would not have tasted the pain of heartache, but he does not regret it, he is grateful to God for letting them meet again and again, even if it is only the fate of friends, she is satisfied up.

"You didn't come here today just to bring me some fruit, right?" Feng Youran unceremoniously ate the lychees that Bai Yi had prepared one by one, her beautiful phoenix eyes glistening.

"Human spirit, it seems my morality is not deep enough!" Bai Yi shook his head and laughed.

"Is it about that piece of land?" Feng Youran asked directly.

"Well, I have investigated that place. In addition to tens of thousands of households living there, it used to be a family area of ​​a state-owned chemical factory. Although the factory did not go bankrupt, it had a lot of foreign debts, and those people lived there. Your house is considered public property, if you want to move it, you have to move your whole body." Bai Yi said with a frown, he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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