Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 145 The Return of Jueao

Chapter 145 The Return of Jueao (3)
"Chemical plant? Is it state-owned?" Feng Youran was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that there would be such a twists and turns in the place she was looking for. Since it was state-owned, the process would be complicated.

"Why don't you change the place? The capital is so big, why should it be?" Bai Yi persuaded, he had already searched for several places in the capital in private, and if Feng Youran had an idea, he could provide it right away.

Feng Youran thought for a while, then shook her head lightly, her eyes were deep and difficult to understand.

Bai Yi didn't disturb her thoughts, and glanced at the book Feng Youran put aside, his eyes flickered suddenly.

"Bai Yi, I have to take that piece of land. Don't make any moves yet. I need to plan carefully before I act." Feng Youran said confidently. If all the funds and real estate are counted out, if it is done, then what she will get will be hundreds of times the benefits, and with a higher starting point, her empire will be built more perfectly.

The passion in her heart was surging because of her own thoughts, not only Bai Yi was moved by the brilliance that radiated from her body, but Zhan Lie who walked in was also slightly taken aback, as if he felt that he had missed something just now.

Although Ye Jueao didn't come back, it was rare to see Feng Youran in such a good mood, and he was also happy for her. He used to only think of her as Ye Jueao's girlfriend, a little girl that grandpa liked, and a female apprentice who made Dad feel sorry , now he feels that she has become his indispensable friend, a smart and intelligent friend.

"Zhan Lie, come and eat some fruit!" Feng Youran shouted with a smile, she was grateful for Zhan Lie's company during this time, and also thanked him for his silent encouragement behind the scenes, no matter what happened to Yu Jueao, she was committed to this friend.

"I asked about the fragrance all the way. It's really not easy to eat fruits from the south at this time!" Zhan Lie smiled and looked at Bai Yi after speaking.

Bai Yi also smiled, and replied lightly: "As long as you have the heart, nothing is impossible!" He hated this Zhan Lie, not for any other reason, but because he was the brother of Ye Jueao. It made him uncomfortable, and Ye Jueao hadn't come for such a long time, as long as he thought of Feng Youran's grievances, he wished he could disappear.

"Yes, but you have to have a heart, and you have to have a heart!" Zhan Lie's stern face showed a touch of strength.

"Okay, can you let me calm down for a while?" Feng Youran snorted, two people are rare to have a good temper when separated, but it's bad when they get together, and it happens every time.

"Okay, I'll shut up!" After Zhan Lie finished speaking, he made a movement of zipping the zipper, and began to gorge on the fruit Bai Yi gave Feng Youran with a smile, his eyes showed a provocative dark light.

Bai Yi pursed his lips and looked at Zhan Lie. After a while, he laughed, then walked to the door and brought in another large box of fruit that was in the car outside. Strongest location.

"Youran, you can eat whatever you like, I still have it in the car!" Bai Yi smiled like a fox, as if telling Zhan Lie that he had expected this behavior a long time ago.

Zhan Lie glared at him, it turned out to be a fox, he behaved like a kitten in front of Youran, he changed his face when he turned his head, his kung fu, he was really astonished.After eating a full stomach of fruit, the calmness on Zhan Lie's face began to change color after half an hour.

"Gulu... Gululu... Gu..." There was a violent bowel sound in his stomach, and Zhan Lie, a doctor, immediately knew his situation and got up to leave.

"What are you doing here?" Bai Yi lightly stopped in front of Zhan Lie, listening to Zhan Lie's gurgling in his ears as if enjoying himself, with an expression that was completely pissed off.

"Go away!" Zhan Lie gritted Bai Xi's teeth and said angrily, how could he forget that Bai Yi is a vicious fox?
"Let's go after eating?" Bai Yi said as he handed over another kiwi.

"Gululu..." There was another sound, louder than before, Zhan Lie's face was no longer calm, he pushed Bai Yi away and rushed into the toilet beside him in a hurry.

"Hahaha..." Bai Yi saw him clutching his stomach and resisting to rush into the toilet, instantly feeling happy physically and mentally, but when he lowered his head, he saw Feng Youran glaring at him angrily.

"Don't mess with him like this next time!"

Bai Yi tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"He's my friend, just like you." Feng Youran looked at Bai Yi's scumbag expression, and said with a smile.

"I'm the same as him? I'm not convinced, I'm better than him!" Bai Yi retorted with a smile in his eyes, trying to make things difficult for her.

"Hehehe... up to you!" Feng Youran shook her head and smiled, but she didn't accept the trick, which made Bai Yi lose her temper immediately, and he knew that Zhan Lie was also a friend to Feng Youran.

Zhan Lie squatted in the toilet, gritted his teeth, and tried to make a smaller sound, but no matter what, he still felt that the sound was too loud. Ten minutes later, he walked out of the toilet with a red face Come out, and dove into the room.

Feng Youran glared at Bai Yi, but in return he shrugged and smirked.

The autumn wind brought a few golden leaves to the small courtyard, and laughter echoed inside... Ye Jueao packed up the things in the room, put them into the suitcase, and then carefully put a small red box Holding it in his hand, pursing his lips, with a smile in his eyes, watching softly, the person is here, but his heart has drifted far away.

Dangdang... There was a knock on the door.

"Jason, why are you here?" Ye Jue said with a proud smile.

"Of course I'm here to see you off!" Jason said with a hearty smile. He didn't expect to meet such like-minded friends. The two met in a competition and usually communicated by phone. They actually had the same idea and tacit understanding, which made them all cherish each other.

Jason is a Portuguese aristocrat. His unique ethnicity makes him have a wild and free and easy temperament. His handsome and sunny appearance coupled with his charisma makes him inevitably the favored one in the eyes of everyone.

"The plan has already started, you are in charge!" Ye Jue reminded with a proud smile.

"Is it still a half hour away? Ao!" Jason's muscular arm patted Ye Jueao's shoulder.

"Brother, take it easy!"

"Hehehe... Are you in such a hurry to go back because you want to meet your sweetheart? I'm really curious about who you love so much that even the super beauty in our company can bear to leave behind." Jason asked curiously joked.

Ye Jueao smiled unexpectedly, "Next time, I promise to bring her over to introduce you to her next time, and let you know what a beauty is!"

(End of this chapter)

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