Chapter 150 The Wind Blows (3)
From the Bu family to Bu Qianrong's generation, she is the person in charge, and she has a good relationship with Ge Song, so the family is now waiting and watching, hoping that Bu Qianrong can take over the power smoothly. Home.

"Cousin!" Bu Qianrong shouted with a smile, she was wearing a bright red suspender dress like a dazzling rose, delicate and charming.

Ge Song looked Bu Qianrong up and down, and then said with a smile: "I have paved your way for you, whether you can take that person down depends on your ability!"

"Really?" Bu Qianrong yelled in disbelief. It's only been more than a month, and Ge Song really did it?How did he do that?
"When did I lie to you? don't believe in my ability?" Ge Song said with a half-smile.

" can I not believe my cousin, what about Feng Youran? What is my cousin going to do?" Bu Qianrong asked shrewdly, she didn't want anyone to play tricks behind her back, and Ge Song was so kind, she was Absolutely don't believe it, he definitely doesn't want any benefits, and just gave her such a big favor for nothing.

"You don't need to worry about the rest, just remember not to hurt her, otherwise don't blame your cousin for turning your face, that person is on the top of my heart, you understand!" Ge Song said with lowered eyes, a little warning He warned Bu Qianrong.

Bu Qianrong's expression froze for a moment. It is true that Feng Youran is Ge Song's heart, but it is true that she is a thorn in Bu Qianrong's heart. Her existence is a potential crisis for her. Ge Song If she could strike hard, so could she, but now she couldn't move.

"Of course I know, she will be my little cousin from now on, and it's too late for me to please her!" Bu Qianrong said with a smile.

"I'll give you the information on the table. You should know what the Ye family is asking for. I'm looking forward to what you're going to do!" Ge Song picked up a stack of documents on the coffee table and threw them in front of Bu Qianrong.

"Thank you cousin for the suggestion, Qianrong knows how to do it!" Bu Qianrong picked up the thing and held it tightly in his hand.

"It's getting late, let's go back!" After speaking, he waved his hand, drank coffee leisurely, and leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed. His leisurely and lazy appearance made him look like a cat.

Bu Qianrong exited Ge Song's study, his face changed from the softness just now, and became gloomy and cold.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Ge Song sighed faintly. Since he decided to take this move, he would have to make some sacrifices. The Bu family is an important partner to the Ge family, not to his mother. , and Bu Qianrong, who is also the future ruler of the Bu family, should maintain such a close relationship with him, but the intervention of the two of them had to disrupt his plan, but this is also good, relying on the Bu family for too long , It will also make them start to pick up Joe, and start to wonder who is the master who dominates the game.Xiao Moren looked at Feng Youran who was listening to the report in the meeting room. He was well-informed and had already received the news that Ye Jueao had returned to Ye's house, and to his surprise, Ye Jueao had completely separated from Feng Youran. He didn't know much about the things between them, but he had heard a lot of rumors. Looking at Feng Youran who was sitting upright with a calm face, he still showed admiration.

Those who can do great things are not fettered by their children's love, they are really powerful if they can take it up and put it down, but they can be called big men if they can be so decisive when their feelings are frustrated.

Feng Youran glanced around, stayed on Xiao Moren's body for two more seconds, then turned to the director of the financial department next to him and said, "I asked you to prepare the report last time, are you ready?"

"Ready, please take a look at Mr. Feng!" Director Sun quickly took it and placed it in front of her respectfully.

Feng Youran looked at the numbers above, lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, then looked around for a week and said with a smile: "The goal of this quarter is to swallow half of the domestic market, and prepare for the auction of advertisements. Advertisements are sent out in the form of auctions, with different locations and different prices, and the signing period is also a one-year settlement period, and all departments must move to fight this tough battle, and the bonus at the end of the year depends on everyone's performance!"

The people below began to whisper, now Wuji Literature and Art Company is already the publisher with the highest sales in the industry, but now Feng Youran said that if he won half of the country, the sales would double again, but how can the current sales be doubled? They are all headaches.

Xiao Moren looked at Feng Youran, smiled and said: "President Feng, your idea is good, but half of what you said is not something that can be solved with a single sentence. Now the sales are basically increasing steadily, so I want to increase the number sharply." , can’t we solve it?” This is a fact, although he has become a high-level executive in Wuji Literature and Art Company, he is still in charge of all his original parts. Feng Youran said that the sales increase, which also includes making him responsible The sales volume has also increased. He has been exploring and working hard these years, but he has never made a big breakthrough, otherwise he would not have been annexed by Feng Youran, so he is curious and making things difficult. After all, he He was also the supreme decision maker.

"Yes, yes, this sales volume is too high." People from other departments also echoed, after all, this is an impossible task, they are too curious.

"A quarter is three months, how is this possible?" the planning department also whispered in surprise, eyes widened.

Feng Youran looked around for a week, smiled, and the big curtain behind her slowly lowered behind her, and then the lights in the conference room began to dim.

"Who can explain the word stock to me?" Feng Youran turned sideways and asked everyone.

But the people who turned around all looked at a loss, this word seems like a bible to these people who are engaged in literature and art, and Xiao Moren has some knowledge, although he frowned and didn't think about it for a while.

"I've heard of stocks. It's quite popular in those capitalist countries, but in our country, some people were doing it a few years ago, but these years they only listen to the wind and not the rain." Xiao Moren said slowly, Still don't understand Feng Youran's meaning.

"Manager Xiao is still knowledgeable. Indeed, as you said, our domestic stock market is not a market, let alone a three-year-old child. But have you ever thought that since this thing is If it is fresh, it will be discovered by people, and it will be strengthened a little bit, everyone grows from a child to an adult, right?" Feng Youran said calmly, patiently speaking in a way that they can easily understand, but fortunately she was not in her previous life. She is willing to go out, and besides reading at home, she also reads financial news. Those lovely numbers are her pleasure, and the powerful mind after rebirth is like a computer, and it is easy to use the information that was once stored in the brain.

(End of this chapter)

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