Chapter 151 The Wind Blows (4)
"Then Mr. Feng means that we also want to do stocks?" The director of the marketing department asked hesitantly. He felt that Feng Youran was imagining, but he was a big boss, so he couldn't say too much.

"After you look at the big screen first, I'll continue!" Feng Youran got up and stood aside, and Su Xiaomo started to play the slideshow that she just made.

Feng Youran looked at the bustling scene outside, but the sadness in her heart never diminished. She had a premonition that the Ye family must be doing something secretly, or that Ye Juehan was planning something, and she was part of the calculation. The last time they met, his attitude was obviously very strange, and although she didn't want to think about what his purpose was, she couldn't sit still. The Ye family's influence in the capital had reached its peak, and Hua Wubai I believe Rihong is not the only one who understands this.

Because of love, because of love, she has been hurt too much, she is afraid, she is afraid, and she doesn't want to be contaminated anymore. In this life, she just wants to do what she likes peacefully, but with her own strength, it's just empty talk now, Ye Juehan The interest in her eyes made her feel like a fish on the cutting board, and she might be eaten by him again at any time. In the past, it was her wish for the two of them to be together, but now it is a shame, no matter Ye Juehan or Ye Jue Ao, she will never be contaminated again in this life, and she will not let them play around with her.

The power in the capital, with the Ye family present, she must be fully prepared if she wants to fight a beautiful battle. She wants to show their Ye family that she, Feng Youran, is not easy to handle, so after she thought for a long time, Decided to use this most effective and most unexpected method to give them a blow.

Everyone watched the materials compiled by Feng Youran on the big screen. Although they saw it, they didn't take it seriously. They felt that it was already a brilliant achievement to gain a firm foothold in the current field.

Feng Youran walked back to the conference table, holding the sides of the table with both hands, and looked at the expressions on everyone's faces. Although she was a little disappointed, she was relieved that there were still a few aliens.

"You, you, you, all stand up!" Feng Youran pointed at the soldiers like she was on the battlefield, and looked at the three of them with an unclear expression.

Liao Chenhui, Song Qiran, and Ma Qi stood up, two men and one woman, and they were the backbone of the business in the company who were in charge of promotion. Meeting.I thought this time it was just to sit on the surface, listen to the meeting report, and meet the high-ranking big boss, but I didn't expect to be called by the big boss. The three of them were excited and uneasy.

"Tell me what you think?" Feng Youran said with a light smile, with an encouraging look in her eyes.

Liao Chenhui is the older of the three, graduated from a third-rate university in China, and his parents are in small businesses, but he has a flexible mind and outstanding eloquence. He has worked under Xiao Moren for many years and is a good talent.Because he is doing marketing, he does not have those so-called literati-specific paranoia. On the contrary, he is more accepting of new things, and he has contact with many people outside, so he is also very well-informed. The stocks mentioned by Feng Youran, Although he didn't know much about it, he felt that this was a rare opportunity. Seeing the disapproval of so many people, he thought that the big boss had to give in, but he was called out by the boss with encouraging eyes. Courage and that passion rushed to his brain in an instant.

"I support Mr. Feng's idea. It is already a dormant trend in China. It is a rare opportunity to seize such an opportunity!" After Liao Chenhui finished speaking, he looked straight at Feng Youran with his confidence and admiration.

"What about you?" Feng Youran asked with a low smile.

"Although we are not the first to start, but the timing is right, and I have full confidence in this market." Ma Qi said firmly.

"If the company wants to expand and develop further, the joint-stock system is the most and correct choice!" Song Qiran said more calmly than the other two, his eyes brightened.

"Papa papa!" Feng Youran clapped her hands in satisfaction, raised her beautiful chin, and asked with a smile: "I like your courage, then, now the three of you are directly under my jurisdiction and are responsible for this business. Would you like to?"

Without hesitation, the three looked at each other excitedly, and then said firmly: "I am willing!" "I am willing too!"

All the high-level people sitting here can be regarded as understanding this time. It turns out that Feng Youran is not discussing with them again, but a notice. She is the boss, she has the right to do that, and this is also an excellent opportunity. Grabbing this opportunity, she gritted her teeth secretly. Instead of obeying Feng Youran's direct control, it would be better to say that she became the trump card army by her side. Thinking back to Feng Youran's short period of just over a year, from being unknown to now becoming a party in the capital Overlord, her ability is beyond doubt, so I am afraid that she has a good plan for the matter she mentioned.

The more the people around them thought about it, the more they felt that they hated their own hesitation. Now they could only look at those three young men enviously.

Xiao Moren also glanced at Liao Chenhui who was not far away. Unexpectedly, his expression was complicated, "Since Mr. Feng has already made a decision, then I, Xiao Moren, also fully support it!"

Everyone is a smart person. Xiao Moren, who is the most difficult to deal with, has expressed his opinion. He is a bit stupid if he is ignorant of current affairs. A large number of people who originally disagreed have now expressed their determination, and the meeting room became lively.

"Okay, I know what you think, and now you still do your job well. The development of the company is inseparable from the hard work and protection of each of you. Show me with your actions!" Feng Youran waved her hand after finishing speaking , took the lead to leave the conference room, and whispered something into Su Xiaomo's ear, Su Xiaomo stayed behind.

Su Xiaomo took Liao Chenhui, Song Qiran and Ma Qi out of the meeting room, and the four walked towards Feng Youran's office.

The three of them stood in front of the desk, looked at Feng Youran respectfully, their hearts were full of expectations, this was the result of their choice, they were confident that this was the most correct, and at this time their ideas had indeed been obtained decades later. verify.

"Sit down!" Feng Youran smiled lightly, walked to one end of the sofa, and motioned.

"Thank you, Mr. Feng!"

"Although I would carry out my plan like this without you today, but your presence makes me happier." Feng Youran said, leaning on the sofa lazily, which is a gesture of a superior, No matter what those people do, she can maintain this peaceful and extremely powerful self-confidence, and look down on the world.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, it was indeed the case, none of them did not admire Feng Youran's ability, and how could her strength be resisted by those people, but this attitude still made them hold back a little bit of their hearts With unrealistic ideas, several people became more respectful and humble.

(End of this chapter)

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