Chapter 155 The price of love (4)
Ye Juehan glanced at him complicatedly. The past between him and Feng Youran was just like what he said, but it was a thorn in the side. If he had had his courage back then, why would he be doing this now? ?For everything in the future, no one can predict. Looking at the way he talks now, he will still be like this one day in the future. If he... No, he must not give him a chance to regret it now, and he will not tolerate it. He turns back again.

"Jueao, friends and friends from the United States will come over in a few days, and you will be responsible for receiving them."

"Who is it? You don't lose face!" Ye Jue smiled arrogantly and charmingly.

"You will know when the time comes. The most important part of our plan depends on you." Ye Juehan reminded.

"Don't worry, I will never let you down!"

In the next few days, the atmosphere in Kyoto was like this weird weather, cloudy and sunny, making people flustered. Director Bao of the Ministry of Construction was pulled down for accepting bribes and using power for personal gain, and his fall was implicated. A lot of people.

Looking at the empty home, Bao Yumin saw that the things had been sealed by the people above. After checking, the home that had been unusually beautiful instantly fell into disrepair. She leaned on the stairs and looked at her mother, who was limp on the ground, and crawled over on her knees.


Mrs. Bao slowly turned her head to look at her daughter who was crawling over, blinking her red and swollen eyes sourly.

"Mom... what should we do? What about dad?" Bao Yumin cried, tugging at Mrs. Bao's clothes. If her dad goes to jail, then her life will be over. She is the daughter of a corrupt criminal. Can't be washed off.

"What should I do? Hehehe...Xiao Min, tell me the truth, who have you offended?" Mrs. Bao said with a wry smile. My daughter, how could something like this have something to do with Xiao Min?

Bao Yumin was stunned, and suddenly a person flashed into her mind, and then her head exploded in pain, and it hurt even to breathe.

"What's wrong? Xiao Min? Xiao Min?"

"Mom, wait for me, I'll go out, I must rescue Dad!" After saying that, Bao Yumin rushed out of the house and ran out staggeringly.

"Xiao Min! Xiao Min!" Mrs. Bao shouted from behind, but she couldn't stop her.

Bao Yumin ran to the school and rushed all the way to Feng Youran's class. Seeing her reading there, she plopped down on her knees.

"Feng Youran, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you last time, I was wrong, can you forgive me?"

Feng Youran sat on the chair, staring at Bao Yumin in front of her, without moving her eyebrows, she got up and passed by.

"Feng Youran, Feng Youran, I beg you! I beg you!" Bao Yumin shouted, knelt on the ground, followed her footsteps, stopped beside her, grabbed the corner of her clothes, looked up at her expression The indifferent Feng Youran's heart began to sink gradually.

"I'm not a fairy, you asked for the wrong place!" After speaking with a little force, the corner of the clothes floated in the air, and she walked away resolutely with her indifference.

Bao Yumin understood completely at this time, she rushed up from behind Feng Youran, since she refused to help, then she couldn't make her feel better.

"Feng Youran, go die!" After speaking, he took a small knife on the table and stabbed Feng Youran in the neck.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, but just as everyone was about to cover their eyes and wait for the blood to spill on the classroom, a bamboo flute burst out of the air, killing Bao Yumin's palm with a murderous aura. Nailed dead to the wall, bright red blood flowed down her fingers, and miserable cries resounded through the sky.


A figure came out from the door. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and leaned lazily by the door. He was a handsome man with a demonic nature. He was wearing a white linen gown with crystal clear skin. Perfect and exquisite facial features.

The black hair hangs loose like a waterfall, and the silk is wild but elegant. You can see the white forehead, and the clear and clear facial features like sculptures, and the bottomless black eyes overflowing from the slender eyebrows. People will hold back the attractive light when they see it. A red mole under the corner of the eye is as terrifying as an abyss but has a deadly magic power, which makes people addicted!
Underneath the tall white jade nose is a pair of beautiful lips. At this moment, the sides of these seductive lips have a slight dizzying curvature, and there is a charming luster on the pink lips... This man is a monster!
Feng Youran's gaze met that gaze, but she looked at that person in astonishment, opened her mouth slightly, and there were many inexplicable lights flashing in her eyes.

Ge Guanyu got up, walked towards Feng Youran step by step, then looked coldly at the girl nailed to the wall, smiled and said in Feng Youran's ear: "Are you scared?"

Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu who had become a little different, and also smiled heartlessly.

"Scared." But just now she actually had the illusion that she wanted to be relieved just like that, and wanted to end everything like this, but that was just a fleeting thought.

"Hehehe... I thought you weren't afraid!" Ge Guanyu said with a smile, the red mole under his eyes was extremely alluring.

"Why are you here?" Feng Youran asked suspiciously, looking at him, she couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Will it really change so much in more than a year?
"Ms. Ge, why did you come here early?" The dean looked at Ge Guanyu and said in surprise, but then he saw the man nailed to the wall with wide-eyed eyes and trembling fingers pointing at Bao Yumin.

"what happened?"

As soon as he asked, the students around him also came to their senses, and began to talk about what happened in a hurry. In the end, the director of academic affairs didn't care so much, let people watch the scene, and ran out by himself.

Soon the police came, and the principal hurried in, and Ye Juehan and Ye Jueao also appeared in the classroom one after the other.

Ye Juehan looked at Bao Yumin who was knocked down from the wall and taken away by the police in handcuffs, frowning so much that he could pinch someone to death.

When Bao Yumin passed by Ye Juehan, she looked up at his dark eyes with her hair loose, and her whole body trembled as if she was sifting chaff.

"Let me go..." Bao Yumin gasped, looking at Ye Juehan longingly.

"Use your family to redeem your sins!" Ye Jue's cold voice instantly pierced through all of Bao Yumin's strength, his eyes suddenly became dizzy, and he began to babble nonsense.

"Someone is going to kill me, someone is going to kill me, help!" Bao Yumin yelled in horror, but the people around only looked at her sympathetically, but no one spoke.

Everything ended in her madness, and the once-prominent Bao family also disappeared in the unfathomable city of Kyoto, becoming a taboo among many people overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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