Chapter 156 The price of love (5)
Leaning on crutches, Old Man Ye slammed it on the floor, glaring at Ye Juehan who was sitting there sipping tea. The black shirt was put on him obediently, and his slender legs were gracefully crossed.

"Why did you do this? Is he blocking your way? Do you know so well that you have attracted the attention of the people above? What good is it for you!" Old Man Ye asked sharply.

Ye Juehan blew on the light green tea in the teacup, smiled lightly and looked up at Old Master Ye.

"Grandpa, since I don't go that way, I won't pay more attention to those people. They are meaningless to me, and now I have this ability. I say that whether I play or mess around, it's all My skills!" Ye Juehan smiled nonchalantly.

Yes, when he has mastered all the resources and rights of the Ye family, he is no longer the original self. The path he chose is because of her, so as long as it is in the field he can control, he will definitely not It will make her a little bit wronged, and if he promises her, he will do it.

Grandpa Ye clenched the crutch in his hand and gritted his teeth. Now he regretted handing over the Ye family to him. He has become too much now.

"You did this just for Feng Youran. Where do you put the Ye family? I don't want to mention the matter of Jueao, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Can you guarantee that he will never see clearly? What are you going to do then? Do it? Do you want to kill your brother for a woman?" Old Man Ye said angrily.

A flash of light flashed across Ye Juehan's eyes, but he calmed down immediately, "He will have his happiness, Grandpa don't need to worry about it!"


"I'm sorry, Grandpa, I have something else to do!" After Ye Juehan finished speaking, he got up and left Old Master Ye's room.

Grandpa Ye watched his leaving back, leaned on the chair decadently, and smiled wryly... If he had known this ending, he really shouldn't have made that mistake back then.Bai Yi came to Feng Youran's small courtyard, saw her lazily leaning on the soft chair, playing with a bright red rose in her hand, his eyes like the breeze and the moon flickered slightly.

"What wind brought you here today?" Feng Youran smiled, her eyes were crystal clear.

"Can't you come if you have nothing to do? If you're not welcome, then I'm leaving!" Bai Yi joked standing at the door.

"Hehehe...I miss the slobber chicken you made, how about it, did I have a good meal today?" Feng Youran said with a smile.

"Okay, then I will grant your wish!"

After Bai Yi finished speaking, he walked into the kitchen with a smile. Feng Youran threw the flower in his hand aside, stepped on the flower with his shoes on, and walked leisurely into the kitchen step by step.

Seeing Bai Yi busy there, Feng Youran rested her chin in a good mood and watched him busy. As soon as Zhan Lie came in, she saw such a picture, endured an inexplicable feeling in her heart, and held the two Bags of fruit went in.

Feng Youran came out upon hearing the sound, looked at the things in his hand again, couldn't help but smile, turned back to look at Bai Yi who had stopped his hands and glared at Zhan Lie, and smiled at him comfortingly.

"You are not allowed to destroy my food!" After saying that, he walked out.

Zhan Lie looked at Feng Youran nervously, for some reason he didn't dare to look her directly in the eyes, there was an inexplicable fear in his heart, worry, panic... It was very complicated.

"Come here, what are you bringing? When did you get out of touch with me?" Feng Youran said with a smile, reaching out to take the things, but Zhan Lie turned sideways and hid.

"Your health is not good, don't move!" Zhan Lie said softly, looking at Feng Youran with concern.

"Then take it to the study!" Feng Youran sighed, and walked over first.

Bai Yi watched their leaving figures, slowly stopped the knife in his hand, and put away his gaze in a somewhat complicated manner.

Zhan Lie looked at the study room that had been rearranged. There was only a table and a set of Chinese-style couches in the huge room. The things that once belonged to Ye Jueao had long since disappeared, even completely disappeared. As if it never existed...

"Sit down." Feng Youran tugged at his sleeve, and sat with him on the mahogany couch with a smile. There was a small table in the middle with a set of teacups made of bamboo on which there was a slight steam. heat.

Zhan Lie looked at Feng Youran's hand holding his skirt, lowered his eyes, and was silent for a while.

Feng Youran was not in a hurry, she held the water glass and drank the water softly, the study was quiet and silent, the autumn wind blew in the small courtyard, making the trees in the courtyard rustle, and the leisurely melody gently calmed her heart of irritability.

Zhan Lie seemed to have figured something out, he looked straight at Feng Youran, "Youran, I want to tell you something!"

Feng Youran handed her eyes over, but put down the teacup, gently shook her head with a smile.

"Zhan Lie, you don't have to feel that you owe me anything, you didn't do anything, and everything has nothing to do with you, I'll take your heart, really!"

"No, I want to say that Jueao may have some unavoidable reasons." Zhan Lie said hastily, this is the conclusion he came to after thinking for a few days. He knew Ye Jueao's personality well since he was a child, and it is absolutely impossible for him to There must be something they don't know about using such despicable means.

Feng Youran lowered her eyes, raised her hand to stop Zhan Lie's words, and said quietly: "Zhan Lie, stop talking, I don't want to hear it!"

She also knew that there was something weird in it, but after Ye Jueao returned to Ye's house, she didn't dare to think about it anymore, not because she was afraid of thinking about it, but because she knew Ye Jueao's personality too well. With an indelible memory, in his heart, she is the witch who bewitched Ye Juehan. It's too late to hate her, how could he have other thoughts?

Ever since he went to Macau, she had a faint feeling that a pair of big hands were secretly pushing them forward, but she was powerless to stop them, so what if they found out the truth?Even if he recalls how?It's just that there is one more person who is in pain. Since she got love in the sky, she was hurt by love again and again. She doesn't want to love now, and she can't bear the feeling anymore. Why not just like this Let go and let him return to his original track?Her pain should be regarded as repaying the selfless love he once paid for herself. She... After all, she hopes that he will be well and happy, just like the way he was when she first met him. His!

Zhan Lie frowned, "I don't understand!"

"Maybe this is the best. If Zhan Lie treats me as your friend, then don't meddle in this matter anymore. I... let it go!" Feng Youran turned her head and said.

"I do not believe!"

"Believe it or not, I won't change my decision!" Feng Youran said decisively.

Zhan Lie stared at Feng Youran for a long time, as if he wanted to see through her heart, he didn't understand why she didn't understand, didn't fight for it, didn't she love Ye Jueao?No, he didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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