Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 159: The Pain of Gouging Out the Heart

Chapter 159: The Pain of Gouging Out the Heart (3)
"Teacher Ge!"

"Youran, long time no see!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, this smile seemed to return to the days on the mountain that year, she practiced Guzheng while he was writing and drawing, calm and fulfilling, at that time she even had so many good wishes, But now... There are gains and losses, this may be the real life.

"Let's go!" Ge Guanyu said with a light smile, and then walked outside the campus step by step.

Feng Youran raised her eyebrows, and teased with a light smile: "Ms. Ge, is she going to skip class?"

Ge Guanyu also followed Feng Youran's example and raised his brows, and said with a serious face: "Is there such an upright person?"

"Hehehe..." Feng Youran couldn't help laughing, as if she had returned to the time when the two of them were together on the mountain.

The two walked out of the school, chatting, crossing several roads towards the direction of the moat, leaning on the pillars carved with white jade and leaning against the railing, the wind gently blowing Feng Youran's long hair , a few mischievous strands of hair fluttered over Ge Guanyu's shoulders, playing with his strands of hair, different in beauty, but equally astonishing, the two of them were quietly locked into the camera with picturesque appearances.

Ge Guanyu turned his head to look at Feng Youran, his heart was very contradictory, he missed her when he couldn't see her, but when he saw her, he was afraid, the more he got along with him, the more panicked he became, and he couldn't figure out what he had for her What kind of feelings do you have, but the fact that she is 15 years older than her makes him unable to be calm.

"I want to ask you something." Feng Youran said with a smile and raised her head.

"What's the matter?" Ge Guanyu was a little curious, Feng Youran rarely asked for help.

"One of your paintings!" Feng Youran said with a smile.

"Hehehe... Youran, yours is not inferior to mine at all. Are you teasing me by saying that?" Ge Guanyu laughed in a low voice, his brows and eyes became more vivid because of this heartfelt smile, and the corners of his eyes The red mole under it seems to be alive.

Looking at her, Feng Youran was a little dazed, and raised her hand slightly, reaching to the corner of his eyes, but at that moment, she came back to her senses and smiled apologetically.

Ge Guanyu held his breath, and finally he was relieved slowly.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you tomorrow!" Ge Guanyu agreed heartily.

"Where do you live now?" Feng Youran asked curiously. If she hadn't met Ge Song in the United States, she might have thought that the Ge family was at best a family with a wealthy background, but Ge Song's appearance made her understand that Ge Guanyu is definitely not a simple character, but he seems to be a special existence of the Ge family. If his appearance is a coincidence, does she really not believe it?But if it's something else... She still can't figure it out.

"It's in a courtyard near the antique market, how about you?" Ge Guanyu said with a smile. In fact, he knew where Feng Youran lived, but he never wanted to disturb her.

"It's also a small courtyard house. It's in Dongsan Lane. It should be very close to where you live. Come to my house when it's convenient for you!" Feng Youran invited with a smile.

"Let's go, I'll take you back!" Ge Guanyu stood up with a smile, walked a few steps and turned his head to look at her in a daze.

"It seems that you don't really welcome me? It makes me sad!" Ge Guanyu teased.

"From what you said, it seems that I am a villain. Let's go. I will let you taste my craft today!"

After speaking, the two of them walked towards Feng Youran's small courtyard.

Feng Youran took Ge Guanyu back to the small courtyard, and Ge Guanyu looked at everything here with curiosity. Compared with the place where he lived, this place was more popular.

"Look at it yourself, I'm cooking!" Feng Youran went into the kitchen after finishing speaking.

Ge Guanyu, on the other hand, looked east and west in the yard, his eyes were full of curiosity and love, the yard was small, but very warm, looking at the back in the kitchen, and looking at the room with warm yellow light under the night, everything was in order Beautiful, this seems to be the real home.

His parents passed away early, and his elder sister took care of everything in the family. Although it was a pity that he did not have the care of his parents since he was a child, his elder sister's love made him live a very comfortable life. For more than 30 years, he has lived according to his own temperament. , she has been talking about his lifelong events, but after so many years, she has given up her original thoughts, and although Ge Song's excellence makes her proud, it also annoys her. Facing his stubbornness And strong sister, he can only sigh...

Caressing an osmanthus tree in the yard, Ge Guanyu raised his head and looked at the night sky through the gaps in the branches, closed his eyes and smelled the faint fragrance of osmanthus, as if he had let go of all his defenses, and the corners of his clothes blown by the wind were blown by the wind. Floating in the air, the red mole under the corner of the eye was like a tear.

As soon as Feng Youran came out, she saw such a scene. She was slightly taken aback, and then lowered her eyes. She had never seen Ge Guanyu like this before. What happened?
"Teacher Ge, it's time to eat!" Feng Youran closed her eyes and shouted with a smile.

Ge Guanyu also woke up from his thoughts, smiled apologetically, walked into the restaurant, looked at the three dishes and one soup on the table, they were all very common home-cooked dishes, but they made him feel warm in his heart.

"Don't call me Mr. Ge outside, it makes me feel like I'm visiting at home. If you don't mind that I'm older than you, just call me Big Brother!" Ge Guanyu said with a light smile, his black face There is light in the eyes.

"Okay, Brother Ge!" Feng Youran smiled. She didn't think Ge Guanyu was too old, and she was already in her 20s before rebirth. With her current age, she was not much younger than Ge Guanyu. It is rare for him to have such a friend.

"It looks good, I'll start it!" Ge Guanyu said with a smile, and stroked his stomach childishly.

Feng Youran was a little funny, because she heard a grunt just now, and it was really interesting to hear such a movement on such a fairy-like person.

Ge Guanyu ate leisurely as if he didn't notice it, but the sudden blush revealed his rare shyness.

After a meal, the appetites of both of them were surprisingly good, and there was nothing left. Ge Guanyu got up and prepared to pack the dishes, while Feng Youran smiled and let him go, walked to the side cabinet and took out a box of tea. , and a tea set.

Ge Guanyu clumsily packed the bowls and chopsticks into the sink, pursed his lips, picked up a sponge on one side, put dish soap on it, and began to scrub, but these bowls and chopsticks seemed to be against him on purpose, as slippery as loach Yes, it hurt him to raise his heart a few times, and it took him a long time to clean the dishes and chopsticks. It was like fighting a battle. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his arm, and let out a sigh of relief. tone.

(End of this chapter)

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