Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 160: The Pain of Gouging Out the Heart

Chapter 160: The Pain of Gouging Out the Heart (4)
" turns out that Brother Ge can't do it either." Feng Youran said jokingly.

"Practice makes perfect, it seems that I need to practice more." Ge Guanyu said frankly, not caring about Feng Youran's teasing.

"I made tea, although it's not as good as the tea from the mountain, but it's not bad!" Feng Youran took out a tissue and handed it to Ge Guanyu, with a smile in her phoenix eyes.

Ge Guanyu was taken aback, a little confused, but Feng Youran playfully handed him a small mirror.

When he saw the man with white foam on the tip of his nose in the mirror, Ge Guanyu's eyes widened, and he quickly wiped it off with a tissue.

Feng Youran had already walked to the table and waited for him, and a cup of light green tea was pushed close to his side.

Ge Guanyu gently sniffed the aroma of the tea, and his face regained its usual calmness, but there seemed to be some faint sadness in his brows and eyes...

Feng Youran doesn't like to explore a person's heart. She regards Ge Guanyu as a teacher and a friend, so while respecting him, she will not dig out what he doesn't want to say. Everyone has secrets, including her. Also, she felt that he was an exceptionally sensitive and wise person, so there would be no pressure to get along with such a person, because some things didn't need much at all, and they could understand each other.

"The tea you roasted on the mountain is better." Ge Guanyu said with a smile after drinking it.

" the mountain okay?" Feng Youran whispered nostalgicly.

"Let's go back and have a look next year when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming!" Ge Guanyu said with a smile, a dark light flashed across his eyes.

After drinking tea, Ge Guanyu glanced at the sky, got up and said with a smile, "Lock the door yourself, I should go too!"


Feng Youran sent him to the door, watched him leave, and then closed the gate of the courtyard.

But just a few steps away, there was a knock on the door, could it be that Ge Guanyu forgot to take something?After thinking about it, she unlocked the door, but the door was pushed open suddenly, Feng Youran staggered slightly before she stabilized her heels.

Ye Jue stared at Feng Youran coldly, and slowly withdrew his outstretched hand. He in the black shirt seemed to blend into the darkness, walking with sharp spikes.

"What are you doing here?" Feng Youran's fiery eyes shot directly at Ye Juehan, her chin slightly raised with a touch of disdain.

Ye Juehan strode into the small courtyard with force, held Feng Youran's slender arm with his backhand, and slowly pressed down against Feng Youran with his oppressive body, his steps were calm and elegant, revealing an aura that cannot be ignored , getting closer step by step, a dazzling smile appeared on his cold and handsome face, but the smile did not extend to his eagle eyes. The weird atmosphere and the darkness on him were like a picture that made people unable to breathe. big net.

"I remember you said that my first kiss belongs to you, and my virgin body also belongs to you. Today...what can I do for you?" He understands Feng Youran's hatred for him very well. He has already broken her. The bottom line, seeing him coming in and out with other people, staying here together, no matter what the reason is, makes him crazy jealous, if this can make her remember his whole life, then he will let her remember him!

Feng Youran's phoenix pupils froze, and she gently burst into a flowery smile, caressing her chest inadvertently, and then raised her eyes to look at Ye Jueao's strange expression at this time.

"I didn't expect you to remember."

Hearing Ye Juehan's words, her smile seemed to have magic power, and some nostalgic words made the coldness in his eyes fade away, and turned into anticipation, and slowly raised Feng Youran's chin with his hand.

"You are the only one I remember, shouldn't you be happy?" Ye Juehan's slender fingers curled up Feng Youran's strands of black hair, and there was a little fire in the depths of her eyes. Appeal.

Feng Youran looked at the change in Ye Juehan's eyes, and felt a chill in her heart. At this time, he was definitely not joking with herself!But now that there is no one at home, even if she shouted loudly, she might not be able to find others to help, and since Ye Juehan dared to appear here and was so powerful, he must have been prepared.

"Ye Juehan, don't you think your methods are a little despicable? When did you have such an interest?" Feng Youran mocked, looking at him without showing any weakness.

Ye Juehan approached slowly... with a cold smile, "You think I'll be dismissed with just a few words from you?"

very good!Feng Youran smiled instead of anger, Ye Juehan is what you asked for... I can't blame you...

Putting away the thorns all over his body, he snuggled into Ye Juehan's arms softly, and gently slid his slender fingers on his cheeks... The fragrance emanating from his body became more and more intense, attracting people's fascination. On Yan Ran's smiling face, the phoenix eyes flickered, the eyes became more and more charming, and the smile on the lips became more and more seductive...

"Since you still remember, it seems that I can't justify not fulfilling my promise. Come on, it's a bit cold outside, I don't like it..." After speaking, he pulled the hand under her chin and held it in his palm.

Ye Juehan looked at Feng Youran's actions, and there was a trace of nervousness in his eagle eyes. He now knew very well that Feng Youran was no longer the little girl he used to know. She was in Kyoto, a place where dragons and snakes mixed together. How can he underestimate such strength and scheming that he can annex the original three giants of the literary world with his own strength?
However, feeling Feng Youran's teasing, Ye Juehan's heart was burning with an unknown fire. Her movements were skillful and sophisticated, and they were clearly made by people who had experienced human affairs. Although she was not very old, if she If she was a virgin, she would definitely not have such unrestrained actions, could it be her?Another face flashed in his mind instantly, his heart tightened suddenly, and the strength in his hand also increased.

Pulling Feng Youran back into his arms, he hugged her horizontally, kicked open the bedroom door, and then entered the room and threw her on the big bed without mercy... followed by a heavy body of.

"It seems that I don't need to feel pity for a broken flower like you!" A big hand pinched Feng Youran's chin forcefully, and the overwhelming anger made him lose control of his strength. His pinched chin instantly became red and swollen, and Ye Juehan just thought of it. Someone had touched this body before him, and the blood all over his body seemed to burst out of the top of his head, and the factor of rage was constantly stirring in his body...

Feng Youran looked at Ye Juehan without changing her face, provocatively with a touch of sarcasm, and smiled at the man on top of her, as if the swollen chin he pinched belonged to someone else, and all the pain had nothing to do with her.

"Ye Juehan, you don't want to keep your virginity for me, do you? Hahaha..."

After a "hiss", Ye Juehan didn't speak, but tore her shirt from the collar to her waist in response. With that kind of force, her chest was exposed to the air without any cover. Gently slipping her hand under the pillow, the familiar coldness made her smile brighter and brighter on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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