Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 163 The Snake Hit 7 Inches

Chapter 163 The Snake Hit Seven Inches (2)
"If you want to eat our food for free, then you have to look at their skills, everything is inside."

Ma Qi glanced at it, and then asked Song Qiran, "Of course, where's yours?"

"Things are ready!"

"Dangdangdang..." There was a knock on the door, distracting the three people's attention, and Su Xiaomo walked in calmly.

"Boss Feng asked you to come to her meeting room!"

Ma Qi, Liao Chenhui and Song Qiran looked at each other, then got up and stood up, took the prepared documents in their hands, followed Su Xiaomo out step by step.

This is the first time Feng Youran has called them to a meeting since Feng Youran decided to set up their group last time, and they are not required to participate in the company's usual meetings. Although they understand the reason behind it, the three of them are still nervous. Is it their fate in the company, or the assessment of their performance.

Feng Youran was sitting in the conference room. This time, not only the company's top management and supervisors, but also the people in charge below. The huge conference room was airtight and the windows were all open. She still felt hot and annoyed, but looking at the expression on her face No matter how impatient they were with Feng Youran's calm and dignified expression, they had to put on a good face and listen.

Xiao Moren glanced at Feng Youran, and didn't understand what she was planning, except that he hadn't seen her doing anything other than what she said at a meeting a while ago that the company would be restructured, and one month later, the magazine's sales volume across the country It is sitting firmly on No.1. Although there is still a distance from the goal she said, it is still a good performance.

At Liao Chenhui's place, he just let people know about it from the side, but the kid couldn't ask anything out of his mouth, but he was eating and drinking every day and fooling around with a group of people, and Song Qiran and Ma Qi had nowhere to inquire. The mystery made him feel itchy.

Feng Youran glanced at the people below, leaned her body gently on the chair, the sound of opening the door sounded again, she turned her head to look at the three people behind Su Xiaomo, a slight smile appeared on her lips.

Liao Chenhui, Song Qiran and Ma Qi were all stunned for a moment. This scene was much bigger than last time, and people who could take care of things had come. Thinking of this, their hearts were a little heavy.

And with the arrival of the three of them, the atmosphere in the conference room changed slightly. Everyone looked at each other, unable to understand Feng Youran's plan.

"Cough..." Feng Youran coughed lightly, and the conference room fell silent with just one sound, and everyone's eyes were focused on Feng Youran.

"Today I'm here to discuss with you the issue of listing the company!" Feng Youran said calmly, looking around.

Everyone was stunned. Last month, they thought Feng Youran was talking about it, but they didn't take it seriously, but this meeting actually made a decision, saying it was a discussion, but the company's largest shareholder is her, she decided, Where can they stop them? Everyone fell silent for a moment. Listing is too far away for them, and it is something that they have never even thought about.

Xiao Moren frowned. It seemed that Feng Youran was determined to go public. He couldn't stop it. Could it be that he quit the company at this time?But he spent so many years of hard work in exchange for those banknotes, even though he knew Feng Youran would not black him, but he was not willing to just give up everything he had to others.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Moren raised his head, stared at Feng Youran's flat eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Boss Feng, since you said that you want to restructure the company and go public, then I want to know how you will redistribute the company's shares?"

As soon as Xiao Moren's words came out, everyone looked at him, and then silently waited for Feng Youran's answer.

"This question is a good question. A company needs at least 3000 million shares to go public. As the largest shareholder of the company, I will take out 600 million and the rest will be subscribed by everyone present. Mr. Xiao You can use your proportion to convert the capital contribution, and then keep the current number of shares in the company. If you think it is inappropriate, you can also cash it out through finance. For others, after Mr. Xiao and I determine the shares, The number of shares is determined according to the amount of investment!" Feng Youran finished speaking, and smiled softly at Xiao Moren.

Xiao Moren gasped, 3000 million is definitely not a small number, and her Feng Youran dared to bet 600 million, so should he follow?Is it full heel or less heel?Xiao Moren was thinking in his heart, frowning tightly.

The others were also stunned, and their hearts were beating drums. Is this all money?And it's not a small amount, if one is not careful, half of his life's hard work will be in vain.

"As an old employee of the company, I decided that our internal subscription price is [-] cents per share. When Lehua made the public subscription, he marked [-] yuan. Everyone can calculate the difference? What is the company's prospect? How about the profit, I believe everyone is very clear in their hearts, as to whether to enjoy greater profits, then it is your own decision!" Feng Youran said with a light smile.

Then he motioned to Song Qiran, and Song Qiran walked up calmly with a glint in his eyes.

"Boss Feng!"

"Now, I would like to share with you the company's financial situation that you have sorted out during this period. Whether you are a shareholder or not, I hope to give you a clear choice. I, Feng Youran, will not force you, nor force you to stay!" Feng Youran finished speaking. , and handed over the right to speak to Song Qiran.

Song Qiran took a deep breath, and walked to the front, "This is the company's financial report for the past three years..." Song Qiran said carefully, when his hand began to flip through the last two pages Sometimes I look a little excited.

"This is our financial situation in the first half year. The sales volume of all magazines under the company has exceeded 400 million, and it has broken the combined sales in the same quarter of the previous two years. Moreover, the payment recovery rate is 480%, and bad debts are zero. The good result of profit of 300 million, included in the company's net profit, is [-] million!" After finishing speaking, Song Qiran felt his heart tremble because of the surging pride in his heart.

This can be called net profit. After the company has removed various costs and expenses, it will be given to shareholders according to the proportion of their shareholding, so there is no doubt that the big head is Feng Youran's, and then there is Xiao Moren, and those who only get wages. It doesn't matter at all. Now think about it, if they also have shares, then they are just a part of their wages. In terms of current benefits, they will definitely be indispensable at the end of the year. It's really tempting!
Everyone was deeply shocked by Song Qiran's report, which was only half a year, if one year wasn't even more amazing?No wonder Feng Youran was able to take a gamble of 600 million yuan so calmly. Since he dared to spend that money, there was nothing to be afraid of them subscribing for some of it. For a while, everyone's enthusiasm rose.

(End of this chapter)

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