Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 164 The Snake Hit 7 Inches

Chapter 164 The Snake Hit Seven Inches (3)
"President Feng, I support your idea. I don't have much money, so I will subscribe for 7 yuan!" Director Liu of the planning department stood up and said.

"President Feng, I'm willing too, I'll offer [-]!" Director Bai of the printing department also hurriedly said.

Then wave after wave of people got up to express their opinions. Xiao Moren didn't look around, but only looked at Feng Youran, and she also looked at him with a look that Xiao Moren couldn't understand.

Xiao Moren took one last look at Feng Youran, then got up and slapped the table. Everyone was startled, and then looked at him.

At this moment, Xiao Moren only felt his distress, not because of anything else, but because Feng Youran had the same eyes when he asked him to annex Shen Mingli. If he didn't have so many scruples that time, he wouldn't be eaten by Feng Youran one day. But it was because of his wrong decision that he couldn't let go of it all his life, and this time again, he... must not repeat the same mistakes!
"Boss Feng, since you said it just now, I will still retain the 30.00% five shares in the company!" Xiao Moren clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure?" Feng Youran asked with a smile, her glass-like eyes were extremely bright, but Xiao Moren was amazed by the brilliance inside.

"I'm sure! And very sure!" Xiao Moren raised his voice slightly and said resolutely.

"Okay!" Feng Youran really laughed this time. Sure enough, Xiao Moren was still scared. The lesson from last time probably broke this confident man, so he definitely couldn't think of that at this time, but if he figured it out, , would it be more interesting?she is looking forward to...

Now the people in the conference room are in a hurry, Xiao Moren won so much, then there are too many monks left, and it's hard to say whether they can get it.

Feng leisurely got up, called Liao Chunhui and Ma Qi to her side, and said to everyone: "This is originally a benefit for everyone from the company, so don't worry too much!"

"Ma Qi, you will announce the company's shareholding rules and registration items later, and clearly explain the company's articles of association and the relationship between rights and obligations to everyone. This is not a game of housekeeping, so everyone must think clearly!" Feng Leisurely ordered, and then called Liao Chenhui.

"Chen Hui, help Lawyer Ma in a while, anyone who has any questions can ask Lawyer Ma!"

"Of course, I will ask the finance department to assist you in collecting the funds for the shares in a while. If the funds arrive on the day of the shares, if the amount is large, it will be before nine o'clock tomorrow at the latest!"

Liao Chenhui, Ma Qi, Song Qiran and lawyer Ma Qiang who just walked in all looked at Feng Youran and nodded seriously.

"Yes!" Several people said in unison.

Feng Youran smiled, nodded to everyone, and then left the meeting room under everyone's gaze, and with her leaving, the meeting room seemed to explode, and Feng Youran laughed softly Come out, this is not enough, it will definitely be more interesting in a while!

Ma Qi and the others looked at the people rushing up and smiled wryly at each other, isn't that too much?What a horror!
"Everyone sit down, sit down, and let Ma Qi speak clearly before you can subscribe. As long as you subscribe, it will be legally binding. If you want to go back on your word, it's not easy, so listen carefully before you speak!" Liao Chunhui Standing in front, shouted loudly in front of Ma Qi.

"We don't have to think about it, we all believe in President Feng!"

"That's right, Mr. Feng can do it right, don't waste your time!"

"Hurry up, I have to go home to get the money!"

Everyone is talking about each other, and now they can't distinguish between the leader and the boss, they are all the same fanatics, and Xiao Moren just sat there and watched everything.

"No, what should be said, I have to say it before proceeding to the next item, everyone's non-cooperation is just delaying everyone's time!" Ma Qi said resolutely.

After all, Xiao Moren has the highest status among these people. He took a step forward, stood next to Ma Qi, and said with a cold face: "Boss Feng's confession, you all forgot? Do you still want to buy it? Sit back!"

Xiao Moren still had some power, and everyone sat back in their seats obediently and began to listen impatiently.

After Ma Qi finished speaking with a wry smile, she raised her eyes and looked down. There were not many people listening at all. They were all talking to each other. The voice changed, "Now I am announcing the rules for shareholding. In everything, directors can purchase 10 to 1 yuan of shares per person." , deputy director, section chief, deputy section chief, and section staff all have opportunities, and the amount is reduced by [-] yuan step by step, so not only everyone sitting here, but ordinary employees under you have opportunities." Then there was a pause.

"And...President Feng said that there is still an opportunity to allocate shares every year. According to the evaluation and actual ability, extra quotas will be given to those with outstanding achievements. I hope everyone will work hard and work hard!"

After speaking, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they started to beat their chests and feet. Is there a limit?Looking at the results and allotment?It seems that in the future, we have to work hard in the company to win more good things. A raging fire ignited in everyone's heart.

Song Qiran and Liao Chenhui were also taken aback, Ma Qi never said this, it seems that Feng Youran really understood the hearts of these people, this time not only made their blood boil, but also firmly used this kind of The method, from the top of the company to the grassroots clerks, can feel the company's recognition and cultivation of them, and imagine who can work hard, and their efforts are exactly what Feng Youran wants. Only by uniting as one can we build the company into an ace army and become the leader in the industry.

Xiao Moren slowly closed his eyes, and walked to the window in a few steps, looking at the busy capital outside, his heart was once again overwhelmed by Feng Youran's strategy, this time he was willing to submit to this younger than himself Teenage girls.

Hearing the voices of support from everyone beside him, he could foresee the near future. Feng Youran was destined to take a road he wanted to take but never took. That road was destined to be brilliant, so he endured the sourness and loss in his heart , he smiled softly, since he couldn't realize it, then he could follow her footsteps and watch her realize his dream, which is also a kind of happiness.

Ma Qiang glanced at Xiao Moren by the window, and stepped forward, "Mr. Xiao!"

Xiao Moren turned his head, changed from the old smile that didn't reach his eyes, and said with a calm smile: "She is indeed extraordinary, Xiao admires it!"

"Hehehe... I also think that the best choice for me is to cooperate with Mr. Feng!" Ma Qiang said with a smile. He knew that Xiao Moren, who was originally unhappy, had surrendered to this matter. Charge forward with full horsepower.

"Can I go through the back door first, the cash that Mr. Feng wants, I want to make a fuss!" Xiao Moren laughed.

"Please!" Ma Qiang took a step sideways, a quick smile flashed in his black eyes, and he let out a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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