Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 165 The Snake Hit 7 Inches

Chapter 165 The Snake Hit Seven Inches (4)
After Xiao Moren left, the conference room was even more lively. Those who registered had chosen the highest quota, and then hurried out after registering. Most of the people in the conference room had just left, and they hadn't waited to breathe a sigh of relief. The clerk who was notified below has already come up and started to arrange the number. After some people got the number plate, they asked people to occupy their seats and went out to withdraw money by themselves.

For this kind of shareholding method and rules, the employees in the company, especially those employees who have just stepped out of the campus, are even more excited. As long as they are recognized as useless, those who play tricks in enterprises or the government rely entirely on their ability to advance. Biggest wish.

Feng Youran sat in the office and looked at Bai Yi who was sitting across from her, staring at him lazily, playing with an emerald green ring with her fair fingers.

Bai Yi leisurely drank tea and looked at the little woman opposite.

"You're in a good mood today!" Bai Yi said affirmatively, seeing her calmly smiling lightly, his heart calmed down, as if there were only her and him in this world.

"It's really good!" Feng Youran said frankly, then took out the project proposal she had made from the drawer, and handed it to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi took it and glanced at it, his eyes widened, and then he looked seriously. The more he looked at him, the more shocked he became, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Feng Youran was unfathomable.

"This is your purpose?" Bai Yi calmly put away the waves in his heart.

"Yes, that's not what I want. Are you interested in joining?" Feng leisurely said with a smile. Bai Yi is very smart. Although he seems to be gentle and suave, but people who really fight against each other will definitely know him His indifference and ruthlessness, even his heart is more ruthless than anyone else.

Looking at the emerald green jade ring on her finger, it was crystal clear without a trace of variegation. She had seen this ring in a book before, and it should be two from the Shang Dynasty. It seems that Bai Yi has made a fortune recently Income, speaking of it, she really didn't expect him to do this job and do it so well.

"Is there anything to dig in that place?" Bai Yi teased and laughed, looking at the ring Feng Youran was playing with, he secretly held the other ring in his trouser pocket.

"Bai Yi, with your harmless face, who would have thought that you are the most famous black rakshasa in the tomb robbery business?" Feng Youran teased, propping her chin.

"Hehehe... Do you like this one?" Bai Yi asked with a smile, with a touch of suppressed pampering in his tone.

"I like it, but when I think of which mummy it was pulled from, I get goosebumps all over my body."

"Others say I will believe it, but you, I don't believe it. I've put away the item. I heard that this item can detoxify and ward off evil spirits." Bai Yi warned. He had worked hard for this legendary item. If he hadn't bought it It was really not easy for him to dig up the few backbones of the archaeological team. Just for a legendary beauty, he desperately wanted to realize it.

Because it represents a loyal love, according to legend, only those who get this pair of rings can be blessed by the gods for eternal life and happiness forever, so he longs for it, even if it is just a thought.

"Okay then, I'll take it!" Feng Youran smiled and put the ring into the small box.

"Youran, what do you do next?" Bai Yi asked.

"You help me get in touch with the person in charge of that factory first, and I'll make plans later!"

"I've already prepared that fund, do you want to use it?" Bai Yi asked.

"Hehehe... No need, I guess that person won't let me down!" Feng Youran smiled smugly. Just in case, she planned to borrow some funds from Bai Yi, but she didn't expect Xiao Moren to fail in the end. Into the trap I set for him, the Shen Mingli incident last time made him alert, and it also made him lose his own country, this time he was faced with a choice again, although the chance of him refusing was not high, But she never fights a battle she is not sure of. Once she has made a decision, she must go to the end.

"I sympathize with that person!" Bai Yi smiled lowly, Feng Youran occasionally showed a cunning look, as cute as a little fox.

"Dangdangdang..." There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!" Feng Youran said.

Song Qiran entered the office and glanced at Bai Yi beside Feng Youran. Seeing that Feng Youran had no intention of hiding, he put away the curiosity in his eyes and said, "Boss Feng, all the funds have arrived!"

"Including Mr. Xiao?"

"Yes, including Mr. Xiao!" Song Qiran replied, who would have thought that Xiao Moren would transfer more than 1000 million in cash in such a short period of time, but Mr. Xiao looked a little weird after seeing the money in the account, which made him want to No way.

"Hehehe...very good, you did a good job!" Feng Youran said with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Feng, I'm going out!" Song Qiran retreated respectfully.

Bai Yi shook his head and laughed, so it was that person... It turns out that the overlord of the capital is being tricked by a little woman. It is estimated that his depression is not just a little bit, but internal injuries are certain.

Xiao Moren was sitting in his office right now, not knowing whether to cry or laugh. After he transferred all the funds to the company as quickly as possible, he suddenly realized that Feng Youran's move today created a huge momentum. One purpose, that is to let him Xiao Moren contribute capital happily, so that she can put aside the mistakes she made in the Shen Mingli incident. She just uses psychological tactics to defeat herself with Xiao Moren's own, which can also make him even more It is more effective to have nothing to say, Feng Youran really has a good plan.

Based on his understanding of Feng Youran, she will definitely not fight against me. Although he is confident that Feng Youran can take out the money, if that is the case, Feng Youran's hands and feet will be bound. After all, her ambition is not small, how could she do the stupid thing of putting all eggs in one basket?

If she doesn't invest, the company still has unstable factors relative to her, but with herself involved, and the small tricks she uses on those shareholders, he, Xiao Moren, can only submit to her, and His family is also inside, if he changes anything, then he is digging his own grave, it really is a brilliant move!
"Hahaha..." Xiao Moren leaned back on the chair and laughed loudly.

Mo Yu pushed the door open with the document and walked in. Her protruding belly gave her a maternal glow.


Xiao Moren stopped laughing, got up and walked to Mo Yu's side, supported her shoulders, looked at her worried face, and sighed softly.

"I'm fine, but I just figured out one thing, which made me feel that I won't complain when I was defeated by Feng Youran. Before, I always felt that I was just at the wrong time, but now that I think about it, her strategy and I don't have a gambler-like character, if I hadn't taken a step back then, I would definitely be the second Shen Mingli now, now I am convinced, and I won't let you and your children worry about me in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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