Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 166 The Snake Hit 7 Inches

Chapter 166 The Snake Hit Seven Inches (5)
"Thank you, Moren..." Mo Yu said with a smile on his eyes, it was great that Xiao Moren finally let go of his knots.Ge Guanyu took his luggage and moved into Feng Youran's small courtyard. The two of them got along as if they had returned to the days on the mountain. Feng Youran was in charge of cooking, while Ge Guanyu was in charge of washing dishes, and the study became two people. The common site, but each doing their own things, is at their own pace, and there is one more person in the small courtyard, which also makes life slightly changed. After all, one person is lonely...

After dinner, Ge Guanyu took the chess record and played chess on the chessboard, while Feng Youran stared at the map of Kyoto with a frown, trying to figure it out over and over again. It seemed that the land could not be delayed any longer. Reluctantly those pieces of land, but in the later stage...

Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran, his long and narrow eyes slightly drooping, unable to see clearly the emotions inside, after a while he slowly said: "Youran, come to a game?"

Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu, then at the Go on the table, raised her eyebrows slightly, she used to play with Ge Song a lot on the mountain, she was still very confident in her own strength, but Ge Guanyu never played ,What's going on today?
"Okay!" Feng Youran pushed away the chair and walked over.

The two divided the chess pieces, then smiled and said to him: "You come first!"

So two people, one with black pieces and the other with white pieces, started fighting on the chessboard. Time passed between the fingers of the two. Feng Youran's eyesight became sharper and sharper from inadvertently, her phoenix eyes shone with dazzling light, and her body also Sit up straight unconsciously, the blood in the whole body is boiling!
"Impossible..." Feng Youran looked at the chess pieces on the chessboard, and murmured, she lost only one piece to Ge Guanyu...Feng Mou looked at Ge Guanyu in shock!
"Let's do it again!" Feng Youran quickly cleaned up the chessboard, and started to play again with a serious face, her eyes fixed on the chessboard, for fear that she would miss the opportunity due to carelessness.

You come and go, the two of them started fighting again, Ge Guanyu just occasionally looked at Feng Youran with a faint smile, he already knew Feng Youran was a master who could be met but not sought after on the mountain, he knew Ge Song's intelligence well, But in the chess game, he was still killed by Feng Youran, and he was not asked to clean up Feng Youran once, but he didn't know why at the time, he just didn't want to follow Ge Song's wishes.

He was still looking forward to it in his heart, so today he saw her troubles and said it out of nowhere, and she... did not disappoint him!

Feng Youran has never been so concentrated before, she always thinks twice before making a move, but watching Ge Guanyu calmly pick up the chess piece, she just glanced at her lightly...

The result of this round came out again, Feng Youran held the chess piece tightly, staring at it expectantly, it turned out to be a draw...

Feng Youran's fighting spirit was completely aroused. She gritted her teeth and looked at Ge Guanyu with a calm face. She had the urge to bite off his neck and watch him change color. It frustrates her too much. His chess moves Calm, looking at the overall situation, every step is very mysterious, he can attack and defend, attack and retreat freely, he is really an out-and-out master!
"Come again!" Feng Youran said unwillingly.

Ge Guanyu shrugged his shoulders, and there was a hint of a smile in his hoarse voice, "That's good, but how about another place?"

"Where?" Feng Youran asked with a frown. Now that she has no worries, all she can think about is how to deal with Ge Guanyu.

Ge Guanyu stretched out his fingers and pointed to the couch not far away, an inexplicable halo appeared on his monstrously handsome face.

"Okay!" Feng Youran said holding the chessboard and was about to go there, but her legs were numb after sitting for too long, and she staggered as soon as she took a step.

Ge Guanyu took the chessboard quickly with sharp eyes, then smiled and looked at Feng Youran's slight embarrassment at this time.

"I will definitely win you!"

"Well, I believe..." Ge Guanyu said with a slight smile, after setting up the chess pieces, he lay lazily half on the soft couch, looking at the awkward Feng Youran with a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

The two of you come and go, the night slips through your fingertips, the sky gradually turns white, and a new day begins...

Feng Youran rubbed her red eyes, and looked at Ge Guanyu unwillingly. She always won a round with him throughout the night, and it was just now. Seeing him dozing off, Feng Youran could only grit her teeth.

"Well, I'm sleepy, I'm resting at home today, don't disturb me!" Ge Guanyu walked out the door after speaking, but a smirk on his lips revealed his mood.

This little girl is really interesting...

Feng Youran looked outside, suddenly remembered what she had to do last night, and looked at the map again, her eyes suddenly lit up, and then she took a pen and started to draw a few times, then her eyes brightened, and she threw the pen on the table with pride Going up, looking at the gradually rising sun outside the window...

Looking at the time, Feng Youran made some porridge and side dishes in the kitchen in a good mood and put them in the thermos. After eating, she checked the time, picked up the phone and dialed out.

Hao Ge lay on Feng Youran's shoulder, eating a bag of snacks in his hand, and looked at her curiously. Yesterday, she subscribed for 10 yuan of shares, thinking of going home and telling her dad When it came to this matter, I thought it would take a long time to get him to agree, but I never expected that I would take out a passbook without saying anything to my father, which really shocked her at the time.

"Hao Ge, how about making an appointment with Mayor Hao for me?" Feng Youran said with a smile as she snatched her snacks.

Hao Ge looked at Feng Youran curiously, and said in a low voice mysteriously: "Is there another big plan?"

Feng Youran pinched Hao Ge's little nose, and also replied in a low voice: "Yes!"

"Wow, really? Youran, you are going to list the company now, and you still have time to do other things?" Hao Ge said in amazement, in her opinion, Feng Youran is already a god-like existence.

"You'll know then!"

"Alright, I'll call my dad right now, and I'll give you a message later!" Hao Ge ran out quickly after finishing speaking.

Feng Youran shook her head and smiled, looking enviously at the distant figure...

After Hao Ge received the call from Hao Ge, Mayor Hao postponed a few meetings without saying a word, and then moved the time out for Feng Youran. In fact, Feng Youran didn't ask him out, and he wanted to see her, Hao Ge's As a father, he naturally knows the ability. Yesterday Hao Gexing hurried home and asked for money to invest in shares. He was also surprised at first, but after Hao Ge finished speaking, he agreed without hesitation. He would object, and he couldn't help laughing just thinking about it...

But since he let Hao Ge stay with Feng Youran, he can see that his daughter has improved a lot. Although she is still a little childish, she is indeed a lot more tactful in her life. Feng Youran can give Hao Ge those stocks. He doesn't say that he is in it. The reason for this is also because of his thin face, he is very optimistic about Feng Youran's ability, so he must also catch this person.

(End of this chapter)

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