Chapter 171 Advancement (1)
"Speak!" Ge Song stood up, staring at Yueying, making the emotion in his eyes invisible.

"As far as my subordinates know, Mu Ying hasn't got any results yet!"

Ge Song clenched his fists, his body shook slightly, and he waved his hands with an unclear expression. After watching Yueying leave, he covered his head and sat down in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, gradually shrinking into a small shadow.

How could this be?If he hadn't chosen that thing back then, he wouldn't be so terrified today, he was so scared, that thing was an explosive that never happened, once it detonated, the consequences would definitely make him live in the abyss of hell for the rest of his life.

Youran... Youran, I will not let you have trouble, if there is really no cure, then I will accompany you!

In the darkness, Ge Song's gaze was like a wounded beast licking its wound, with a trace of sadness and determination...Ma Qi finally rubbed her sore eyes, looked at the rising sun, and hammered the already Standing up with numb legs, she carefully looked at the plan over and over again, her heart was filled with enthusiasm, she finally communicated everything, although she herself felt a little disappointed, she still figured it out, and finally she could relax With a sigh of relief, she seized the opportunity, otherwise she would be worthy to follow Feng Youran on her own journey...

After Ge Guanyu got up, he didn't hear the noise from the kitchen in the past. After getting dressed, he opened the door and looked outside. After thinking for a while, he gently knocked on Feng Youran's door.

Feng Youran frowned, with a pale face. Last night, she began to feel heartache for no reason. She had nightmares again and again, which made her a little haggard. Hearing the knock on the door, she knew it was Ge Guanyu, but she didn't want to let him anyone to see.

"I'm going to sleep late today, so I'll make breakfast myself!" Feng Youran said hoarsely, as if she was still very sleepy.

Ge Guanyu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, shook his head, and walked out of the small courtyard. After all, she is still a little girl, so it's normal to like to sleep late...

After Feng Youran got up clutching her chest, she went to the drawer and took out a medicine bottle, drank the medicine with cold water, and lay under the quilt for a while before feeling that the pain in her chest gradually disappeared, and her face was no longer so pale. Her eyes stared at the ceiling, and she smiled bitterly. Sure enough... It's better to be carefree like this, come clean, and go away without any worries. This is the best ending for her...

Feng Youran walked into the office building, looked at the energetic Ma Qi, she nodded lightly, and then asked Su Xiaomo to bring herself a cup of coffee to the office.

After Ma Qi walked in, she found that Feng Youran was a little haggard today, she sat across from her and asked softly, "Boss Feng, are you feeling well?"

"It's okay, I just didn't sleep well yesterday, how is the preparation of the project going?" Feng Youran leaned on the back of the chair and asked, feeling that her arms were a little cold, she got up and took out a knitted sweater from the closet.

Ma Qi put the things on the table and frowned at Feng Youran.

"Boss Feng, don't you have a cold?"

"Hehehe... Maybe, it's not a big deal, I'll take a look!" Feng Youran took the document and read it seriously, while Ma Qi nervously rubbed her fingers on the opposite side, looking at Feng Youran anxiously every move.

Feng Youran is not completely satisfied with this project, but it has basically passed her test, and the main points are well grasped, but some experience is a little lacking, and some ideas are not mature enough.

After closing the folder, Su Xiaomo just brought the coffee in. Feng Youran warmed her hands with the quilt, pecked lightly, and looked at Ma Qi with a faint smile.

"Good job, keep working hard!"

"Really? Mr. Feng!" Ma Qi stood up excitedly and said, with surprise in her eyes.

"Of course it's true. You'll ask Chenhui and Qiran to prepare for it later. I'll call Mayor Hao and win this battle. Only then will the listing of our company make sense, otherwise it will be futile!" Feng Youran said encouragingly, her gaze was affirmative.

"Well, then I will be in the office now, and...thank you, Mr. Feng, for your cultivation. I will definitely work harder and not let you down!" After speaking, Ma Qi turned around and walked out quickly, as if she was a little embarrassed. .

"Hehehe..." Feng Youran shook her head and laughed lightly. Sometimes people are like this, a word of praise and affirmation will give her infinite strength, which cannot be achieved by money at all. What she needs is such a young man, Instead of the old fritters who have been in the workplace for many years, that will only slow down your pace.

He picked up his business card and dialed Mayor Hao's phone. After three rings, he answered the phone.

"Uncle Hao, did I bother you?" Feng Youran said with a smile while holding the coffee in one hand.

"Hehehe... You girl, if you don't call me, I will call you. I did a separate research on the chemical plant at the meeting last night, and the result is in my hands." Mayor Hao He said with a smile, what was under his hand was a newly released official document.

"Then Uncle Hao and I really have a good understanding. I have just made a copy of the project proposal here. If it is convenient, how about I pick it up in person later?" Feng Youran said briskly, with a little intimacy.

"Okay, I don't have any visitors this morning, so go upstairs and find me!"

"Well, then I'll go over now, thank you Uncle Hao!" Feng Youran said and exchanged a few words, then hung up the phone, put on her coat and walked out.

As soon as he left the door, he saw Xiao Moren standing at the door, Feng Youran smiled, "Vice President Xiao!"

"Boss Feng!" Xiao Moren said respectfully, the previous contempt was gone in his eyes, and there was a little more submission.

"Are you looking for me?" Feng Youran asked with a smile, tightening her clothes.

"No, I just came here to tell you that my family, Mo Yu, gave birth to a fat boy, and I will drink our full moon wine in a few days!" Xiao Moren talked about the child, his eyes filled with fatherly love and happiness, Now he knows what his goal is, what he wants, and the presence of his wife and children makes him understand the value of the word cherishing blessings. From a certain point of view, he is still grateful to Feng Youran.

"That's really great, I'll be waiting for the full moon wine, don't forget me!" Feng Youran said happily.

"Then I'll go back!" Xiao Moren also smiled, waved his hand, and turned to leave.

Feng Youran got into the car and drove towards the government compound. Once at the gate, the security guards just looked at the car window and the license plate, and then raised the railing to let them drive in.

"President Feng, it seems that we have become regular customers here!" Xiao Ma said with a smile, with a touch of pride in his words.

"Hehehe... you go out to the nearby fruit shop in a while, buy something and send it to the person at the door, and we can't take it for granted when they give you face, right? How much money you spend will be reported to the financial department, and you can control it yourself!" Feng Youran said After that, he took his backpack and got out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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