Chapter 172 Advancement (2)
Xiao Ma looked at Feng Youran's back, sighed, and muttered, "If President Feng doesn't succeed, it's really unreasonable!"

I usually have the most contact with Feng Youran, but I have never seen her prestige as a boss. She is very easy-going to others, but she does not give people that cowardly feeling. No one can ignore her strength. Want to obey her orders.

Xiao Ma also got out of the car and walked towards the fruit shop outside.

Feng Youran ended up with Mayor Hao handing over the document, she read the contents carefully, and after a while, she smiled and raised her head, "Uncle Hao, you really helped me with this matter!"

"If it's done, Leisurely has done Uncle Hao a favor, otherwise I'd have a headache to deal with the inspection team above." Mayor Hao also said heartily.

The meeting last night was quite lively. Originally, some people were not in favor of the policy of favoring businessmen. Mayor Hao couldn't directly say what he meant, but he tactfully brought up the situation of the investigation team in City L. These people all They stopped and looked at him one by one without speaking.

They divided the difficult things very clearly, and they were afraid of getting on their own bodies. After a long silence at the end, Mayor Hao sighed and took over the things in embarrassment. Some things were naturally handled naturally, but this It also made him see this group of people more clearly. If he expects them to help him in his future career, it is a big dream. It is better to rely on others than on himself, so he must do this this time.

"Uncle Hao, don't worry about this matter, I will definitely do it beautifully, and I won't let you lose face!" Feng Youran promised.

"If there is anything that Uncle Hao can help, just say, we are not outsiders!" Mayor Hao was very happy when he heard it. Sure enough, Feng Youran was much more reliable than those people, and he was sure of his political achievements.

"Uncle Hao, I've settled this matter, what do you think is the right way to go about the process?" Feng Youran smiled, her eyes glistening.

Mayor Hao thought for a while when he heard this, and then looked at Feng Youran and smiled, "Since this matter involves state-owned assets, and the government has been involved in supervision for the past few years, we should come forward first because of the situation and reason. what do you say?"

Since ancient times, the people have not fought against the government. Although it is a state-owned enterprise, the people inside are not honest people. As long as they are not allowed to eat or drink, everything is negotiable.

"That's natural, leisurely is what I wish for!"

"By the way, Uncle Hao, I remember Hao Ge said that you have a younger brother who studies finance. I wonder if you can introduce him. My company is going to go public, and now there is a shortage of talents in this field, and I will not hide it from Uncle Hao. After purchasing the chemical plant, I plan to re-build a commercial street in the urban area, and I can't get enough of it by myself!" Feng Youran said with a smile.

Mayor Hao was slightly stunned, and after thinking about it, his brother who had just drank foreign ink from abroad, that kid is indeed a smart person, and he passed the exam entirely on his own ability. Arrogant, now it's even more common at work that he can't see it, and he is often asked to help at home, but his brother is like that, he really can't do anything about him, but since Feng Youran mentioned it, with his family's brat The major is also suitable, so it's good to let him go there to practice, Feng Youran's excellence can be seen by someone with long eyes, and it should also frustrate that kid's spirit.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help liking Feng Youran even more, not to mention what his younger brother could do, but he was very content to make Feng Youran remember good things and think about him. It seems that he really did not choose the wrong person.

"Youran, my brother has always had a high heart since he was a child, and he has been living abroad for a few years. I think it will cause you a lot of trouble!" Mayor Hao agreed.

"What are you talking about? Those who have the ability to go abroad can't be ordinary people. Uncle Hao just don't worry!" Feng Youran readily agreed, and when it was in her hands, she could make it obedient, and even more so. Let alone a person!
"Then I'll let that kid go find you tomorrow!"

The matter was settled in this way, and because of the existence of Uncle Hao Song, the relationship between the two parties became more harmonious, and the matter began to advance step by step.

Mayor Hao went home and told Hao Qingfan about the matter. He looked at his elder brother disapprovingly, squinted his eyes and said, "You asked me to work for a little girl? Did you make a mistake?"

"What little girl, you just came back from abroad, you don't know anything about the capital, this Feng Youran has a lot of background, but now she has all the literature in Kyoto in her hands with her own ability, Don't say anything else, are you still not convinced?" Mayor Hao spat angrily.

Hao Qingfan bit the apple and said vaguely, "So what?"

As soon as Hao Ge entered the door, she heard her uncle's arrogance at home. She used to admire him quite a lot, but now she has experienced a lot with Feng Youran. She was really angry.

"Uncle, show us what you can do! I want to see who is better, you or Youran!" After Hao Ge finished speaking, he unceremoniously picked up an apple and ate it, ignoring Hao Qingfan at all. black face.


"Stop humming, how long have you stayed at home? How come I haven't seen where you can put down your big Buddha in a place as big as Kyoto? Dad, my uncle doesn't dare to go, so just leave him alone, or else If it doesn't work out, I'll be ashamed!" Hao Ge said deliberately sarcastically.

"Hao Ge, you are really capable. Why would I not dare to say that I made you ashamed. When I saw it, I didn't know who it was!"

"Brother, can I go tomorrow?" Hao Qingfan stood up and said with a dark face.

"Yes, let Hao Ge take you there!" Mayor Hao said with a smile, he was still too young, and he really had to go out to exercise.

"No need, I don't dare to trouble her!" Hao Qingfan snorted, behind his silver eyes was a handsome face that was flushed with anger.

"Hehehe... Uncle is right, I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, I really don't have time!" Hao Ge shook his head after speaking, and went upstairs with twists and turns.

Hao Qingfan, who was half dead with anger, was left behind, "Brother...look at that stinky girl Hao Ge!"

"You are the same as her, you can't do it in the future!" Mayor Hao spat.

The next day, Hao Qingfan went to Feng Youran's company in a suit. Although he said he didn't think so, it was not a day or two after he returned to China. There is an unspoken secret...

Adjusting his glasses, he took a look at his clothes, walked in with big strides, and asked her about her office, his heart involuntarily lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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