Chapter 173 Advancement (3)
"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Feng!" Hao Qingfan said politely, his eyes secretly looking at the surrounding work environment.

Su Xiaomo looked up, her face was a little red, this person is really good-looking, gentle and gentle. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Appointment?" Hao Qingfan was a little taken aback, but then said, "My name is Hao Qingfan, and President Feng asked me to come here!"

"That's it, then I'll ask! Wait a minute!" After speaking, Su Xiaomo blushed slightly and dialed the internal number, and the inside gave a reply soon.

"Mr. Hao, please come inside!" After speaking, he took a step back and prepared tea.

Entering Feng Youran's office, Hao Qingfan saw the figure he had seen in the newspaper for the first time. The slender figure was standing next to the filing cabinet. He was wearing a light blue woolen skirt under a white knitted coat. He wore high boots on his straight legs, and his slightly curly long hair hung over his shoulders. Following her movements, the hair moved slightly, revealing that gorgeous face, and his breathing was slightly stagnant.

"Please sit down!" Feng Youran took down the document and said with a smile, her eyes looked Hao Qingfan up and down, she looked very smart, but... a little green, if his eyes could not be so eager, she would give him a higher rating.

"Oh, yes!" Hao Qingfan blushed a little, he was so crazy that he stared at him.

Feng Youran looked at Hao Qingfan, who was slightly blushing, and didn't make things difficult for him. She took advantage of Su Xiaomo's time to deliver tea and read his resume. Those who graduated from Stanford University are indeed proud of themselves, but one size fits all No, always being proud can easily ruin a person, and being down-to-earth is the right thing to do.

Hao Qingfan lowered his eyes slightly, he really didn't dare to stare at the little woman in front of him at such a distance, and seeing her seriously looking at his resume, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Qing Fan?" Feng Youran called out.

"Qing Fan..." She yelled again a little loudly, looking at Hao Qingfan who was distracted in front of her eyes, she couldn't laugh or cry, could this person really be used by her?

"Oh! Call me!" Hao Qingfan blushed, looked at Feng Youran and dodged a little bit, he was so grown up that he was lost in thought at this moment, how did Feng Youran look at him, thinking of this, his face was a little ugly.

Feng Youran looked at his ever-changing expression, leaned back in the chair, and joked with a smile: "Are you really graduated from Stanford University?"

"Of course!" Hao Qingfan calmed down and replied loudly.

"I know, just kidding, there are a lot of young people here, so you don't have to be too restrained, you'll get used to it soon!" Feng Youran said calmly.

The office door rang, and then Song Qiran walked in, looked at Hao Qingfan who was in the office, and nodded politely.

"Of course, this is Hao Qingfan, a top student at Stanford University who studies finance just like you. You should take him to familiarize yourself with the business recently." Feng Youran confessed with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Song Qiran!"

"Just call me Qingfan, please take care of me in the future!" The two smiled and shook hands, and then they left Feng Youran's office together.

Feng Youran suddenly raised her head and looked at Hao Qingfan, why did his profile look so familiar?After thinking about it carefully, suddenly her eyes lit up, and a crooked smile appeared on her bright and pretty face.

What is really lacking, what did not expect to find a famous person on the fortune forum, and even become his subordinate, this is God's help!

Mayor Hao was indeed very efficient. After negotiating an agreement with Feng Youran, Feng Youran readily paid a deposit of 500 million yuan, and then the government announced the news of the sale of the Jingdu Chemical Plant. If the report is not made according to the time, it is regarded as automatic resignation. As soon as the news comes out, although the workers do not know the specific situation, they still honestly start to report in the office of the factory, waiting for the arrival of the new boss.

It was only when I arrived at the factory that I learned about the new policy. Looking at the rules and regulations on the bulletin board and the benefits below, many people chose to stay, and only a small number of people were ready to leave completely.

On the other hand, Sun Maoquan looked at the newspaper hesitantly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, but as the director of the factory, he must come forward. It is said that if he does not want to continue working, there is still a sum of compensation, and the money is not free. After thinking about it, he He also walked out with strides.

Feng Youran handed over the final payment to the Finance Department, which now means that the Jingdu Chemical Plant is completely owned by Feng Youran. Ma Qiang walked behind Feng Youran and said in a low voice: "Is it time to close the net?" ?”

"That's right, the fish is so big, it should be harvested!" Feng Youran laughed, with a cold look in his eyes.

"People have arrived!" Ma Qiang whispered, with a cruel smile in his eyes.

"Go, go back now!"

Sitting in the former director's office of the chemical plant, Sun Maoquan and Li Hai felt a little disappointed seeing the unchanged layout.

"Are you still staying here?" Sun Maoquan asked Li Hai, with a cigarette in his finger, he couldn't stop smoking, his expression was a little irritable.

"Let's talk about it!" Li Hai said with some reservations, his expression was unclear.

"I won't stay here anymore. Anyway, my children are going abroad, and I will follow them in a while." Sun Maoquan planned to say with a smile, thinking about how much the new boss would give him.

Li Hai lowered his eyes, smiled lightly, and then sighed, "I'm so lucky without you."

There was a sound of footsteps at the door, and the two stopped talking and turned their eyes away.Ma Qiang opened the door, took a step back sideways, Feng Youran walked in gracefully, and after looking at the two people, he sat down towards the main seat in the middle.

"You are the new boss?" Sun Maoquan said a little bluntly.

"Exactly!" Feng Youran raised her eyebrows and replied, crossed her hands on her lap, and slightly raised her eyelids to glance at him.

Sun Maoquan also felt Feng Youran's contempt, and a fire welled up in his heart, but in the end he suppressed it rationally, and just sat across from him silently with his legs crossed and began to smoke.

Li Hai sat on the side silently, didn't say anything, just glanced lightly at Feng Youran's position.

"Director Sun came here to receive the compensation?" Feng Youran smiled lightly, but the look in her eyes was incomprehensible.

"Yes, how much do you plan to give? Less is not enough!" Sun Maoquan said forcefully, snorting at Feng Youran.

"How much are you going to want?" Feng Youran sighed softly, looking straight at Sun Maoquan, like a cat playing with a mouse without pity, but also with the cruelty to pounce on it and tear it apart. .

(End of this chapter)

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