Chapter 174 Advancement (4)
"I'm also the director of the factory, not much, you give me 50!" Sun Maoquan said, and a smoke ring floated out.

"50?" Feng Youran sneered, while Ma Qiang beside him was agitated.

"Will you give it? If you don't give it, don't say I won't let you continue working here!"

Li Hai glanced at Sun Maoquan and sat down a little bit to the side.

"Okay, come and get it!" Feng Youran said, leaning on the chair with a gentle face.

Sun Maoquan really had no brains, he really walked up, Ma Qiang handed him a kraft paper bag, and then watched Sun Maoquan greedily open it, when he saw the contents clearly, his face was livid, and he took a step back.

"What do you want to do?" Sun Maoquan said in a panic. Where did the contents come from? If he doesn't handle it properly, he will have to stay in prison for the rest of his life. No, he can't do this.

"Not much, I know you have a piece of information, I want that!" Feng Youran said, if you get that piece of information, it will be a fortune. A report in charge of oil exploration was originally intended to be extracted by himself, but he did not expect that there was a problem in the factory, so the material was finally left in Sun Maoquan's hands under the deliberate activities of Sun Maoquan. I don't know, but someone who was with him accidentally found out.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know about that thing." Sun Maoquan denied that the reason why he sent his child abroad was that he also had his own plans. That thing was classified as a secret in China and no one would dare to buy it, but when he went abroad It's different, he can definitely sell it for a good price, and there is no need to worry about the good life in the future.

"Director Li, I want to hear your opinion!" Feng Youran turned her finger at Li Hai who had been silent all along.

Li Hai took a step forward, stood beside Sun Maoquan and said with a light smile, "Brother Sun, take it out, or you will spend your good days in prison in the future, I can't bear it!"

"You!" Sun Maoquan was no fool, his eyes were fixed on Li Hai.

"If Mr. Feng needs a witness, I'm obliged. Brother Sun, don't think everyone knows what you've done. Since you've made enough money, let the brothers eat!" Li Hai said slowly, his tone There is a slight smile in it.

"Director Sun, the information here is definitely enough for you to live in prison for the rest of your life, and we will recover the things you took. Can you really ignore it? Your family doesn't care?" Ma Qiang said As soon as he came out, Sun Maoquan's face was ashen and trembling.

"Brother Sun, smart people should do smart things. You have always been a smart person, and I, Haizi, know it!" Li Hai comforted.

Sun Maoquan looked at the three people in the office, clenched his fists tightly, and said with a sneer: "Is this the situation you have set up a long time ago? Li Hai, you bastard, deliberately supported my hind legs, and then Let me get on this thief ship, you can do it, I, Sun Maoquan, was finally defeated by you, a bastard!"

"Slap!" Li Hai slapped down, then took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands, and looked up at Sun Maoquan coldly.

"Don't play prestige on me here, what are you, Sun Maoquan, you have been suppressing me in the factory, obviously I should be the director of the factory, if you don't rely on other people's power, you have your shit, under your hands, Do you think I'm a human? I'm your slave. You deserve to get to this point. I don't want you to hand over your things, because in this way, I can watch you die in prison and endure you for so long. , Finally let me wait until the day to clean you up, what an eye opener!" Li Hai said bitterly, his reddish eyes and gloomy breath made Sun Maoquan's feet go soft, and he staggered back a few steps.

Feng Youran looked at the scene in front of her, rubbed the bridge of her nose tiredly, and reminded displeasedly: "Director Sun, I don't have enough patience for your choice!"

Sun Maoquan looked at Feng Youran, and then looked fiercely, and gritted his teeth. He knew that he would not be able to escape in the end, "I'll give it to you, but how can I trust you?"

Feng Youran snorted impatiently, "Do you still have a choice? Take it out immediately, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!"

Enduring the humiliation, Sun Maoquan reluctantly took out a key from his pocket, then gritted his teeth and said, "Come with me!"

Ma Qiang walked out with a few people and followed Sun Maoquan. Half an hour later, Ma Qiang walked in with a box full of rust, and handed a stack of documents to Feng Youran.

Feng Youran smiled lightly, tapped the table with her slender fingers, her pupils shone with dazzling brilliance...

Li Hai didn't speak, and looked up at Feng Youran gently. He didn't see Sun Maoquan coming back, and he felt a little uneasy. If he wanted to say who was the most reassuring person, there was no doubt about the answer, but did she really do that? ?Think about the cold sweat on his back that has soaked his clothes.

"In the future, you will be the factory manager here in charge of the affairs of the factory. I will give you absolute rights, but if you violate the rules of the game, the consequences will definitely be much worse than that of the factory manager Sun. This is what Sun Maoquan handed over. , I will give it to you now, within a week I want a complete plan and implementation plan, and you have to give me a satisfactory answer on how to arrange the employees in the factory!" Feng Youran stroked the edge of the document and said softly .

"Yes, I will definitely not disappoint Mr. Feng!" Li Hai said nervously, but there was something excited in his heart. After all, he got what he had longed for, and he would not let it go, even if he sold himself out. to the devil!
"I also won't treat those who follow me badly!" After Feng Youran finished speaking, she pushed the information towards Li Hai, got up, and walked outside.

Ma Qiang also followed Feng Youran and walked out step by step. Suddenly Feng Youran stopped and turned her head, "I have my own plans for the land in the urban area of ​​the capital!"

"Yes, I know!" Li Hai said respectfully, bowed slightly, knowing that the sound of Feng Youran's footsteps had completely disappeared in the office building.

Li Hai straightened up, looked around the huge office, this is everything he longed for, touched everything in the office, finally sat firmly on the chair that Feng Youran sat on just now, patted the armrests of the chair with both hands, Leaning back, he looked at the ceiling and laughed.

Sun Maoquan, this place belongs to me, Li Hai, after all!Ye Jueao looked at the pale Ye Juehan, and said displeasedly, "What's the matter with you? Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"There's nothing to hide from you, but the time is almost up. Miss Bu Qianrong is our honored guest, so don't neglect!" Ye Juehan reminded, the pain in his chest was still there, but he liked this feeling, even Hope it will always be like this, always be good.

(End of this chapter)

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