Chapter 187 The Reversed Fate (3)
Lu Di smiled indifferently, and slowly moved her big hand down Feng Youran's cheeks, stroking her body intimately, like a poisonous tongue sticking out a letter.

"Stop, Lu Di, I promise you, I promise you whatever you say, and I'll go with you!" Ge Guanyu roared with red eyes, his hands clenched until his veins were exposed.

Lu Di's hand stopped slowly, his eyes hesitated a bit, but was quickly replaced by madness, "Guanyu, I regret it, it's too late for you to say this now, I, Lu Di, have loved you for ten years Not being able to love you is my biggest regret, since you are emotional, then I will fulfill you, and I will not waste my love for you!"

"Lu Di, what on earth are you going to do!" Ge Song roared, the matter has exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Guanyu, I thought you would never understand love in this life, just live your life quietly like this, but you are tempted, it's good, I'll save her, but I want you to break her in front of me and Ge Song body! If you can’t do it...then I’d rather go to the underworld to explore the way for her first!” Lu Di smiled and said shocking words, all the voices seemed to stop, and time was also frozen at this moment down.

Ge Guanyu stared at Lu Di with wide eyes, trembling all over, his handsome face was bloodless, his pale lips were bitten with bright red marks, a stream of blood slowly dripped down the corners of his lips onto the front of his clothes, under the corners of his eyes. That eye-catching red mole was like a tear of blood, scalding Lu Di's heart.

Lu Di turned his head slightly, and saw Ge Song's blue face and eyes full of hatred.

"Her life, I leave it to you to decide!" Lu Di said cruelly.

Feng Youran was softly carried by Lu Di, looked at Ge Guanyu in shock, all kinds of emotions flashed in her phoenix eyes, and finally closed her eyes slowly, and said through the gap between her teeth: "I am willing to die!" !"

Everyone present could hear Feng Youran's words clearly. Ge Guanyu looked at her, but couldn't see the brilliance in her eyes. He understood her stubbornness, but he couldn't do it. Except for his sister and Ge Song, she was his favorite The most inseparable person, he fell in love, a person who shouldn't be emotional, so he will be punished, but why should he be punished like this?Why?
Ge Song clenched his fists tightly. At the beginning, he was afraid of losing Feng Youran, so he used such despicable means selfishly. Everything today was caused by him. Love her...he really loves her She, he took over the control of the Ge family and cleared her, Ye Jueao, from her side. He has done so much, but he ended up like this, what should he do now?Did Ge Guanyu really spoil her?In front of him?Cruel, really cruel...

"Guanyu...what's your decision?" Lu Di smiled slowly, there was even a touch of pampering on that ordinary face, like a child who was calling someone awkward.

Ge Guanyu finally withdrew his gaze and said in a low voice, "Save her, I...will!"

Ge Song raised his head abruptly, the paleness and hopelessness on his face caused his body to shake and he almost fell down.

"Young Master Ge, shouldn't your people clear the venue? Or are you willing to show this good show to these people?" Lu Di smiled in a good mood.

Ge Song stared at Lu Di firmly, and he swore he would never let this man go!He raised his hand and growled to the person in the dark: "I will never see another person 500 meters away!"

A few sounds like the wind blowing sounded in my ears, and the people in the dark quickly disappeared around the small courtyard. In the entire courtyard, only the fallen leaves on the osmanthus trees rustled in the wind, and there was a faint air in the faint air. There was a delicate fragrance, and the morning sun finally broke through the clouds, and the golden light shone on the earth, everything was coated with a layer of gold-like color.

Lu Di let go of her hand, Feng Youran collapsed powerlessly, Ge Guanyu rushed over, hugged Feng Youran in his arms at the waist, and watched her open her stunned and panicked eyes, the previous calm had disappeared in her eyes Not seeing, it makes people feel pity.

"No..." Feng Youran's faint voice came, and her hand pressed against Ge Guanyu's chest.

"Youran, I have been confused by you since the first time I saw you, but at that time I couldn't see my heart clearly, until I let you go, I didn't know that I had fallen in love with you irresistibly , fell in love with a little girl who is as old as my nephew, the result scares me, so I can no longer keep you..." Ge Guanyu said with a smile, holding Feng Youran's cold hands gently with his big hands.

Feng Youran shook her head vigorously, Ge Guanyu pierced the last layer of window paper between them, everything will not be the same as before, facing him like this, she is more fearful, complicated, and emotionally timid that she doesn't want him to be hurt .

Lu Di looked at them impatiently, and urged coldly: "Guanyu, don't delay the auspicious time, my patience is limited!" After speaking, he took out a pill with a wicked smile.

Both Feng Youran and Ge Guanyu were shocked, Ge Guanyu tightly protected Feng Youran in his arms, that thing is definitely not a good thing.

"Who are you coming?"

"No need!" Ge Guanyu and Feng Youran said at the same time.

Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran in surprise, he didn't understand what she meant, but seeing the clarity and determination in her eyes, he showed a wry smile... She wanted to write down all the humiliation of today, right?What will happen after today?How should they face it in the future?
Feng Youran was carried into her room by Ge Guanyu and put on the bed. He looked down at her tightly closed eyes and slightly trembling body. At that time, Feng Youran's long skirt fluttered to her feet, and her big hands covered the two of them with the quilt.

"Ah!" Feng Youran's eyes widened, and she looked at the man above her head. He could not bear to look at his painful expression, and tightly covered her body. The red moles of tears dripped into Feng Youran's eyes, they were hot and hurt her heart.

There is no tender affair, under the gaze of outsiders, Feng Youran has changed from a girl to a woman, she has not tasted the sweetness inside, only humiliation and full of sadness, resentment is intertwined into a net, tightly trapped She, she wants to destroy everything crazily, why let her live, live so without dignity...

Feng Youran laughed out loud, tears running wildly, laughing with grief...

"Youran...Youran..." Ge Guanyu shouted loudly, looking at Feng Youran who had fallen into madness, he actually felt a kind of heartbreaking pain.

Feng Youran wrapped her arms around Ge Guanyu's waist with all her strength, and kissed his lips fiercely with her bitten lips. She kissed tightly, but she still couldn't break through Ge Guanyu's resistance... her heart sank, and she turned around. Biting Ge Guanyu's neck fiercely, a bloody smell spread under the nostrils of the two of them, both of them were covered with blood stains, looking extremely horrifying...

(End of this chapter)

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