Chapter 188 The Reversed Fate (4)

"No, I won't allow you to leave!" Feng Youran's sanity had long since disappeared, and she sealed his waist again, her eyes gradually loosened and closed slowly, tears flowing silently in her heart...

Ge Guanyu gently raised his body and covered her with the quilt on one side. The blood stains under his body caused complex flashes in his eyes, suppressing his own desires, and sweat dripped drop by drop on the delicate body below him on his white forehead. Gradually pressing down, the lips bitten by her kissed softly beside the panting Feng Youran's ear, softly but firmly said: "Youran, you are my woman!"

Lu Di's hands were behind his back, his white knuckles showed a dead white color, looking at Ge Guanyu who was walking towards him and Ge Song, he found that he seemed to have never understood him, he was clearly right in front of him, But it seems to be in the sky.

Ge Song staggered towards the door, the sound in his ears, the entanglement in his eyes made him unable to think anymore, his mind went blank, only Feng Youran's terrified eyes, wild and crazy laughter in front of him, what should he... manage?
"Slow down!" Lu Di squinted those weird eyes, and said to Ge Song after leaving aside the complicated situation just now.

Ge Song stood there straight, without looking back.

"You have done so much, don't you want to watch me save her? Are you afraid that I will go back on my word?" Lu Di chuckled.

Ge Guanyu put on his clothes and stood up, and then took out Feng Youran's clothes from the closet and put them on under the quilt for her, acting carefully as if he was treating a rare treasure.

Lu Di walked over, stretched out his big hand, lifted off the quilt just covered, took out two pills from his pocket, and then said with a smile: "Come here!"

Ge Song and Ge Guanyu looked at each other, then walked up...

"Young Master Ge, eat!"

Ge Song didn't even look at it. He took it and put it in his mouth and swallowed it, but his eyes never left his eyes on Lu Di who was smiling slyly at this time, and a feeling of uneasiness slowly rose in his heart.

Turning around again, "Guanyu, yours!"

Ge Guanyu looked at Lu Di, holding the pill, "I believe in you, you won't break your promise!" After speaking, he also took the pill.

Seeing the two people in front of him obediently obeying his words at this time, and then looking at the clock, Lu Di slowly took out a black pill from his pocket close to his heart, and took it from the table. A water glass was thrown in.

Both Ge Guanyu and Ge Song stared closely at his actions, and slowly, they were startled by the numbness coming from their bodies, but before they had time to think about it, the two of them saw Feng Youran, who had fainted, opened his eyes slowly. His eyes, as if feeling their gaze, slowly turned his head and looked at each other.

Lu Di chuckled and walked over, straightened Feng Youran's face, and let her eyes rest on Ge Song's body, those eyes full of bewitching charm suddenly began to change, a dark red light appeared Flickering across her eyes, Feng Youran frowned and tried to avoid Lu Di's eyes, but she was weak and could not defeat Lu Di's hypnotism.

"Feng Youran, you were raped by Ge Song just now, but you love Ge Guanyu the most in your heart, you love him very much..." Lu Di's voice, Di Cheng, has a sharp penetrating power, as if it can penetrate the eardrum , so that everyone present could not help but fall into the penetrating power of his voice, and could no longer extricate themselves...

What Lu Di said made Ge Song and Ge Guanyu look at them helplessly, at Feng Youran who was gradually being hypnotized, trying to speak but unable to make a sound, they could only look at them like this, staring at them...

After a long while, Lu Di staggered a little exhausted, suppressed the surging blood in his heart, looked at the two people opposite who wanted to eat him, smiled slowly, took out a delicate dagger and shook it in front of him .

"Guanyu, as I said, I will make you suffer, and let you taste my pain for the past ten years. Now that I have done it, don't look at me like that. I don't like it. I will do what I promised you right away." I will do it, this... is also my last time, I will not pester you anymore..." After Lu Di finished speaking, he lifted Ge Guanyu's chin, and gently and obsessively imprinted his lips on it However, it is obviously a scorching love that can burn to death, but it is just so admiring like a clear stream, imprinted with awe, and dare not have the slightest blasphemy.

Ge Guanyu's eyes narrowed, and a stream of warm blood splashed onto his monstrously delicate face. Lu Di stepped back slowly, leaned against the bed step by step, picked up the water glass just now and pressed it to his chest, and the black pill was on the bloody surface. It gradually melted under the mixing, and with trembling gait, pinched Feng Youran's mouth and poured the medicine down her throat.

Feng Youran, who was in a coma, couldn't help shaking her head, but in the end she let Lu Di drink it down. Lu Di smiled, her gaze was never calmer than before, she looked gently at Ge Guanyu who had already been stunned, and crawled over .

Touching Ge Guanyu's toes, panting lightly, raised his head, squinted his eyes, looked at the bright sun in the sky, the sunlight shone into the room along the open door, warm...

"The weather is so nice!" Said softly, closing his eyes, he seemed to return to the day when the two met ten years ago, the weather on that day was just like today...

Ge Guanyu closed his eyes slowly, not looking at the pure smile on Lu Di's face, his last murmur faintly rang out in his ears, and a tear finally flowed down the eye-catching red mole.

"If there is an afterlife, I will never meet you this is too painful..."

Gradually as time went by, Ge Song moved his body slowly, and walked into Feng Youran who was in a coma with slight hesitation, while Ge Guanyu looked at the humble but complicated Lu Di lying at his feet, stretched out his hand, Cover his eyes...

It was night, and the small courtyard had returned to its former calm, but the traces of the bloody wash could not be washed away, and the tragic decision was deeply engraved in the hearts of the three of them, which could never be erased or let go...

Ge Guanyu and Ge Song were sitting on Feng Youran's favorite soft couch, silent... Facing such a result, they had never experienced powerlessness and pain.

Ge Song clenched his fists tightly, he couldn't hate Ge Guanyu, if it wasn't for the bond between Ge Guanyu and Lu Di, he would never be able to save Feng Youran, but he couldn't calm the pain in his heart, he loved her, No matter what she looks like, he doesn't care, but Lu Di remembers it like a spell, how should he face her?

Ge Guanyu turned his attention to Ge Song, seeing the entanglement and contradiction in his eyes, he got up and walked to Ge Song.

"Crack!" A slap broke up Ge Song's words, and stood up abruptly. Although the age difference was more than ten years old, Ge Song's height and momentum were definitely not inferior to Ge Guanyu's. He is no longer the youthful teenager he used to be.

(End of this chapter)

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