Chapter 189 The Reversed Fate (5)


There was fire in Ge Song's brown pupils, looking at Ge Guanyu with a gloomy face opposite him, this was a look he had never seen since he was a child, no matter how naughty he was, no matter how naughty he was, he always smiled and let it go He always felt that that kind of smile was more kind than his mother's, but now he knew that the relationship between himself and him had been cut off by him, and he had hurt the treasure he had always cherished and regarded as a pearl, but could it be Does he not hurt?Who can understand the pain of his heart being torn apart.

Ge Guanyu's mood is also complicated. Taking care of Ge Song makes him treat Ge Song as his own. It is his pride to watch him become a man who takes care of him day by day, but he actually hurt his most important relatives. He hated the jewel in his heart, and hated himself even more for his powerlessness.

Under the bright red palm prints, Ge Song's handsome face gradually became red and swollen, which showed Ge Guanyu's strength and inextricable resentment in his heart.

"You go!" Ge Guanyu turned around and said coldly, Feng Youran is still not awake, no matter what, he doesn't want to make Feng Youran suffer, what she endured is pain that he can hardly accept.

"I won't go. Since Lu Di said that, I will take her away. mine." Ge Song turned his back and replied forcefully.

Ge Guanyu clenched his fists and growled sullenly: "How deeply are you going to hurt her? You know she already belongs to me, why can't you let go, I will make Youran forget the pain and the past, let her go I beg you, Ah Song!"

Ge Song's body trembled, because of Ge Guanyu's affectionate address, he hurt so much, really hurt, but let go, let her forget him like this, he can't do it, why should he let him back down.

"What exactly do you want me to do to back down? Ah Song, you and Youran will not be happy, you are also the sharpest weapon, you are too similar in some ways, but you can't give her what she wants, uncle promises you , I will make her happy!" Ge Guanyu said bitterly, how difficult it is for Feng Youran, who has gone through this incident, to accept him, he knows very well that for a lifetime...he will give her a lifetime to let go.

"How do you know that we are not suitable? I will learn a lot about her. Don't think that you are my uncle and I will regress!"

"..." Ge Guanyu looked at the unfamiliar Ge Song, lowered his eyes, stopped talking, got up and walked towards Feng Youran's room.

"Speak up!" Ge Song roared behind him.

"Do you want her to live or die?" After he finished speaking, he completely walked out of the room, and the noise in the bedroom alarmed the two of them.

Ge Guanyu hurried in and looked at Feng Youran, who was shaking with her hair covered. He stretched out his long arms and held her in his arms, but the warm breath couldn't warm Feng Youran's heart. Her memory was full of scenes of being insulted by Ge Song. , the pain between her legs did not go away, the shame of being a human being made her wish to kill Ge Song, and the man's breath made her both scared and flustered.

"Let go, let me go!" Feng Youran yelled and pushed Ge Guanyu away with her hands. Her messy long hair was mixed with sweat and stuck to her pale face. Her lips trembled slightly, showing her unprecedented fragility on her face, and her slender arms made people feel distressed.

"Youran, leisurely, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm..." Ge Guanyu hugged Feng Youran, who was constantly struggling and panicking, with all his strength, and gently patted her on the back with his big hands, as if coaxing a child Father, every ounce of her pain was pierced in Ge Guanyu's heart, but she was bruised and bruised all over, but she could only endure the truth.

Gradually, Feng Youran calmed down, resting her head on Ge Guanyu's shoulder, breathing in the faint scent of ink on his body, and gently closing her eyes, his murmured words made her feel at ease... the grievance in her heart was replaced by bursts of tears , as the trickling tears gradually grew bigger, she finally burst into tears, wrapping her hands around Ge Guanyu's shoulders, and dug into his skin fiercely with her sharp nails.

Ge Guanyu also slowly closed his eyes, feeling her trembling in his arms, leisurely... forgetting everything...

Ge Song stood at the door and stared blankly at the two people sitting by the bed. In his eyes, Feng Youran was always proud, so confident, so dazzling. Once upon a time, he thought that he was like a child. Her wholehearted trust made her feel so proud. It was as if all the strength in his body had been drained, so he could only stare at her in pain.

He slammed his hand on the door frame and glared at Ge Guanyu, why didn't he let go, why?
"Youran..." Ge Song suppressed the pain in his heart, and approached step by step with a warm voice.

Listening to his voice, Feng Youran raised her red and swollen eyes, filled with hatred, wishing to tear him apart.

"Ge Song..." Ge Guanyu shouted in a low voice, unexpectedly he still appeared.

"Youran, I love you, come with me!" Ge Song pretended to be calm and said, he saw the hatred in Feng Youran's eyes, leisurely... I was wrong, I was really wrong, give me another chance... He begged bitterly in his heart.

"Your love? Just because you love me, are you ruining me? Is this your love?" Feng Youran scolded hysterically.

"Give me another chance, let me make up for you, and spend my whole life, okay?" Ge Song begged in pain, his hands trembling slightly.

Feng Youran turned around, turned her back to him coldly, and said word by word: "I don't care, what you have done to me has been engraved into my bones, and I will never forget it again. Pain, I will return it to you ten times and a hundred times!"

"Youran..." Both Ge Guanyu and Ge Song shouted.

Ge Guanyu turned his head to look at Ge Song, and said, "Let's go!"

Ge Song looked at Ge Guanyu fiercely, he took advantage of everything, did he think he would quit like this?Don't think about it!Ge Song said silently.

A storm gradually formed in Ge Guanyu's eyes, he opened the door, grabbed his arm and threw him out.

"Unless I die!" After speaking, Ge Guanyu slammed the door on his face fiercely, and this family relationship also came to an end under this door, and they all knew that there would never be the old days in the future.

Ge Song looked at the gate, he clenched his fists and turned away, he won't give up...

Moon Shadow and Phantom followed Ge Song closely, and their backs gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu, who was sitting next to her and looked at her intently, with a complicated expression, and suddenly a cup of warm milk was stuffed into her hand, and he sat on the other side of the soft couch, just like their yesterday.

"Drink some milk and sleep!" Ge Guanyu said warmly with a smile.

Feng Youran raised her head and looked at him, he liked her, she heard that, after such a thing happened, he still... Holding the milk in his hand, looking at the white gas on it, suddenly he didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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