Chapter 190 Change (1)
"Would you like to play a game of chess?" Ge Guanyu said pettingly, he knew that although she was calm now, the hurdle in her heart was not easy to get over, he couldn't show any strangeness, it would stimulate her sensitive nerves at this time .

Feng Youran thought for a while, "Okay!"

Putting on the chessboard, the two each held a piece, and began to fight back and forth. Compared with the usual chess moves, Feng Youran's moves were full of murderous intent, step by step, pressing every step of the way, but Ge Guanyu was really fake and real. He was circling on the chessboard, and was tightly entangled with Feng Youran.

After a game of chess was played, the sky gradually brightened again, and a new day was about to begin. After a sleepless night, she was obviously exhausted physically, but her spirit felt reborn. Feng Youran put the last chess piece on the chessboard, and looked at Ge Guanyu with a smile.

"I can finally beat you in a game..." Feng Youran said hoarsely, a slight smile appeared on her pitiful face.

"Hehehe..." Ge Guanyu smiled slowly, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

Feng Youran moved her sore body, and put her foot down from the soft couch. She couldn't kick her shoe after searching for her blood-poor foot on the ground for a long time, which made her frown a little annoyed.

Ge Guanyu suddenly squatted down, took Feng Youran's small white feet and gently massaged them with his hands, and after a long while, he reluctantly put her feet into the shoes carefully.

"Get up and walk around, is it still numb?" Ge Guanyu asked, keeping his eyes on Feng Youran's feet.

Feng Youran was a little hesitant in the face of Ge Guanyu's sudden change of attitude, but she didn't want to resist, it was very contradictory. They had never pierced the window paper before, and she was selfishly willing to just enjoy his friend's care like that, but different now...

He saw her in the most embarrassing state, the most painful experience, and her tears. He tasted them together, and he used his warmth to soothe her heart from beginning to end. This kind of him made her feel at ease, just a wandering heart. Finally, there is a harbor where she can rest and dock. It has nothing to do with love, she just believes in him.

"I want to sleep for a while, do you want to go back and sleep again?" Feng Youran said with some embarrassment, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Well, let's go back together!" After Ge Guanyu finished speaking, he turned off the light in the study room, opened the door, stood aside and looked at Feng Youran with a smile.

Feng Youran covered her head with the quilt, her eyes widened, she would not just give up like this, she would get back everything she endured...Ge Song...Ye Family.

Ye Jueao looked at the trucks that drove into Yejia's villa in the suburbs of Beijing in the early morning. Boxes of white roses airlifted from France were placed in the middle of the lawn as if they were free of charge. The beautiful roses are tied with pink ribbons to form beautiful arches. At the end of the arches are flying white gauzes, decorated with light pink champagne roses, which bring a burst of fragrance with the wind.

The sky is gradually brightening, and the arrangement on the lawn is coming to an end. The uniformed waiter puts the long table with dark flowered tablecloth on the side of the swimming pool, and puts all kinds of red wine and champagne on it carelessly like flowing water. The delicate bone china plate and the silver knife and fork shone dazzlingly in the sun. This was an extremely romantic engagement ceremony, was not what he expected...

Ye Juehan stood behind Ye Jueao, watching everything outside through the window, "Do you regret it?"

"What's there to regret? Bu Qianrong is also a beauty, and I'm not at a loss. She'll bring the documents over in a while!" Ye Jueao restrained himself and revealed a trace of sadness. He pulled his cynical smile back and sat lazily. Step into the sofa and raise your tall Erlang legs.

", why do you have to do it today?" Ye Juehan smiled lightly, his black eyes glanced at Ye Jueao seemingly unintentionally.

"This is her sincerity to your younger brother. Big brother just accepts it with a smile. To be honest, I feel that this brother is at a loss!" Ye Jueao joked.

"Jueao, what you said is really wronged. People who don't know think I've bullied you!" Bu Qianrong walked in with an unpainted file bag, looked at the crooked person on the sofa, and stared angrily. glanced.

"How dare I, it's too late to make your young lady happy! Hehehe..." Ye Jue smiled arrogantly, got up and walked forward Qianrong, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"With your mouth, dead people can make you live. If you believe it, it's no wonder!" The words were true, but Bu Qianrong still leaned sweetly in Ye Jue'ao's arms. After coming to the relationship, their relationship has gradually changed. Although Ye Jueao's heart is hard to guess, Bu Qianrong is not in a hurry, because she is confident that Ye Jueao will only have her in his heart in the future.

"I, I really died unjustly, that's all right, you guys join forces to punish me, I got up too early in the morning, I'll go to sleep for a while." After Ye Jueao finished speaking, he smiled lazily, and then turned to Go upstairs to the room.

Seeing Ye Jueao leave, the smile on Bu Qianrong's face also subsided a bit, looked at Ye Juehan with a little alienation, sat on the sofa unceremoniously, picked up the coffee Ye Jueao had drunk, and gently Take a peck.

Seeing her actions, Ye Juehan couldn't help but sneer in his heart. It seems that this game will become more and more exciting...

Feng Youran sat up from the bed wet and cold, and the nightmare-like images kept playing in her mind one after another. She wanted to forget it but couldn't let it go. She never thought that Ge Song would use such a despicable means to get her , every step he took drove her into the abyss, her body, the man she loved but reluctantly let go of, in the end, she was alone, and all her pain was given by him, could it be that the two are destined to be together? Only the disappearance of one of them can free the other... Maybe this is the meaning of the existence of the two of them in this world...

If this is the case, then you and I will pay the price of death, let's fight it out!
The wetness and cold all over her body made Feng Youran uncomfortably took clothes from the cabinet and changed again. If it wasn't for the nightmare that existed in her memory, she would definitely have thought it was a dream. A sneer overflowed from her lips, and her bright face had Thrilling horror.

Glancing at the calendar on the table, Feng Youran's eyes moved, she got up and walked over, looking at the date on the calendar, a sly smile appeared in her eyes.

Ge Guanyu sighed, looking at the steaming casserole on the stove, but his expression was erratic. Although Feng Youran's memory had been changed, it also pushed the closest self further away. She understood his heart. , but she couldn't let go of the hurt in her heart, and the relationship between him and Ge Song made it hard for her to let go of her guard. What should he do?
Ge Song's temperament has been so stubborn since he was a child. Although he regressed today, it doesn't mean that he will always endure it like this. He loves deeply, but also loves terribly. He may do things that no one can imagine, even if he It will hurt to death and will not make others happy.

(End of this chapter)

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