Chapter 191 Change (2)
As soon as Feng Youran entered the kitchen, she saw Ge Guanyu's sad look, his handsome face had lost the glint of the past, making her afraid to look into his eyes, because she was afraid to see those things she didn't want to be in. see something.

"Get ready to eat!" After Ge Guanyu found Feng You, he calmed down a little bit of loneliness just now, smiled faintly, and said warmly.

"Well, it smells good!" Feng Youran praised shallowly, with a touch of complexity in her tone.

If he didn't confess, maybe the two of them could get along more happily, but he broke the balance between the two of them. Although he and Ge Song have different personalities, they are relatives after all. She would think of Ge Song who was somewhat similar to him, which made her unable to calm down.

Ge Guanyu and Feng Youran sat quietly on both sides of the table, eating breakfast silently with their heads down. Ge Guanyu smiled lightly from the beginning to the end, just like him usually.

He glanced at the opposite side, sighed in his heart, and saw her contradiction in his eyes.

Putting the chopsticks and the bowl in the sink, he said unintentionally, "Youran, my house over there is almost finished, and I'm going to move in today."

"Ah?" Feng Youran raised her head in astonishment, and looked at Ge Guanyu with her mouth slightly open. Although she couldn't face it in her heart, his sudden behavior still made her feel unspeakably complicated, but she immediately lowered her head, Silently drinking the porridge in the bowl.

Ge Guanyu was also slightly disappointed, what was he looking forward to just now?Could it be that he still doesn't know Feng Youran's personality?Let go of the tightly clenched, sweaty palms, with mixed feelings in my heart, and finally I can only turn around and turn into a bitter smile hanging on my lips.

After eating, Feng Youran got up and glanced at Ge Guanyu, lowered her eyes, and said lightly: "You think too much." After speaking, she walked out of the kitchen in a hurry.

Ge Guanyu turned his head to look at her back, staring blankly, what did she just say?Could it be what he thought it meant?The heart that was still dead just now was instantly revived by her words, and then he calmed down. No matter how Feng Youran treats him, it is better for him to leave first. He has a lifetime to wait for her, so although he is reluctant, but Don't care about pampering her, just follow her heart, he just wants to pamper her for the rest of his life.

Leisurely... I will wait until the day when your heart is opened for me!
Feng Youran was also a little confused why she said that to Ge Guanyu just now, she didn't want to clear her mind, and she didn't want to think about it again, she changed into a royal blue dress, walked out of the small courtyard with a backpack, and walked out of the alley , she turned her head slightly and looked in the direction of home, but with just one glance, she quickly walked into the car parked beside her.

"Go to Ye's family!" Feng Youran leaned on the seat, and began to think with drooping eyes. Now the power in Kyoto is complicated, but Ye's family is definitely a big and famous family here, not to mention that he is now at its peak, but the Ye family They are all smart and capable, and Ye Juehan is the best among them.

All she can do now is to make herself rich and become a wealthy businessman, but since ancient times when merchants came here, they could not be seen by the real famous families. Destroyed, the rich and powerful do not separate families, so although the Ye family has power, if they don't go on a journey, their strength can be considered equal. She doesn't know how powerful Ge Song is, but there is one thing, that is, he can give up. Bu Qianrong is an important ally, so he doesn't care about the power of the Bu family, and absolutely cannot be underestimated.

She understands Ye Juehan's thoughts. He and Ge Song are on a par. They are both people who can fight ruthlessly. Ge Song is for her, while Ye Juehan is for him who respects him most. My brother, what a miraculous and terrifying resemblance, if she chooses to join forces with Ye Juehan, then everything will be full of expectations.

The closer the car was to Ye's villa, the slower it was going. The end of the road leading to the halfway up the mountain went straight to the gate of Ye's house. The security personnel were all wearing black special uniforms standing on both sides of the street, maintaining order. The luxury car can only be parked on both sides of the road. Although there is a distance from the entrance, the real fragrance of flowers from the venue brings a touch of romance and sweetness of love in this somewhat late autumn season. .

The driver looked at the front with some embarrassment. It had been stuck in traffic for more than ten minutes, but he still didn't seem to be moving, but it felt a little unreasonable to let Feng Youran get off the car here.

"Okay, go find a place to park the car, it will be hard to even get out after a while!" Feng Youran said lightly, opened the car door, a slender calf wrapped in black stockings stretched out of the car door, bowed her head , that perfect and delicate side face and the black hair scattered in front of her eyes made her even more charming and charming.

Feng Youran, who has experienced love affairs, is no longer a simple little girl. She was still a little green at first, but now she is like a rose that has just bloomed. .

Ye Juehan was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall, when suddenly the voice of the walkie-talkie rang out in the quiet room.

"Speak!" Ye Jue said coldly.

"Master, Miss Feng Er's car has arrived!" the security guard said respectfully on the other end of the walkie-talkie.

Standing in the corner, Gao Zhiyong slightly evoked a helpless wry smile. At this time, I didn't expect the young master to be so willful. The protagonist today is not Feng Youran, but he still wants to receive him in person. What do the people here think.

Alas... Shouldn't he know?Whenever he encounters something related to Feng Youran, he will definitely be in the market. Is this good or bad?

Bu Qianrong looked at Ye Juehan who was walking out of the gate in a hurry, and there was a sneer on Boli's lips. It seemed that the woman came anyway, otherwise she really couldn't think of anyone who would have taken over the capital long ago. Young Master Ye of the Ye family greeted him personally. Hearing the sound of footsteps coming behind him, Bu Qianrong restrained the sarcasm on his lips and turned into a sweet smile.

"Jueao, am I pretty today?" Bu Qianrong said, and walked around in a circle beside Ye Jueao. The hem of the skirt wearing crystals and pearls drew a beautiful arc because of her dancing, with uneven curves. The figure added a touch of charm and rare shyness to her.

"It's beautiful!" Ye Jueao praised without hesitation, even though he was unwilling, but this was already his choice, and he didn't need to talk about feelings with anyone, so he could tolerate the willful Bu Qianrong up.

" are handsome too!"

Ye Jueao looked down at Bu Qianrong's sexy and provocative posture, unceremoniously raised her chin, regained the initiative, and imprinted a kiss on it, but he was uncomfortable She wanted to retreat, although she was very attractive, but there was an indescribable disgust in his heart, she made him uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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