Chapter 193 Change (4)
"Uh..." The other end of the walkie-talkie was shocked by Feng Youran's coquettish voice. In their eyes, Ye Juehan had never been a womanizer, and no woman dared to be so arrogant to him.

Ye Juehan looked helplessly at the subordinate who had scared Feng Youran, and said, "Just listen to her!"

"Yes, my subordinate obeys!" Then the walkie-talkie was turned off.

Ye Juehan looked at Feng Youran's little fox-like expression, and said with a spoiled wry smile: "My wisdom will be ruined by you!"

"Hehehe... You dare not? Or don't you want to?" Feng Youran asked with a smile, a dark light flashed in Feng Youran's eyes.

Ye Juehan raised Feng Youran's chin, put it on her lips, and said domineeringly: "Now there is no woman whom Ye Juehan dare not spoil. I used to be incompetent. Now I will not back down. As long as it is I'll give you whatever you want, let you go crazy!"

"It's quite exciting to say."

"Then move on, my heart for you has never changed, otherwise you should also know that I will not spend such a large amount of money. In the world, I, Ye Juehan, can spoil you to the sky. Apart from me, I don't believe in other people." People can do it, this is my promise to you!" Ye Juehan said firmly, as long as she can still be the same as before, even if it is slightly worse, then he is willing and willing to give everything.

"What will happen if your words are heard by Jue Ao? He sacrificed a lot? If you know that the Ye family is so important to you, you can be pampered because of a woman without caring. Are you sitting so securely?" Feng Youran leaned on Ye Juehan's shoulder, in the eyes of outsiders, they were a handsome couple, and the occasional whispers were love words between lovers.

Ye Juehan looked up and glanced around indifferently, then pressed Feng Youran's hand that was holding his arm, and said with a smile: "Do you think he still has room for repentance now? And Bu Qianrong is definitely not saving money. The lamp, she dared to bet so big, she must have a certain degree of confidence, Jue Ao's mind is indeed I want to bow down, but he was born with a bodhisattva heart, he knows everything, understands everything, so even though he is like this now , but Bu Qianrong has a great chance to occupy his heart, even if he doesn't love much, but he can't help but care, you say leisurely, will your heart hurt?"

"Do I still have a heart?" Feng Youran raised her eyebrows and laughed indifferently, looking proudly at Ye Juehan, who was a bit chilly. She was not afraid of him, maybe she knew his heart for her too well, so she would be provocative. Rebuttals will be deliberately ignored, but they will not let him get what he wants, but he will be so sure that he is reluctant to let go.

"Youran, I won't get angry with you. Your trick is useless!" Ye Juehan said with a smile. The two of them had already walked into the villa, and the green grass had been arranged. The guests on both sides of the flower arch can see the strength of the Ye family with just a glance. They are all well-known politicians and wealthy businessmen in the capital city.

"Our future wedding will definitely be better than this. I will definitely make you the bride that everyone envies!" Ye Juehan solemnly promised.

"You think too early." After Feng Youran finished speaking, she walked forward and looked at the luxurious and romantic scene. Speaking of all kinds of things in the future, but now things are different, there are my own letting go, his lack of self-confidence, and other people's hands and feet inside, all these things make it impossible for the two of them to return to the beginning...

"You are mine, no one can get you again this time! Youran... If you don't want to hurt others, then don't give your heart, I will... I can't tolerate it, and this is my bottom line! Others, as you like , I'll leave it to you!" Ye Juehan said in a low voice, with a faint warning.

Feng Youran turned her eyes to lock Ye Juehan's eyes, and slightly raised the corners of her lips, "You also know my bottom line, otherwise, what you think is in vain, I can't stop you from doing things to others, but to end myself, I Still have this to mine!"

"You!" Ye Juehan clenched his big hand tightly, and four red marks clearly appeared on Feng Youran's hand.

"It's time, let's watch the ceremony!" Feng Youran reminded without changing her expression, and sat in the two seats specially reserved for the top card. The pain in her hand hurt her heart, but it couldn't shake the thoughts in her heart.

Ye Jue withdrew his hand coldly, and looked at what he had just done in disbelief. The four red marks were so dazzling on his fair little hand, and the signs of redness and swelling showed that he lost control of his strength just now. , He is really crazy, so he can bear it, he... has to admit, Feng Youran definitely has the ability to make his life worse than death, absolutely!
Feeling the mocking smile on Feng Youran's face, he was extremely annoyed, and after only thinking for a moment, he took her hand openly and let him massage her big hand gently, with extremely gentle strength.

Following the host's voice, Ye Jueao looked at Bu Qianrong who was walking over while holding Allen's hand. She was still one step away from him. If he hadn't recovered just now, then now... looking at Bu Qianrong The tension and slight impatience suddenly relaxed, he suppressed all his emotions, and looked at her intently. At this time, she is his fiancee, so he should also do what he should do. As for the others... already with He's irrelevant, isn't he...

"Missy!" Allen whispered with some dissatisfaction. Just now he and Bu Qianrong saw Ye Jueao's absent-mindedness on the stage. He could see clearly where his eyes were looking, no matter how far away.

"Now he only sees me. What I want is the present. Those are all in the past!" Bu Qianrong whispered with a smile. The fear, anger, and embarrassment just disappeared without a trace. Those are all them His past, she is his present and future, he understands, he understands... As long as he has this, that's enough!
Allen handed his hand to Ye Jueao helplessly, then respectfully stood at the closest position to the stage, watching her happily holding Ye Jueao's arm, listening to everyone's blessings, looking at the phoenix below the stage. Youran and Ye Juehan turned around and sighed.

I just hope that Ye Juehan can grasp that woman... But now she is even more difficult to see through. Will there be any changes?I hope that in this way, the eldest lady can be with Ye Jueao safely, and there will be no disputes...

Because it was an engagement ceremony, it was not as complicated as a wedding. The two stood on the stage and looked at each other, exchanging tokens under the watchful eyes of the host.

Bu Qianrong's pupils flashed a hint of "Impossible to win", the host's voice fell, but no token was presented, which made everyone watching the ceremony a little strange, talking in a low voice.

Ye Jue looked proudly at Bu Qianrong, Bu Qianrong was keeping the pair of engagement rings, this was the engagement she was looking forward to, how could she forget so carelessly?That is absolutely impossible, but why is she looking at him like this?Suddenly his heart twitched violently, and he looked at Bu Qianrong in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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