Chapter 194 Change (5)
"Young Master Ye, Miss Bu, it's time to exchange tokens!" The host reminded in embarrassment, wiping his forehead. There are so many people watching, what did they say? , Looking at each other without saying a word, where did he go to guess their thoughts?
Feng Youran in the audience looked at them indifferently, then fiddled with her fingers, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Not curious?" Ye Juehan's hateful voice came up again in an extremely low voice.

"Boring!" Feng Youran spat while looking at Ye Juehan, ignoring him, and fixed her gaze on Bu Qianrong.

Didn't he just let her see everything now?Don't you just want to see if she is in pain?Do you care?Then she will let him see!
Ye Juehan also touched his nose uncomfortably, and felt that he was being stingy as hell. He knew that Feng Youran's presence meant that she would not care, or that she would not look back, but he still couldn't bear it. Live to test her mind over and over again.

"Qianrong!" Ye Jueao shouted in a low voice.

Bu Qianrong looked at him with a smile, and slowly took out an exquisite jadeite pendant from her glove, on which was carved a statue of a Bodhisattva, the crystal clear emerald green and the unique three-faced portrait made all the knowledgeable people present I was surprised, could this be the jade that was sold at a sky-high price in country M back then?I didn't expect it to be in her hands. At this moment, everyone here no longer despises Bu Qianrong. The woman who can produce such a sky-high price of jade and make the Ye family willing to make a marriage contract so early is definitely not an ordinary person. Come to will be even more brilliant.

"This is my token, let me bring it for you?" Bu Qianrong said softly, but Ye Jueao's eyes were indeed greeted with some cold eyes, and the smile on his face was still the same, but his heart was already extremely bitter. Laughed, but she didn't regret it, she must cut off the last ties between them.

Ye Jueao's body was stiff. He didn't expect that she would know what he was wearing and what it represented. Although he would never give this thing to others, he never planned to give it to Bu Qian as a token. Rong, she is really greedy!

"Young Master Ye, let Miss Congbu bring it for you!" the host reminded with a smile.

But Ye Jueao's throwing knife made him stop his voice. He quickly lowered his eyes, shrunk his neck, resisted the steps to move, and nailed it in place.

"Jueao?" Bu Qianrong yelled again, and Allen, who was standing in the audience, moved a step. He really wanted to beat Ye Jueao up, but he could only bear to look at Bu Qianrong Being wronged and not daring to make any rash moves.

Ye Jueao didn't know why, but he actually looked in Feng Youran's direction, but when he saw how intimate she was with Ye Juehan, the unfeigned sincerity on Ye Juehan's face hurt his eyes, and they came together again. Together... isn't it a matter of time?Who can escape the tenderness sprinkled by the eldest brother... who can escape the temptation of the eldest brother's exclusive favor...

He raised his hand and pulled out the silver chain around his neck, and the bullet with some traces of time appeared in Ye Jueao's hand with a faint halo. He felt his palm burning while holding it, reflecting the silver There seemed to be a smear of blood on Guang's necklace. It was her blood, her... love... He broke everything with his own hands. He never regretted it, never regretted it!

The necklace was put on Bu Qianrong's fair neck by Ye Jueao himself, and at that moment, Bu Qianrong's smile bloomed like a flower, as if she was the most eye-catching girl in the sky. So happy, smiling so sweetly, as if everything became their background in an instant.

Bu Qianrong hung the Jade Guanyin around Ye Jue'ao's neck, crossed his hands behind his head, and leaned against Ye Jue'ao, kissed his red and swollen lips without hesitation, and Ye Jue'ao closed his eyes slowly. Eyes, hands outstretched, there was a burst of warm applause from below the stage, and several young people whistled.

Ye Juehan looked at the two people on the stage with a smile, pulled Feng Youran's shoulders, and whispered softly in her ear, "I'm so envious!"

"Your Ye Dashao waved, it's not an easy thing, it's definitely up to you, very obedient..." Feng Youran shook Ye Juehan's big hand on her shoulder, and teased.

"Why do I smell so sour? Don't worry, no amount of flowers can make me care as much as you do." Ye Juehan said in a good mood.

"Okay, this ceremony is over, I'm going back." Feng Youran got up and prepared to leave.

"I send you!"

"You are the master, what if you leave? I'll go to the company to see!" Feng Youran said with a smile.

"Just to see? It's not too late anyway. Don't leave. I'll introduce some people to you so that you won't be bullied outside." After Ye Juehan finished speaking, he took Feng Fengyouran's hand domineeringly into the crowd.

Song Miaomiao stood in the crowd, feeling the ignorant gaze of some people. Standing in the corner, her eyes were red with anger. She thought that she was bound to win Ye Juehan, but she didn't expect that he would suddenly change, and he would treat her or Said that the Song family didn't care about it, and didn't remember the agreement between old master Ye and the Song family at the beginning, and that Feng Youran was able to walk into Ye Juehan again after being with Ye Jueao, which made her even more resentful.

"Miaomiao, just let go. You have seen Ye Juehan's performance. Although he has not introduced her identity now, who can despise her again, even if she is the most unpopular second in the Feng family?" Miss, just relying on Ye Juehan to support her, in the capital, if she doesn't toss and roll, I'll be sorry for Ye Juehan's thoughts." Minister Song comforted, Feng Youran really deserves Ye Juehan Doting, being able to stand up in the capital by one's own strength is not just a matter of background and funds. quit.

"Dad, how can you help him? Feng Youran is not a good person. I can tell at a glance why he still can't see it!" Song Miaomiao said angrily.

"Miaomiao, you quit now. I think the Ye family doesn't talk about Mr. Ye, even Ye Juehan should remember your kindness. I don't think Juehan is going to develop in the political world, that's why he did this. Dad has watched him since he was a child, and with his heart, what he plans is definitely bigger than what you think and see, and even exceeds the interests of politics!" After Minister Song finished speaking, he shook his head regretfully Well, if there is such a person as a son-in-law, it is naturally the Song family's greatest hope, but if not, then it would be good to get the protection of the Ye family in the future.

"So, Miaomiao is not allowed to be willful in the future. Dad believes that you will meet someone better than Juehan!"

"Dad..." Song Miaomiao called out.

(End of this chapter)

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