Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 199 Black Stock Market

Chapter 199 Black Stock Market (2)
Feng Youran suddenly realized something. She talked about the career she liked like this. She had never seen such a sparkling war in his eyes. In her eyes, he was a loyal, talented, and prudent person. The passion that burst out like this He Shanliang shocked her, and also gave birth to a trace of guilt towards him.

"It's been a long time since I got my pulse, show me today?" Feng Youran stretched out her hand with a smile, with a trace of complexity in her eyes, she couldn't tell what happened to her, and it was possible to make Zhan Lie feel like this Instead of being able to do her own thing peacefully, that made her feel terribly selfish.

Zhan Lie tilted his head and looked at Feng Youran, a little strange, but he still put his hand on it lightly. According to the usual pulse diagnosis process, as soon as he probed down, he felt that Feng Youran's pulse had changed. Dou was as powerful as a bouncing, and full of energy and blood, without any sign of blood stasis. He couldn't believe it and pressed her other hand at the same time.

After a while, he withdrew his hand and looked up at Feng Youran, "Youran, you..."

"I'm cured, my illness is cured!" Feng Youran withdrew her hand and said with a smile, looking straight at the sudden and abnormal expression on Zhan Lie's face.

Zhan Lie knew that he would not be able to ask anything. Before seeing Feng Youran today, he still worried about how to treat her illness, but he did not expect that she would recover from such a serious illness after only a few hours. It's like having a dream.

She would tell herself that it was probably due to what he said just now, right?I know her thoughts are delicate, but I didn't expect... If it wasn't just now, could he think that Feng Youran would tell him this later, so that he would have more time to be a friend and take care of her more...

"Retsuko, let's go have a meal together, we've known each other for so long, and I've never had a meal alone, today I invite you!"

Zhan Lie was taken aback, then smiled, feeling more relieved, "Let's go, I'll give you this big boss who has been your personal doctor for so long, you really should treat me well!"

"Okay, you can choose the place, but you should wipe your hair clean first. I don't care what happened to you before, anyway, I won't allow you to catch a cold in front of me!" Feng Youran took a towel on one side and turned towards the Zhan Lie lost it.

Zhan Lie covered his head with a towel, his sourness was written in the blocked vision...

On the other side of the high-grade ward, Ge Guanyu opened his evil eyes and looked at the ceiling, a little annoyed, Zhan Lie gave himself local anesthesia, but he just said in front of Leisurely that he would fall into a coma until tomorrow. Is it right? He won't let Feng Youran stay up all night with him. Anyway, he makes him very unhappy. Looking at the plastered feet hanging on the rope, he sighed faintly...

Feng Youran and Zhan Lie walked side by side on the street, looking at the brightly lit six-story restaurant not far away, she pointed with a smile.

As soon as they arrived at the door, the greeter let them into the hall, and then asked respectfully, "Do you two have a reservation?"

"No!" Zhan Lie said lightly.

"Sorry, our hotel only accepts reservations, I'm really sorry!"

"Let's go, then change to another one!" Zhan Lie said and walked out.

But a voice suddenly sounded, stopping the two people's footsteps.

"Liezi!" Ye Jueao stood not far from the greeter just now, and walked over, looking at Feng Youran, and behind him was Bu Qianrong who came up.

"Who is it, Jue Ao?" Bu Qianrong approached and said with a smile, but when he saw the person coming, his face froze slightly, but then he smiled again.

"Youran? What a coincidence, I met you here. Where's the elder brother? Why didn't he come with you?" Bu Qianrong continued.

Zhan Lie was invisible, Feng Youran didn't like Bu Qianrong, but she didn't want to make it too ugly with today's situation.

"I invited Liezi to dinner today, it's a coincidence that you are here too!" Feng Youran said calmly, not mentioning Ye Juehan at all.

"It's said that there are too many people, so we're just the two of us, how about we go together?" Bu Qianrong suggested, and Ye Jueao raised his eyebrows noncommittally, as if to gauge whether Feng Youran had the guts to accept it. Down.

Zhan Lie was very displeased, no matter what happened to Ye Jueao, Feng Youran never let him down, he bullied people like this, which made him very angry.

"Jueao, don't go too far!" Zhan Lie said as he stepped forward to block Feng Youran.

"Hehehe... Am I too much? Whatever I do, call me too much, Liezi, we are good brothers who wear the same pants, don't you think you are too much to me now?" Ye Jueao was slightly touched, after all, it was his own Good brother, he didn't want to make it like this.

"Liezi, since we met, he is right. You are good brothers. If you talk about something, you are still brothers. Don't be confused!" Feng Youran persuaded with a smile. It wasn't that she wanted to be a kind Virgin, but It was he who wanted to give Zhan Lie this chance, at least a chance that he would not regret in the future, so she was not a good person at all!
"Youran is really a sensible person, Liezi, let's go!" Ye Jueao said with one side of his body, and gave way, but only Zhan Lie was allowed, Bu Qianrong and Feng Youran walked behind.

Entering the box, the room of more than 100 square meters is decorated in a low-key and luxurious way. The mahogany furnishings and the famous calligraphy and paintings on the wall all show the unknown background of this hotel. There is tea on the table, and the waiter at the side will The four-point menu was placed in front of them, and then they stood aside respectfully, bowing their heads slightly, neither listening nor looking, like a wooden man, making people absolutely ignore his existence.

Zhan Lie and Ye Jueao sat in the middle, while Feng Youran and Bu Qianrong sat next to each of them. They quickly ordered the dishes, and the waiter was ready to go out.

"Wait a minute, give me a bottle of four bottles of M Taiwan, let's have a drink, don't come in if there is anything else!" Ye Jueao said, his tone was aggravated in the last sentence. The waiter, who was used to seeing big shots in Kyoto, also trembled.

Seeing Bu Qianrong, she chuckled and put her hand on Ye Jueao's forearm, "Why are you talking so scary, look how scared he is!"

"Hehehe... I'm like this, who knew he was so timid!" Ye Jueao said, pressing his hand on Bu Qianrong's.

Soon the food and drinks were brought in, and the four of them ordered more than 20 hot and cold dishes, which filled the table, and the four bottles of white wine were placed in the middle, which was particularly conspicuous.

"Come on, eat and drink. I haven't had such a good time in a long time. I'm leaving the capital too. I really don't know when we will meet again next time!" Ye Jueao said, with a hint of smugness in his expression. Complicated, no, it should be said to be helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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