Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 200 Black Stock Market

Chapter 200 Black Stock Market (3)
Opening all four bottles of wine, the four crystal cups were drained by water. He filled the four cups with the wine, put them on the turntable, and turned them in front of everyone.

Zhan Lie was stunned, looked at Ye Jueao, he said he was leaving the capital?

"Where are you going?" Zhan Lie finally said. After all, apart from Feng Youran's relationship, it is impossible for Zhan Lie, who has been good brothers for more than ten years, to have no reaction.

"Let's go to City S. After we pass by, you can come and play too. Let us treat you well!" Bu Qianrong said, but didn't mention Feng Youran at all. In her eyes, Zhan Lie and Feng Youran have different meanings However, she will never be able to get rid of her wariness towards Feng Youran.

"Will you be going for a long time?" Zhan Lie and Ye Jueao touched their cups and took a long gulp.

"Hmm... It will probably take a few years, maybe it will be there in the future... Are you still planning to stay in the capital?" Ye Jue asked pointedly, turning the wine glass gently with his fingers.

Zhan Lie was silent for a while, then smiled, "I'll talk about the future, I haven't thought about it yet!"

"Hehehe... Since when have you been so indecisive? Unlike you, here's to you, who is not like you!" After Ye Jueao finished speaking, he raised his glass.

And Bu Qianrong beside Ye Jueao sat beside Feng Youran at some point, holding the wine glass and lifting it up with a smile, "Youran... now the capital is you, without me, I'm happier than you, right?" ?”

Feng Youran frowned without raising her eyebrows, bumped Bu Qianrong's wine glass, and said with a smile: "Maybe I should give this sentence to you, since I'm here in Kyoto, will there be a place for you Bu Qianrong?" Facing Bu Qianrong with a livid face, she frantically raised her wine glass and drank it to the end, boldly flipped the crystal upside down on the table, and let out a bang.

Both Ye Jueao and Zhan Lie stopped talking, and locked their eyes on Feng Youran. At this moment, she seemed to be shining brightly, no one could ignore her, and Qingcheng's face was even more radiant because of the wine. Charming, both of them are in a trance...

Bu Qianrong looked at Feng Youran in shock, and when she looked at that person again, there was more hatred in her eyes!

Bu Qianrong clenched her fists, her face was full of sexy and coquettish charm, she raised her head and drank the white wine in the glass, and also threw it upside down on the table loudly, under the gaze of Ye Jueao , put her small hand lightly on Feng Youran's shoulder, and smiled back.

"I don't know who will win and who will lose. What happened to the capital? If you don't take advantage of Ye Juehan's light, what kind of tricks can you do? It's his business to spoil you, but Jueao and I won't be used to it." You!" Then he took the M platform on the turntable in his hand, filled two cups, picked them up, and bumped Feng Youran's cup with the cup.

" will comfort yourself, you are really big!" Feng Youran taunted impatiently, shaking her shoulders, shaking off Bu Qianrong's hand, narrowing her eyes and pecking lightly, her charming and delicate face , with a seductive smile.

The four people with their own thoughts drank up all the wine on the table with different moods. Ye Jueao was a little surprised, remembering that Feng Youran's drinking capacity should not be very good before, but after drinking a catty, apart from the expression on his face Some are rosy, but others are fine. Could it be that she lied to him before?How many things she still lied to? Thinking of this, his already cold heart began to be angry.

Zhan Lie raised his hand and picked up a piece of wax gourd for Feng Youran, put it on her small plate, and said in a low voice, "The wine is too strong, eat something!"

"Hehehe... good!" Feng Youran smiled in a low voice, her voice was not as clear as usual, but more magnetic and hoarse, which made Zhan Lie's ears feel itchy.

Feng Youran sighed lightly, Zhan Lie could really regard him as a confidant, he was smart enough to never stop her behavior rashly at this time, his caring care was full of warmth that no one could refuse, he who knew the truth and was interested, called him She felt that it would be a blessing if she could have such a friend.

After drinking for three rounds, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Kyoto looks more like a graceful lady under the lights, exuding a charming brilliance. Ye Jueao also looked outside, under the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Feng Youran Their eyes met unexpectedly, and both of them found each other, but their eyes were different, with a slightly complicated look, Feng Youran took the lead to turn his eyes.

"Jueao, it's getting late, let's go!" Zhan Lie got up and said.

"I didn't expect it to be this time, let's go!" Bu Qianrong also got up, standing beside Ye Jueao, looking at him softly.

Ye Jueao looked up at Bu Qianrong, got up and walked out.

When they arrived at the gate, just when the four of them were about to separate, Ye Jueao pulled Feng Youran past him, then took him a few steps away, and whispered in a dangerous voice, "I advise you not to talk to other people." The man you want is too close, otherwise it will be bad for you and others, my elder brother can tolerate you, but he may not be able to tolerate others!"

"Hehehe... I'm not yours to worry about!" After speaking, Feng smiled leisurely, broke free from Ye Jueao's hand, and strode towards Zhan Lie.

Bu Qianrong frowned and looked at Ye Jueao suspiciously, but seeing him approaching with a normal face, she smiled and greeted him, wrapping his arms around him.

"Zhan Lie, I'm counting on You Ran, be careful on the road!" After Bu Qianrong finished speaking, he waved his hand, got into the jeep, and walked away with a smile.

Zhan Lie lowered his head to look at Feng Youran, seeing that her expression was unmistakable, he felt relieved, "Let's go, I'll take you home!"

"Don't ask me? Not curious?" Feng Youran tightened the windbreaker on her body, folded her hands on her chest, looked at her toes leisurely, and walked step by step, with a mischievous smile on her face.

"It's a lie to say that you're not curious, but seeing that you haven't been influenced by him, it shouldn't be a big deal. The night is so beautiful, why don't you take advantage of the night and finish the journey well? Enjoy the tranquility?" Zhan Liewen Laughing, he untied the overcoat on his body, covered Feng Youran's shoulders indiscriminately, and pressed slightly with force.

Feng Youran looked sideways at Zhan Lie, couldn't help giggling, turned on her toes, and said narrowly a few steps in front of Zhan Lie: "So I didn't know that Liezi was still a sentimental and romantic person. Woolen cloth!"

Zhan Lie's face turned awkward, and he didn't know whether it was drunk or shy, his flushed appearance made him a little more cute than usual.

"He will make fun of me!" Zhan Lie spat.

The wind at night seems to be much weaker. Although it is cool, the warmth of the body has not diminished. One road, two people...but it took a long time... Hao Qingfan followed Feng Youran on the spacious commercial street, and it was almost the end of the office The building stands at the most conspicuous position on the crossroads, but there is no movement on the piece of land next to the commercial street. The vacant land that I entered, one place, two bosses, no one can guess what these two people are thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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