Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 201 Sky-high street price

Chapter 201 Sky-high street price (1)
"All ready?" Feng Youran asked softly, looking at the commercial street with satisfaction, a stunning smile appeared on her lips.

"Yes, it's all ready. Some of them stay in the capital, and some of them go to S city. Everything is waiting for President Feng's password!" Hao Qingfan said with some enthusiasm, he could see those people who didn't even dare to think about it. , or the scene in the dream, he now feels as if he is dreaming, he can actually watch everything happen in his own hands, and he personally participates in it.

" should be more informed than me, right?" Feng Youran teased.

"Hehehe..." Hao Qingfan touched his nose and laughed too.

"The artillery we are going to fire in Beijing must not be underestimated. If we want to do it, we can make a big one and make enough money! I think the weekend is a good day, let's start!" Feng Youran said decisively.


Following Feng Youran's order, Liao Chenhui, Ma Qi, and Song Qiran assisted Hao Qingfan in purchasing the internal stocks of various domestic listed companies on that commercial street with no merchants.

If you want to create a huge market, you need the intervention of the media and investors. Feng Youran decisively recruited several fresh writers from the financial industry to create the first domestic magazine on investment and financial management. Although in the early 90s, the people of Israel had the same enthusiasm for deposits and savings for thousands of years. The brand-new magazine not only published the latest savings interest rates of various banks, but also the latest developments among banks and international financial news. The public liked it. Easy-to-understand financial knowledge, as well as hotspots and frontiers that professionals like. Compared with other magazines, the price of this newly launched magazine is [-] to [-] percent higher. Except for Xiao Moren's support, other people in the company People have always held a conservative attitude.

Although the effect of this issue is not as good as the previous magazines, it seems that it has increased the orders of many government agencies, banks and commercial enterprises. After all, it is not ordinary courage to have someone specialize in such an unpopular magazine in this era. Since the acquisition of shares in Beijing, the second issue has devoted a lot of space to reporting on the emerging businesses in Kyoto, explaining all aspects in detail, and attracting the attention of many investors and investors who have seen high profits to Kyoto. commercial street.

As groups of farsighted and courageous buyers and sellers frequently come and go in this commercial street, this originally lonely commercial street has once again become a topic of discussion for everyone in Kyoto in just two weeks. It has a name with a good meaning - Red Street!
"Old Zhao, you're here too?" Aunt Liu greeted with a smile, her fat body was full of vigor, and the shining gold ring on her hand kept swinging as she spoke.

"That's right, isn't my son's unit engaged in some kind of shares? He didn't believe in it, so he asked me to pay for it. I was quite scared at the beginning, but I didn't expect someone to buy it at a high price." Mr. Zhao was also proud. Yang Yang raised his chin and said.

Aunt Liu squinted her eyes, leaned over with a smile, and asked in a low voice, "Have you made a lot of money? Let me hear from you?"

"Hehehe... Not much, not much, one thousand shares, I just bought 3000 yuan!" After speaking, he deliberately patted his full wallet.

"Yo, Lao Zhao, I'm not talking about you, just the company your son is in, how can you buy those stocks? You sell less!" Aunt Liu said, patting her thigh, her flesh hurting like she had lost money of.

"Less?" Lao Zhao was a little stupid, what era is it now, the salary is 1000 yuan a month, and the [-] yuan has been tripled all of a sudden, is it not enough?I still feel that the sales are less, are these people crazy?

"Let me tell you, have you looked at the copper door over there? I went to the store to sell it just now, and your stock is charged at three and a half yuan a share? You said that you lost 500 of your farting effort." Dear Yuan, a TV set has gone out! You also said that you sold a lot, so I am so worried!" Aunt Liu said with a sigh, but seeing Lao Zhao's dark face, she kept her mouth shut. Smiling and playing sloppy eyes.

"Don't take it too seriously, it's not a big deal, I still have something to do, you're busy, I'm leaving!" After finishing the oil on the soles of his feet, his chubby body disappeared before Lao Zhao's eyes with extremely light steps.

Old Zhao beat his chest and looked at Aunt Liu's back, gritted his teeth, and walked towards the place she said without giving up, but as soon as he arrived at the door, he saw a large crowd of people surrounding the hall, and the ring-shaped office area was full of business. The two sides are separated, more than 20 windows are lined up, and the stock purchase information is updated every 5 minutes on a huge scrolling screen. Looking at those people who hold stocks in their hands, whether they are happy or sad, all emotions are covered. The boss behind the scenes is firmly in control.

Looking up at the scrolling screen, he did see the stock he had sold complacently just now, but it was no longer [-] yuan, but now it was [-] yuan, and it went up again when he sat on the ground. Looking at the numbers above, he felt terrible pain. Gritting his teeth, since this thing is so profitable, why doesn't he make some, and sell it for a lot of money, thinking that many people don't have this awareness yet, he is excited again.

Feng Youran is standing in the office on the second floor. Except for the walls on both sides, the north and south sides of this office are covered with large transparent glass. On the one hand, you can see everything outside facing the commercial street, and on the other side you are facing the first floor. And the business area on the second floor, you can have a panoramic view of the scene below at a glance, and this kind of single-layer glass transported by air from country M will only allow people to see the outside but not the inside.

Her slender hand is holding a flower-colored English-style bone china black teacup, and a faint but restrained smile is released on her lips. Her well-proportioned figure is wrapped in a lavender wool skirt, a classic style of Burberry plaid. A woolen scarf was draped over her shoulders to keep her warm and stylish. Her waist-length hair was cut to her shoulders. The thick black hair was shining like pearls, and her charming face revealed a kind of wisdom. And the arrogance of the superior.

"How is it going now?" Feng Youran asked with a light smile, parting her thin lips, looking at the scrambling crowd downstairs in a good mood.

"It can only be described as hot, and our shops have not attracted foreign investment. At this stage, people who come here after hearing the news, no matter how much capital they have in our pedestrian street, can only do business with leather bags. That image ... Just like small merchants and peddlers, the price is higher than ours, and the purchase volume can't catch up with us by [-]%." Song Qiran said with a smile, he is temporarily assisting the backstage business of the financial company here, so he is not sure about the truth Knowing everything clearly, he secretly sighed at Feng Youran's strategy.

Dangdang... There was a knock on the door, Liao Chenhui scratched his hair, and walked in with some disheveled clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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