Chapter 207 Out of Control (3)
Ge Guanyu smashed his fist on the ground in resentment, then carefully glanced at Feng Youran's room, looked at the still closed curtains, and gently moved the wheelchair on his body, it's okay, it's okay He didn't disturb her and didn't want her to see him in a mess. He struggled hard and finally sat back on the wheelchair.

Feng Youran got dressed and walked out of the room. When she reached the door, she hesitated for a moment...

"Youran... Morning!"

"Morning!" Feng Youran replied with a light smile.

The nanny she was looking for had already arrived, and the food was ready, while she was packing things in the kitchen. When she saw Feng Youran coming out, she walked over with a smile.

"Miss Feng!"

"Hello! You can just call me Youran!" Feng Youran said with a smile, looking at the breakfast on the table with satisfaction. There are many things, and most of them are her favorite flavors.

"Then you can be my Aunt Ma. Today is the first day and I don't know the taste of you and Guanyu. These are all ideas given to me by Guanyu. If there is something wrong, just tell me. I will improve next time." ! " Aunt Ma said anxiously, she never thought that she would be able to work at her home, and now she still feels like she is dreaming.

Feng Youran glanced at Ge Guanyu, and met him with a subdued and faint smile, not as bright as forward, but with a hint of caution, which made her frowned.

"Aunt Ma, just do it like this. Brother Guanyu's leg is broken. If you have time, make him some soup that suits him. I heard it will heal faster!" Feng Youran said with a smile .

Ge Guanyu raised his head and looked at her with a complicated expression. Could it be... Does Feng Youran feel that he is a trouble here?Did she bring him back out of sympathy too?She is pitying him!All kinds of suspicions and certain thoughts in his heart constantly tormented him, so that he could no longer hide the hurt in his eyes.

Aunt Ma is also a fine person, looking at Ge Guanyu whose expression suddenly changed, she also felt the unexplainable atmosphere between the two of them.

"Youran, I don't think you have any food in the refrigerator. I'm going to the market, so you can eat it while it's hot!" After speaking, Aunt Ma quickly pushed the bicycle and walked outside.

"Come on, eat!" Feng Youran said, and then sat at the dining table.

Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran with a calm expression, pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, turned the wheelchair and walked out.

Feng Youran stopped holding the chopsticks holding the buns, and frowned again. She felt a fire growing in her heart, and it was getting hotter and hotter. Looking at Ge Guanyu's lonely, hesitant and aggrieved back, he was obviously 1.8 meters tall. He can hold himself, but sitting in a wheelchair, it's as if she bullied him.

"Stop!" Feng Youran walked quickly to the door as she spoke, grabbed the armrest of Ge Guanyu's wheelchair, and pulled it hard.

Ge Guanyu turned his head and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

"What... what...?" Feng Youran gritted her teeth and said, this guy still dared to ask her what's wrong, she had a nightmare all night, and he made her feel uncomfortable early in the morning, and now she's getting angry with her again, still... Dare to ask her what happened!
"Why don't you have breakfast?" Feng Youran was taken aback when she opened her mouth. She was obviously very angry, but when it came to her mouth, her taste changed...

"I'm not hungry, I'll eat later!" Ge Guanyu's expression improved a lot, he looked at Feng Youran and said with a smile.

"It's going to be cold for a while, let's eat together, I'm hungry!" Feng Youran said warmly.

Ge Guanyu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Well, that's all right!"

Feng Youran pushed the wheelchair to the kitchen again, the two of them were drinking porridge and eating, while Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran, and finally waited until the meal was over, Feng Youran wiped his mouth, got up and said to Ge Guanyu.

"I'm going out, call me anytime you need something, if I come back late, you don't have to wait for me!" After speaking, he took his backpack and went out, the hasty pace made people a little puzzled.

Ge Guanyu opened his mouth, but the figure had disappeared. He looked at her back with a wry smile, a fox-like smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, leisurely... I will not lose you again this time, definitely not...

The driver looked at Feng Youran, who was a little more flustered than usual, very curious, but he still kept his eyes fixed on the front, not daring to take another look.

Feng Youran calmed down her breathing, and was stunned for a moment. What was she doing just now, she lost her usual composure, and she...she treated him like that...could it be because of his accusing and wronged eyes?When will she soften up?
She shook her head again, no, I can't think about it anymore, none of that has anything to do with her, she just did this because no one took care of his broken bones, that's right!

Feng Youran told herself over and over again, constantly letting herself escape from that entanglement, could it be that everything she experienced was a dream?It was all true, she was in so much pain, how could she care about anything...

"President Feng, we're here!" The driver reminded softly.

"Yeah!" Feng Youran quickly got out of the car after she finished speaking. She seemed to be a different person in an instant after getting off the car. The lavender thin woolen jacket is as long as the calf, and the simple design makes her exude a rare grace and nobility. The beautiful facial features are the beginning of lighting up all the flames. She is the master of the red street!
With her arrival, people in the company greeted her politely, but she rarely showed up and attracted a lot of people who were preparing for the transaction. At first, everyone was amazed by her beauty, but when they knew that she was such The manipulators behind the scenes all stood there dumbfounded, knowing that the blue is better than the blue, but her youth, her intelligence... how could God give it to one person so favoritiously?
When we arrived at the office, it was already tidy and tidy, and the four of them stood up respectfully when they saw Feng Youran coming in.

"Sit down, I told you that we don't need to be so unfamiliar!" Feng Youran looked at them and said with a smile.

"Why, have you figured out the problem?" She raised her eyebrows and asked immediately.

Hao Qingfan and Song Qiran looked at each other and smiled, while Ma Qi and Liao Chenhui smiled and said nothing. After all, they didn't think of the matter, and they could clearly distinguish who deserved the credit, and they wouldn't fight for the share that didn't belong to them. credit.

"Let Qingfan talk!" Song Qiran said with a smile.

"Then I'm not going to be polite. In fact, this is what I came up with together with Qiran. We all feel that what Mr. Feng is doing now is just the beginning. The first step is very successful. The next step is the second step. It is Red Street that has become the second stock exchange market in China, allowing uncirculated employee shares, bonds, and securities to be traded on Red Street in accordance with a mutually agreed rule, so that we can use our own means, To control this market, buy on lows and sell on highs, because of our acquisitions during this period, the prices of all the stocks in our hands have basically remained at four yuan, and in terms of profit margins, at least three or four There is no problem, then if we continue to operate in this way, the money in our hands will quickly double and accumulate invisibly!" Hao Qingfan said calmly and clearly, making sense and being on point.

(End of this chapter)

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