Chapter 208
Feng Youran raised her eyes and smiled silently...

Clenching his fists vigorously, he put the magazine in his arms on the counter, pointed to a column of recommended stocks on it, and said seriously.

"My Niu Dali is optimistic about what she said, this time I will buy it with all my money!"

Feng Youran's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the magazine that Niu Dali was holding, the cover was so familiar, hehehe...It turned out that they just released this issue...She personally wrote this section, I didn't expect this person Quite discerning!
Others also saw the magazine that Niu Dali was holding, and some of them leaned over it curiously. Just as they were about to take it to read, Niu Dali stuffed it back into his arms, and said with staring eyes.

"Why don't you buy it yourself? I won't borrow it!" After speaking, he turned around with a vigilant look on his face.

"You are really stingy, isn't it just a magazine, I'll buy it now!" Someone touched his nose and left the gate of Huixin Financial Company.

Of course, some people showed thoughtful expressions. Suddenly, Niu Dali's eyes straightened, and he stood stiffly by the counter, barely drooling, looking at him strangely, and following her gaze. After passing by, everyone showed the same astonished expression.

"President Feng!" Several people at the counter stood up respectfully.

"Well, you don't need to say hello, you are busy!" Feng Youran said with a light smile, her eyes looked at everyone lightly, and finally stopped on Niu Dali's face.

Walked over, stood one meter away from Niu Dali, looked at the staff at the counter, and reminded with a smile: "Just now he said he wanted to buy Tiange shares, why don't you hurry up and prepare things for him?"

"Uh, yes, yes!" The clerk said and calculated quickly, and then asked another warehouse clerk to bring up the original stock certificate.

Niu Dali felt that he had really seen a fairy. He used to think that Lin Zhi from Murakami was pretty, but he never thought that there would be someone more beautiful. If he hadn't seen her right in front of his eyes, he would have felt this People will fly away in a while.

Feng Youran glanced at the prepared things, pushed them in front of Niu Dali, and said with a smile: "Don't pack up quickly? Be careful, I think you should be very lucky!"

"Hehehe...Really? You also think I will be very lucky? Let me tell you, I don't want to earn too much, just enough to buy a wife and build a house." Niu Dali said with a silly smile. Under the sun, the white teeth exude dazzling light, and the pure and beautiful expectation in the eyes is unforgettable.

Feng Youran listened to his words, the smile on her face became bigger, she smiled and leaned forward slightly, and then whispered to him: "Put away your things, if you listen to me, then you will come back in a week Red Street, I guarantee that all your wishes will come true!"

"Really?" Niu Dali said in disbelief, but his eyes were still frank and frightening.

"Believe it or not!" After speaking, Feng Youran turned and left the company, leaving behind many curious people.

Feng Youran was just about to step into the car, when suddenly a loud voice came from behind.

"I believe you, I believe your words!" Niu Dali put his hands around his mouth and shouted loudly to Feng Youran, and then waved goodbye to him enthusiastically.

Feng Youran closed her eyes and smiled softly, and left the company in the car. The driver looked at Feng Youran's smiling face in the rearview mirror, and then thought of the expression of that silly boy just now, he had a hunch that no matter what it was, as long as he really If you believe what Feng Youran said, then his wish will definitely come true...

Niu Dali put away his things, returned to his tricycle, touched the things that were still well placed in his arms, and turned his head to look at the golden plaque shining in the sun.

I'll be here in a week, whatever the reason, I believe it!
Niu Dali never imagined that his straight-line trust at this time allowed him, a poor peasant, not only to have the capital to build a house and marry a wife, but also allowed him to achieve a career. Ten years later, most of the cities in the country In the past, the supply of seafood was monopolized by this person. That is, he kept reminiscing about everything in the past, and even the magazine was re-framed and hung in the most eye-catching position in the office. It belonged to him. The beginning of the myth of Dali, and she is the noble person who reversed his fate in his life.

"If you have spare money, why don't you buy Tiange?" Feng Youran said to the driver Xiao Zhao, he has been with her for so long, although he never treated her badly, but after all, he still didn't give her more favors.

Xiao Zhao was a little surprised, he actually wanted to do something, but because he was worried that this would make Feng Youran feel that he was taking advantage of her power, so he stopped thinking about it. After all, he could get Feng Youran's appreciation. It is not for everyone to make people look high, and he is very satisfied.

"Hehehe... You are also a stubborn person. I thought you would make some extra money for yourself, but who would have thought that you would be so honest. Aunt Ma has helped me a lot at home. I heard that you are still living together. You are not young anymore, so you should make your own plans." Feng Youran smiled kindly, she only found out about Aunt Ma's relationship with him after reading the information today, but she can use anyone, she will never treat you badly the people around me.

"Boss Feng..." Xiao Zhao was very moved, he didn't expect Feng Youran to think so much about him.

"You are also someone who is by my side. There are some things that Chen Hui and the others don't know about. You all know that. I appreciate this about you, so I don't treat you as an outsider. In the future, if you have the opportunity, take advantage of it. With a few of them and me here, your news is the best, after this time, it will not be easy to make money so quickly, you need to be more sure, you know?" Feng Youran said patiently, she hoped Everyone who sincerely treats her lives well and happily.

"Well, I understand, thank you Mr. Feng!" Xiao Zhao said sincerely, his words choked up.

"Hehehe... okay, look, I'm here too, it's better not to let others see you like this, there is still time, you go back and get ready!" Feng Youran got out of the car after finishing speaking, and walked towards Go to the small courtyard where I live.

After watching Feng Youran walk in, Xiao Zhao drove back home and took out all the money in his passbook. In the past two years, she has been more concerned about Feng Youran, and she does not treat herself badly. It can't be compared, but compared with those rich people, it is much worse. Since President Feng has reminded this point, if he doesn't fight for it, then it is too useless. Then he withdrew the money and found a few more. A relative and friend borrowed a large sum of money and invested all the belongings in the name of his own mother.

Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu who was moving his body in the yard, and when he heard the voice, he also turned around with a smile on his face.

"I came back so early today!"

(End of this chapter)

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