Chapter 210
"Tell Qingfan and Qiran to get ready to collect the net! I will let any big fish go this time!" Feng Youran said while looking at the lively Red Street.

"Yes, I'll notify you right away!" Ma Qi said hastily.

"Go in person, these things cannot be left in the hands of others!" Feng Youran explained cautiously.

Ma Qi nodded solemnly, and then quickly left Feng Youran's office.

After Hao Qingfan and Song Qiran from other places received the news, they controlled all the Tiange stocks in their hands and began to transfer them to the outside world. This behavior also made many well-informed people aware of the strangeness. Thinking of this time Tiange's turmoil, and thinking of Huixin Financial Company... They were shocked into a cold sweat...

"You said you saw President Feng that day? And she still said that?" one of the investors said in shock, and stood up from the sofa.

"Yes, that's what I saw her say to that silly person the other day!" another person nodded.

"Hahaha...Feng Youran is really calculating. The more she puts her on the bright side, the more afraid these people are to move. That silly boy must not have come to Red Street during this period of time!"

"It's true. I've been to Huixin a lot these days, but I really haven't seen him. I wonder if he's too scared to come out!"

The man narrowed his eyes, and snorted coldly: "He is not scared, someone pointed out, so he won't come again for a while, just wait and see, if you see him on the Red Street , that is to say, his chance to make a fortune has come!"

"It won't be so evil, right?" Some people didn't believe it.

"Then just wait and see!"

The next day, the sun hung high in the sky of Kyoto, and the warm sunshine brought warmth to Kyoto, which had already entered late autumn. Niu Dali touched the thing on his heart, and walked towards the red street step by step Looking at Huixin Financial Company, which hadn't opened the door yet, he simply sat at the door with a good temper and waited patiently.

As time passed, the Red Street gradually became lively. Suddenly, when he saw Niu Dali, someone showed an incredible look. He hurriedly wanted to rush over, but Niu Dali had already He got up and walked into Huixin Financial Company, and finally followed him unwillingly.

The staff here are still very impressed with Niu Dali. After all, he is the first client received by Mr. Feng, and his stock selection method is still fresh in their memory...

Tiange's ups and downs in the past few days made them a little scared, but yesterday's order also made them full of speculation about today's situation, and they were all secretly guessing.But the time has not come, and they can only wait here for the instructions and prices from above, so they naturally started to study this man named Niu Dali when they had free time.

As time approached, there were more and more people in the company, and suddenly the phone rang. After the person in charge answered the phone, he was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth wide, and many people around him were eagerly paying attention. Looking at him, he turned around and walked to a huge whiteboard, and quickly wrote a series of numbers.

"Tiange is really on the market!"

"Huh? Is Tiange really listed? Is it today? Is it now?"

"Hey! You said it would be great if I didn't sell it yesterday. Look at the increase of [-]% as soon as the market opened! Alas!" The man kept patting his thigh, regretting so much that his intestines almost turned green. , but it's too late to say anything now, those are all nonsense.

"It is estimated that this is just the beginning. If Tiange's scattered stocks are not released, the stock market price will definitely continue to rise."

"You mean..." The man stared at Niu Dali on one side with wide eyes, and then turned his gaze to the direction of the second floor. You must know that although Feng Youran did not show up in the Tiange incident this time, her That move was undoubtedly the most conspicuous performance. They all read the magazine in Niu Dali's hand later, but few of them actually bought it according to the above...

It seems that on the one hand, Feng Youran was giving Niu Dali an opportunity, and on the other hand, besides wanting to push up the stock price, she also wanted to use this opportunity to make Wuji Magazine, which is also a listed company in her hand, suddenly emerge and become a hot spot that more people pay attention to. , the more people pay attention, the more people will chase after Wuji's stock, and the funds gathered in such a virtuous circle are absolutely amazing!
This is definitely a good idea to kill three birds with one stone. She has made a lot of money herself, and the company has taken this opportunity to stand at an unprecedented height. Although it is not an industrial company, it is not inferior to those who have huge Heavy business investing capital and fixed assets.

Looking at the prosperous scene downstairs, Feng Youran slightly raised her smiling face.

"President Feng, do you want to release the goods now?" Hao Qingfan said seriously, but there was admiration in his eyes.

"Well, wait a minute!" Feng Youran turned around, walked to the side coffee table, poured a cup of scented tea for herself with plain hands, and gently sniffed its fragrance.

"Mr. Feng, Tiange is now 37 yuan, and the cost estimate in our hands is about 01 yuan and 3000 cents!" Hao Qingfan was very excited. This is already much higher than their estimate. If we ship now, this time The profit brought by the investment of nearly 12 million is incredible. I thought that [-] yuan would be almost the same, but I didn't expect it to be so much higher.

"Qing Fan, do you think I'm greedy?" Feng Youran teased.

"Hehehe...don't dare!" Hao Qingfan also replied with a smile, he believed in Feng Youran's eyes, but he couldn't watch the money keep changing and drink tea indifferently.

Feng Youran stopped teasing him, looked at the clock on the wall, and said sternly: "Let Qiran ship the stocks in our hands in stages at the exchange, 45 yuan, 48 yuan, 50 yuan, and put them away." Two-thirds of the goods will be shipped at 48 yuan, and the rest will be shipped at 50 yuan, be careful, don't let people take advantage of the loopholes."

"Yes!" After Hao Qingfan finished speaking, he quickly called Song Qiran who was in another city, and then kept connected to the line, using the hands-free function to receive the information there in real time.

Liao Chenhui and Ma Qi also rushed over. Listening to the price that Song Qiran sent over from time to time, their hearts rose to their throats, and their bodies stood stiffly by the phone, for fear of missing a word.

"It's 44 yuan now, and the buyer has placed 650 nine lots!" Song Qiran said in a deep voice over there, looking at the screen with his fingers flying, and quickly canceled the order at 44 yuan, and then instantly listed the stock in his hand. After paying 45 yuan, several times of willingness to respond, the hot spot on the market was also occupied by Tiange's strength, and more and more investors and investors poured into Tiange's plate.

(End of this chapter)

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