Chapter 211 The Grand Finale (1)
The more the price rises, the more they are competing to buy, but the more this is the case, the more they can't buy it. Various emotions such as anxiety, annoyance, and conflicts are constantly tormenting these stockholders.

Feng Youran walked over and looked at his painting in surprise, even if she didn't know how to do it, she understood the value of this painting, what happened to him today?
"Youran, how about coming over and taking a look?" Ge Guanyu smiled gently, he wanted to change his strategy, although it is a kind of happiness to guard her all the time, but if such warmth is coveted by others, then he must get her sooner. Heart.

"Very good, why are you thinking today?" Feng Youran teased slightly, pushed the wheelchair over and motioned to glance at him.

"I remember that I owe you a painting, and I can't do anything else now." Ge Guanyu sat obediently in the wheelchair, and after standing for half an hour, he felt his feet swell again, which seemed really useless.

Feng Youran looked down at his swollen feet, and said angrily, "I think you don't want to hurry up!"

"If I keep doing this, will you always take care of me?" Ge Guanyu asked jokingly.

"I..." Feng Youran's words would of course get stuck in her mouth, she raised her head and looked at Ge Guanyu with some confusion, she knew his love for her, but it was impossible, she never thought about it...

"You don't want to?" Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran's avoiding eyes and said.

Feng Youran panicked, turned around, pretending to be looking at the painting.

"It's impossible between us!" Feng Youran said coldly with her lips pursed, her heart has been pierced, and love has been regarded as poison by her, so she will never be fooled by love again.

"Just because you feel that you are being abused by that boy Ge Song... You know I don't mind, you can see my love for you clearly, leisurely, I am willing to spend my whole life to heal your hurt, I am willing to spend my whole life loving and cherishing you, but I don’t want you to give me a chance, not to just enjoy my heart for you, but always avoid, if you like me a little, then Accept me! Trust me"

Before Ge Guanyu could finish his words, Feng Youran's rational nerves suddenly ruptured, and that unbearable memory rushed towards her like a tide, drowning her in an instant, making me unable to breathe, and clenched my hands tightly into fists She held it in front of her chest, and the clear phoenix eyes were already ignited with raging flames. With red eyes, she glared at Ge Guanyu angrily, rushed forward with one stride, grabbed Ge Guanyu's hair and beat him violently, covering his head and face Yes, without any scruples, she just wants to kill this self-righteous man, why does he think of her that much, why does he think he likes him a little bit, why, why... Said that she was torturing him relying on his love... …

Ge Guanyu didn't dodge either, his big hands carefully protected Feng Youran, allowing her to fight on his body.

"Youran, how long are you going to pretend to be confused! I, Ge Guanyu, just love you, and I don't believe that you are not emotional at all for me. If not, why are you so worried about me? Why do you let me live with you? Why do you believe that I won't hurt you?" Ge Guanyu asked loudly while Feng Youran was breathing.

"Shut up, shut up, why do you say that about me? How can I fall in love with you, you self-proclaimed sentimental man, I will kill you, I will tear your mouth!" Feng Youran said The second time, Mou tore at Ge Guanyu's thin lips with all her strength, and soon under her sharp claws, Ge Guanyu's face was covered with blood, his lips were even red and swollen like two sausages, scratches and scratches on his handsome face , and the purple seal that was pinched down severely covered the whole face, making it almost like a ghost.

"I just want to say, you are a coward, you, Feng Youran, don't care when you look at it, but you are the most irritating person, you are a coward, I despise you!" Ge Guanyu roared vaguely, his mouth hurts so much that he wants to die, but he Still adding fuel to the fire.

Feng Youran stopped abruptly, then looked at Ge Guanyu fiercely, opened her mouth and aimed at the blood vessels on his neck, and bit down. Under the sharp teeth, Ge Guanyu also indulged her. As early as when that happened, he I just hoped that Feng Youran could untie her knot in this way, let her vent the resentment she had accumulated in her heart for a long time, but she just accepted it so seemingly calmly, the pain in his heart was beyond her imagination Yes, he is a sinner, and he is also a selfish sinner... If it can really make Feng Youran feel better, then he is willing to die, so he let her speak to him without any struggle.

The sharp teeth pierced through the skin, and the feeling of passing through the blood vessels was so clear. He raised his horrible face and smiled in relief. He would have been better off than dead. If he could die by her hands, it would be a kind of happiness... …

Pfft... The blood in the veins rushed to Feng Youran's face, the warm blood woke up her crazy nerves, she looked at everything in front of her in a daze, and then looked at the blood splashed on Ge Guanyu's face, reluctantly She couldn't help stepping back, but the strength on her waist made her stop, and she didn't fall down. Her hands were white and strong, and he was still protecting her at this moment.

Feng Youran's mood is very complicated, Ge Guanyu has stopped talking now, like someone who is waiting for death, can only show a slit of eyes, just looking at her softly, without saying a word, just smiling, laughing So calm, so beautiful smile.

"You are not allowed to die! I will not allow you to die!" Feng Youran roared, quickly grabbed a piece of clothing and wrapped it tightly around Ge Guanyu's neck, covering him vigorously, but the blood kept gushing out, soaking it a little bit that dress.

She knew she couldn't go on like this anymore, she hated him like this, hated his ruthlessness, she knew he was gambling, but she couldn't just look at him like this, she never knew he was such a crazy person.

Feng Youran staggered and called Zhan Lie, then pushed Ge Guanyu who was in a wheelchair and rushed out of the small courtyard. Their appearance frightened many people, and finally a kind driver took them to Jingdu Hospital.

Zhan Lie was startled when he saw Ge Guanyu, who had lost his blood color and was breathing weakly, and quickly put someone on a stretcher, and went straight to the operating room.

The fallen Feng Youran was covered in blood. Looking at the red light, she squatted down by the wall, with her arms around her shoulders, looking at her hands in disbelief. Although the blood had dried up, the smell of blood was still there. It's been a long time... She doesn't understand what's wrong with her?How can this be?Is she really mad?Or was it that she was turned into anger from embarrassment... No matter what, she knew that she couldn't escape Ge Guanyu's feelings...

Burying her head in her knees, after an unknown amount of time, she felt a black shadow covering her head. She narrowed her eyes, blocked the light above her head with her hand, and looked at the person coming.

(End of this chapter)

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