Chapter 212 The Grand Finale (2)
Zhan Lie looked at Feng Youran's embarrassed and pitiful look, took her hand, pushed her into his office, let her sit on the sofa, poured a cup of hot water and stuffed it into her palm.

Zhan Lie looked at Feng Youran and sighed slightly, then said narrowly, "When did you become a tiger? If I didn't see you send him here, I really don't believe that you are the culprit!"

Feng Youran lowered her head again and again, she didn't expect this to happen, but from Zhan Lie's words, Ge Guanyu shouldn't have any major problems, but she still felt a little uneasy, so she asked anxiously, "Is he all right?"

"With me around, it's hard to get anything done, but his face... probably needs some time to recover!" Zhan Lie said with a smile, he didn't expect Feng Youran to have such a savage side, thinking of Ge Guanyu's big and small face The small scar made him tremble a little.

"Oh!" Feng Youran said honestly.

"Although he bleeds a little, he is in good health, so it's not a problem. Let's treat it as a blood donation. It also promotes the production of hematopoietic cells. You have done a good deed!" Zhan Lie teased and comforted.

"Zhan Lie!" Feng Youran roared in dissatisfaction, and two red clouds appeared on her stunning face.

"Hehehe... Okay, what's the matter? Why are you so angry? If you want to beat him up, why do you do it yourself? You call me, I'll be there whenever you call!" Zhan Lie said, half-truthfully.

Feng Youran's body froze, then lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "It's nothing serious, just leave it alone!"

"I don't care, but next time, don't allow you to be so scary again. It's just a man!"

"Got it, got it, I'm fine now, I want to go see him!" Feng Youran got up awkwardly and said, her heart was in a mess.

"You don't want to scare people like this. I'll go find you some clothes, just wait!" After saying that, Zhan Lie hurried out.

But the moment he closed the door, the faint smile on his face disappeared, and there was a sense of loss in his cold eyes. He originally felt that the relationship between Ge Guanyu and Feng Youran was not simple, but today it is indeed proof He knew how sensible Feng Youran was, so he was more concerned about Ge Guanyu's injuries today. Could it be that Ge Guanyu and Feng Youran would have a relationship... If that was the case, he was really worried. Although Ye Jueao had left in the capital, Ye Juehan was still there, and that person knew Feng Youran's heart clearly. If anyone tried to make Feng Youran's idea, he didn't think Ye Juehan would be able to bear it. .

what to do?How can I do?Zhan Lie frowned tightly, but he couldn't figure out how to solve it.

Gao Zhiyong happened to go to the hospital today to get some medicine for Mr. Ye. He saw that familiar figure as soon as he arrived at the door. He followed him all the way, and he found out about this. After thinking for a while, he quickly left with the medicine Hospital.

After changing her clothes, Feng Youran walked into Ge Guanyu's ward, which was the best ward in the hospital. Even so, it still had a faint smell of disinfectant, and then looked at the person lying on the bed. At a second glance, she was really a different person. She looked down at her hand, and couldn't believe it. Did such a masterpiece really come from her?It made her feel guilty...

"Youran..." Ge Guanyu woke up slowly, squinted his eyes slightly, grinned, and called out in a low voice.

Feng Youran hurriedly took a step forward, leaned over in front of him and said, "I'm here, what's wrong?"

Ge Guanyu smiled, opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at the magnified face in front of him, and wanted to raise his hand to touch her face, but he was a little powerless. He could see the worry in her eyes and blame herself, such a kind of The complicated emotions made him so happy that he wanted to scream.

"What's wrong with you?" Feng Youran pushed Ge Guanyu with her hand, why is he in a daze?And he still looks stupid, shouldn't it hurt his brain?Thinking of that possibility, she was startled and hurried out to call for someone.

"Youran!" Ge Guanyu stopped her footsteps.

"I'm fine, I was happy just now!" He looked at Feng Youran with affectionate eyes, and said softly.

The corners of Feng Youran's eyes twitched a little. If it was normal, Ge Guanyu's confession would still be lethal, but with his current face, she just felt a little unbearable, but she was the culprit, so she could only suppress it. Resisting the urge to laugh, she returned to his bedside.

"You can stay here honestly for the past two days. I'll go back and prepare something for you. If you have something to do, ask the nurse to call me. I'll come later!" Feng Youran finished speaking and was about to run away.

"Don't come here, I'm fine, I want to eat red bean porridge tomorrow morning." Ge Guanyu said, with a smile in his eyes, enjoying Feng Youran's obedient and soft beauty very much.

"Okay!" Feng Youran readily agreed, but...

"I want to eat what you made yourself!" Ge Guanyu made the request carelessly, and he still looked very confident.

Feng Youran swallowed her words, "Just this little request?" Wei Wei teased, she wanted to see what else he asked for.

"Just make me a side dish. I love radishes, but I hate coriander! I like salty ones, but I hate sour ones! Of course, I'm sick now, especially in my mouth, so Youran had better make it for me. Silk, otherwise I can't eat..." Ge Guanyu endured the pain on his face, and said, after saying these words, he broke out in a cold sweat, what happened to the injury on his face?Shouldn't it be disfigured?It hurt him to death!

Finally, Feng Youran couldn't help but rolled her eyes, sighed, and said, "Okay, I know you are a patient, don't worry! I'll go first!" After speaking, Feng Youran disappeared into the ward like a gust of wind.

Looking at Feng Youran's back, Ge Guanyu lay on the bed and laughed happily, " hurts so much, it hurts to death!"

"It seems that you are in a good mood!" Zhan Lie walked in from the outside, leaned against the door from a distance, and looked at Ge Guanyu slightly mockingly.

Ge Guanyu put away the smile on his face and looked at Zhan Lie. He didn't take his hostility seriously, but was a little happier.

"Is there a mirror?" Ge Guanyu asked.

"So you still care about your face?" Zhan Lie said as he took out a small mirror from the bathroom, and threw it on Ge Guanyu's body.

Holding the mirror, Ge Guanyu was stunned for a moment, his face was a little ugly, no one would be calm when looking at it like this, let alone that person was himself, he looked around and threw the mirror aside, Feng Youran was really ruthless No wonder he showed such an expression when he laughed just now. It turned out that he was scarier than a ghost at that time. up.

(End of this chapter)

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