Chapter 213 The Grand Finale (3)
Zhan Lie enjoyed watching Ge Guanyu's sudden changes in expression, and his heart was already full of laughter.

"You can go out!" Ge Guanyu opened his mouth and gave the order to evict the guest.

"I don't know what happened between you and Youran, but I know that you like Youran, and whether Youran has you in her heart, I don't know now, but if you are sure that you are capable enough to protect her, any of your I have no opinion on how to do it, but if you are incapable and just want to satisfy your own selfish desires, then you should disappear as soon as possible. The capital is not a place where anyone can stay, let alone a useless old man who can't protect the one he loves. Man!" Zhan Lie said bitterly.

Ge Guanyu got up slightly, leaned against the head of the bed, looked at the stern Zhan Lie with his black eyes, raised his head and smiled, "It's a blessing for her to have a friend like you! Thank you! No matter what happens in the future, I will always be grateful to you. By her side, willing to be this lifelong friend, your courage is worthy of the admiration of any man!"

Zhan Lie didn't expect Ge Guanyu to say this, which made him move uncomfortably, "Stop talking about these polite words, you are not a leisurely person, and there is no need for you, an outsider, to thank you for the matter between me and her. Let’s talk about it after we can hope for good luck to get through this test!”

"Since I dare to do this, I have the confidence to protect Youran! Believe me!"

Zhan Lie looked at him for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "Then I will believe you once!" After speaking, he looked at the wound on Ge Guanyu's neck, turned and left his ward.

This is what he can do for Feng Youran, and he can only do so, Youran... I hope this person can really protect you this time, so that you will never be hurt again.

A lonely figure slowly pressed down his footprints in the deserted corridor, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the empty corridor...

Ge Guanyu raised his arm, revealing the watch he had been wearing all the time, took off the watch, turned it over and pressed a blue button on the back, this time...he will never back down again!
Ye Juehan listened to Gao Zhiyong's report, clenched his big hands until his veins bulged, and slammed his fist on the table so hard that Gao Zhiyong's body froze in fright.

"Check that person's information for me, I want all the information about him!"

"Yes!" Gao Zhiyong quickly backed out after speaking, panting with lingering fear.

Ye Juehan swept the documents on the table to the ground. His recent preparations for the arsenal are about to start a trial run. Everything is imminent. Hearing Feng Youran's actions in the capital, he is proud and feels Somewhat urgent, he admits that Feng Youran is a smart woman and wants to conquer a woman like her, but sometimes a woman who is too smart can make a man feel very stressed, so while he loves Feng Youran, he doesn't want him to Being compared to the woman he likes, he... can't afford to lose that face, that's why he ignores her and puts all his focus on his career. This is his or the Ye family's usual personality, Ye Jue As proud as he is, so is Ye Juehan.

Because Feng Youran's actions in the capital have more or less affected the cooperation between the Ye family and the Bu family, Bu Qianrong has always regarded Feng Youran as a strong enemy, and now she and Jueao are making a big move to acquire her in S city. Several iron and steel factories have reopened the steel factory and are already preparing to go public. If Feng Youran hadn't been so ruthless in the matter of Tiange stock, they would probably have seized a better opportunity, but Feng Youran was ahead of schedule. After doing it, Bu Qianrong also lost the opportunity, which made her extremely annoyed.

It turns out that Bu Qianrong has reached a consensus with Ye Juehan on Feng Youran's operation method in private. Although they are not completely consistent, the essence is the same. They also want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, but they have no plans To let Feng Youran take the lead, and use Ye Juehan's pampering to her to disrupt his plan.

He can laugh off Bu Qianrong's complaints, but he absolutely does not allow Feng Youran to be with other men behind his back, even if he destroys her, it is absolutely impossible!

M country.

Ge Guanting, who was originally in country M, looked at the report sent by her subordinates, and threw a stack of documents heavily on the coffee table. She is petite in her 40s, and her appearance is [-]% similar to Ge Guanyu. Her pampered life makes her feel like a greenhouse Although the flowers are not young, they are still delicate and charming, but at this time, her angry appearance makes people shudder.

After all, Ge Guanting is the person in power who has controlled the Ge family for more than 20 years. Although most of the power has been taken away and transferred to Ge Song's hands, she still has a pervasive news network in the Ge family. She is willing to leave everything to Ge Song, but that also has a premise.

Ge Song is her only son, and Guan Yu is her only younger brother. She couldn't stand how two men fell in love with a woman and did such a thing. Last time, Ge Guanyu offered to help her solve the problem. She felt a little strange during the whole thing. Sure enough, he had thought about that woman for a long time. He went to the mainland not to help her, but to let her go. He was afraid that he would hurt her.

Thinking of these, her heart is particularly sour, and she is also jealous of this woman named Feng Youran. Why is she so easy to get the love of such two outstanding men, and she is so powerful that they turn against each other. If I had known this, She really shouldn't have kept this woman at the beginning, but it's probably too late to say these things now, she knows Ge Guanyu's personality very well, otherwise he wouldn't use the power left to him by his father today, if that's the case, don't say yes Ge Song, even she wants to give him some points.

"Guanyu, my sister is just a younger brother like you, why are you willing to hurt yourself so badly? How do you ask me to explain to my parents!" Ge Guanting said angrily and helplessly, since Guanyu made such a choice, she would definitely support him, This can also completely dispel Ge Song's thoughts.

Ge Song's eyes jumped suddenly, and a bad premonition came to his mind. He closed the document at hand, and looked up at the pedestrians who were trampled under their feet like ants. Rights are also exciting, but what I want has never been obtained. Thinking of Feng Youran's eyes of pure resentment towards him, he feels as if half of his heart has been dug out...

What happened to Feng Youran was all because of him. If it wasn't for his selfishness, he wouldn't have brought himself and his uncle into such a situation. He admitted that he was suffering and regretting all the time, but he couldn't let go either. , what should he do?Leisurely... What should I do with you?
The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the quiet in the ward is only the sound of shallow breathing. A tall and straight figure under the moonlight is lying under the white sheet. A vigorous and strange figure is slowly approaching. He pulled out a short blade with a cold light, rushed towards the hospital bed with the speed of light, and stabbed the heart of the person on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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