Chapter 214 The Grand Finale (4)
At the moment when the blood flashed, another fast figure swept across from under the bed, stretched out his strong arms, and clamped the man's throat with his bare hands. Although he dodged several times, the disparity in strength still made the person retreat step by step. , Glancing at the six-storey ward, he jumped out of the window with a bang, waking up the sleeping person in the dark night, and the black shadow jumped several times in the air, and clung to the window on the fourth floor, Along the window, hidden in the night.

Ge Guanyu slowly sat up from the bed, looked at the glass all over the floor, and looked out the window with a sneer, while the man on one side stood on the other side with his head slightly lowered.

It seems that he is preparing at the right time, he has never thought of using this power before, if this is the only way to give Youran a stable life, then he will not hesitate!

Yejuehan Kyoto is where we will win, I will not leave, I will protect my leisurely, my future little wife...

Feng Youran suddenly woke up from a nightmare. She dreamed that Ge Guanyu was being chased and killed, and the person who chased him was Ye Juehan. The dream was so real, and the reality was terrifying. She hesitated for a while, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. Put on clothes and wrap the coat tightly, let Xiao Zhao drive over, she can't wait until dawn, she wants to see that he is safe and sound, she doesn't know why this urgency comes from, but she just needs this to be at ease.

When the car arrived at the hospital, the corridor that was supposed to be silent was brightly lit, and there were many voices of people talking. She picked it up suddenly, walked quickly, and then trotted towards Ge Guanyu's ward. When she saw a room full of people At that time, her feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't lift them up.

"I didn't expect to jump off these six floors, what a master!" A little nurse whispered.

"It seems that this hospitalized person is not simple. Be careful when you are on duty in the future."

Feng Youran squeezed through the crowd and walked in, looked at Ge Guanyu whose face was still swollen like a pig's head, looked him up and down, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said to these people: "This is not for you to watch the fun, for us Change the ward!"

After Feng Youran finished speaking in a cold voice, everyone's eyes were also focused on her. The strength of the superior in her made them have to listen to her, and everyone knew her relationship with Zhan Lie, so they couldn't give an order. In 5 minutes, everything was settled, and she and Ge Guanyu also moved to the new ward.

Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu and blamed herself for ignoring Ye Juehan who was still in the capital. If it wasn't for Ge Guanyu's luck, he would probably be lying on the bed cold now, how could he be like this...

Ge Guanyu couldn't bear to see Feng Youran blaming himself like this, took her hand, and said in a gentle voice: "I'm fine, seeing you worry about me, even if I die, I won't regret it!"

"Nonsense! What's not dead?" Feng Youran said angrily, and couldn't help but want to strike at his face, but when she looked at his colorful face again, she turned her head in embarrassment, and sat angrily. side.

"Youran, I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned. You can hit me if you want, and I'm willing!" Ge Guanyu shook Feng Youran's arm, coaxing a little coquettishly.

Feng Youran's face suddenly turned red, and seeing the hands held together by the two, she suddenly felt hot and wanted to shake them off, but he didn't let go, instead it became tighter and tighter.

"How old are you? People in their thirties still pretend to be children, thick-skinned!" Feng Youran spat, unable to break free, and let him hold her hand, her lowered eyes did not see the expression in Ge Guanyu's eyes. The flash of light was so bright that it was dazzling.

"You think I'm old?" Ge Guanyu complained sadly, as if he was extremely sad, but he really cared a little in his heart, after all, he was 15 years older than Feng Youran, but it was a fact, he...was really not confident.

Feng Youran only felt that there was a black line in her head. Could it be that Ge Guanyu, who was extremely clever, was actually made a fool by being punched out by herself?Such an abnormal him really confuses her, she doesn't know what to do, if he is still his usual self, he will definitely not be so at a loss.

Feng Youran opened her eyes slightly, and looked at Ge Guanyu's serious expression in astonishment.

"You're not old!" Feng Youran said maliciously.

"It's just not old?!" Ge Guanyu was slightly injured, alas, it seems a bit too big to use this face as a sacrifice this time...

"Go home if you have nothing to do!" Feng Youran ignored his self-pity and said softly, with a hint of shyness.

Ge Guanyu's eyes widened. Did he hear correctly just now?Feng Youran said to let him go home... Did she accept him?
"Youran, do you mean what I think?" Ge Guanyu said nervously.

Feng Youran looked at him, lowered her eyes, and smiled softly, "I may not be able to give you what you want, but I am willing to give you a chance, if not, then you just give up!"

"Youran, I will make you happy!"

Feng Youran suppressed the complicated emotions in her eyes, and smiled softly...

Ye Juehan looked at the man lying on the hospital bed, frowned tightly, and said to Gao Zhiyong, "Don't let me see him again!"

Gao Zhiyong lowered his head and replied in a deep voice, "Yes!"

"It seems that I underestimated him. I didn't expect him to have this ability!" Ye Jue said coldly, and Mr. He's eagle eyes were shining with bloodthirsty light.

"Then let's go next..."

"I want to see Youran's performance!" Ye Juehan turned and left the ward after speaking.

On the other side of the Jingdu Hospital, Zhan Lie specially opened the back door for Feng Youran, let the car come in from another passage, and then helped Ge Guanyu with a swollen face to the car, driving Xiao Zhao almost screamed when he saw Ge Guanyu, especially Those scratches that looked like women's nails made him even more afraid to look at Feng Youran. He really couldn't think of anyone else, but if it was Mr. Feng... that would be too frightening!

Feng Youran sat in the back, and Ge Guanyu leaned weakly on her shoulder after getting into the car, making Feng Youran stiff and uncomfortable.

"Your head is very heavy!" Feng Youran said in a low voice, and glanced at Xiao Zhao in front of her. It seems that she really needs to order a luxury car from abroad, at least her privacy can be protected. It's really awkward for her to be so unabashed, isn't he like this before?

In fact, she never thought that Ge Guanyu dared to be so thick-skinned now because of his ugly face, because no matter how red his face was, it would not be obvious under this pig's head, so he also pretended not to care.

"But I don't have the strength." Ge Guanyu replied confidently, some of the exposed skin on his neck turned pink, revealing his emotions secretly.

"It's up to you!" Feng Youran rolled her eyes, and closed her eyes out of sight and out of mind. Anyway, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and Xiao Zhao knows a lot, and it's not bad. Alas...she image of……

(End of this chapter)

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