Chapter 224 The Grand Finale (14)
Ge Guanting walked to Ge Song's side, put her hands on his shoulders with a stiff arm, looked into his sad eyes, and said in a low voice: "Let go, Ah deserve better!"

Ge Song looked at his mother angrily. In his eyes, he never understood himself and was always wary of his mother. She was never close to him. When he was a child, he longed for her hug, but after repeated disappointments and After being injured, he no longer longed for it. Meeting Feng Youran was the second time he wanted to be close to a woman, but that person was lost again through his own fault. Since God let him come into this world, he couldn't give him Want it?Is it just to torture him?

"Ah Song..." Ge Guanyu looked at Ge Song sadly. His mistakes when he was young made him up, and also made the person who hurt him completely lose the chance to hurt her again. After so many years, he walked over and looked at Ge Song. When he became more and more like that person, he was more afraid and regretful. If he hadn't been selfish and willful at the beginning, maybe he wouldn't be in such an irreversible situation today. The damage has been done, and now she wants to make it up, but A high wall has already been built around Ge Song.

"Mom, have you ever loved? How did you give birth to me? Did I only make you hate and feel pain?" This is the first time Ge Song asked Ge Guanting bluntly, with indifference and embarrassment in his tone It's complicated.

Ge Guanting's eyes moved slightly, his eyes were a little sore, did he actually look at her like this?
"Of course Mom loved you. You are the witness of my love. But when I was your age, I made the worst decision in my life. Because of a mistake, I accidentally killed your father. Over the years, you have become more and more serious. Like him, when I saw you, I would think of the moment he died in my hands. I dreamed again and again, hoping that I could see him standing in front of me again, but it was a dream after all. I... will never see him again. Mom is sorry for you, please forgive me?" Ge Guanting choked up, revealing his inner voice for the first time in more than ten years.

Ge Song was silent. It was the first time he heard that his father, the man who should be the closest but the strangest in his life, turned out that his madness was also inherited. He inherited his mother's selfishness and willfulness, which also made him try After seeing the bitter fruit they have brewed, this is their fate...

"I want to see him!" Ge Song said slowly after a while.

"Come with me!" Ge Guanting hesitated for a moment, the deep pain was still in her eyes, but she still pressed her down hard, bit her lip, and led Ge Song to the place that she only allowed to come in on the day of the festival every year Room.

The light in the room was blocked by the curtains. Ge Guanting went to the window and opened the curtains. The light from outside poured in instantly. The room was not big, with no furniture, only a few shelves covered with black cloth and neatly arranged photo albums. Ge Songjing Standing there quietly with brown eyes hanging down, no emotion can be seen.

"I'm going out, stay here by yourself!" Ge Guanting retreated somewhat staggeringly, her heart was riddled with holes... She looked down at her hands, as if they were covered with bright red blood again, the warm The feeling is still there.

Ge Song walked towards the shelves, picked up a corner of the black cloth with his big hand, and with a bang, the black cloth hung on the ground. The huge oil painting looked like a masculine and handsome man, his eyes looked into the distance, under the setting sun He looked over at Ge Song, his black eyes were full of tenderness, but it was as if he hadn't been noticed by others. The line of his lips showed his stubbornness. This person is his father...

Ge Song just looked at him silently, stared at him, and when his legs started to go numb, he moved his feet, sat cross-legged on the ground, picked up the photo album and carefully flipped through it...

There is the mother she is most familiar with, but her expression is something I have never seen before, so happy, so sweet, I think she must have loved madly and deeply at that time, that's why she did that. Regret things for the rest of my life.

Putting down the photo album in his hand, a photo accidentally slipped down from it. Ge Song held it in front of his eyes, and suddenly his eyes widened in shock. This small black and white photo not only shows his father, but also two An old man and a young man, but the appearance of that person reminded him of that person, could it be that... He rushed out with that photo.

But as soon as he opened the door, he saw Ge Guanting squatting by the wall. He was startled, then walked towards her and stretched out his hand.

Ge Guanting took his hand and stood up slowly, looking at his expression with a bit of caution.

"Have you seen this photo?" Ge Song handed the photo to her.

Ge Guanting held the photo, looked at it for a while, then pondered for a while, and said with difficulty: "This is his family, but he has no way to go back and see them for the last time. I found the photo in his clothes."

"You haven't investigated it?" Ge Song asked in disbelief.

"No, I'm already sorry for him. It's my fault to force him to stay by my side. If I find his family, then I will really lose him. I can't!" Ge Guanting growled, her eyes threatening. Ge Song, he definitely didn't just show her this photo.

"Mom, you are so selfish and terrifying, and I... am really your son, so I am just like you." Ge Song smiled wryly, presumably his father's family has been looking forward to him for many years, right?But he was sleeping here, imprisoned by his stubborn and fragile mother.

"Mom, it's been more than ten years. You should ask Dad to go home. He...will be homesick, and if you really love him, even if these things are not here, isn't he still in your heart? Who can tell?" Take him away? I beg you..." Ge Song begged with a wry smile, those resembling eyes looked at Ge Guanting.

Ge Guanting was silent for a while, she looked at Ge Song, finally lowered her eyes, turned and left, and when she reached the corner, her weak voice came, "It's up to you!"

Ge Song looked at her, then at the photo in his hand, smiled softly, leisurely... this time, I will definitely be able to protect you!You will never get hurt again!
Feng Youran, who was eating fruit and enjoying Ge Guanyu's massage in the capital, suddenly twitched her eyelids and stopped the fork in her hand, causing Ge Guanyu to look over.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Ge Guanyu asked with concern.

"No, no, now that rumors are flying everywhere, what should you do?" Feng Youran teased.

"Hehehe...wait!" Ge Guanyu said mysteriously, looking at Feng Youran with a rosy face, her mouth was stained with water after eating the fruit, showing a kind of temptation, he sat gently on her He held her by his side, held her in his arms, couldn't help but lift her chin, pressed his lips on it, tossed and turned softly, and wrapped his big arms around her slightly revealing waist, bringing a touch of tenderness. After a long while, he carefully let go of Feng Youran, panted heavily, and sat far away from her.

(End of this chapter)

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