Chapter 225 The Grand Finale (15)
"Hahaha..." Feng Youran burst into laughter when provoked. Ge Guanyu has strong self-control, but as a man, he also has greedy moments, so this usually ends up like this at this time, which makes Feng Youran feel very comforted. And a little apologetic, it was not easy for him to bear it.

"Let's get rid of you after I'm here!" Ge Guanyu said fiercely on purpose, his hoarse voice was full of rare sex appeal.

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the two looked at each other. Ge Guanyu tidied himself up, and then got up to open the door.

Sure enough, Zhan Lie and Bai Yi came in with two thermos buckets at the same time. Seeing them coming, Ge Guanyu automatically gave way out of the study and returned to his room.

Looking at the design drawing in my hand, and then looking at the calendar on the side, it's almost time... really soon, You Ran, I want to give you the grandest wedding and make you my most beautiful bride!
Zhan Lie poured the crucian carp soup into a small bowl, pushed it in front of Feng Youran, kept a straight face without saying a word, and Bai Yi also kept a straight face when he got the bird's nest soup.

Feng Youran sighed, and sighed in a low voice: "Did you do it on purpose? How can I have such a big appetite?" After knowing that she was pregnant, they did not alienate themselves, but cared naturally like friends. Although this method moved and hurt her, her heart was full.

"You can figure it out!" Bai Yi snorted, looking at Zhan Lie.

"That's right, I didn't let you drink it all again, you can drink whatever you like, and I'll see who can have an opinion!" Zhan Lie said not to be outdone.

"Exactly!" Bai Yi also laughed and said that he and Zhan Lie were completely on the same page.

Feng Youran rubbed her temples, looked at the contents of the bowl, she picked up Zhan Lie's bowl of soup, and made his eyes shine, the color on her face made Bai Yi's teeth itch with hatred.

"I'm going to drink what Bai Yi made at night!" Feng Youran said to Bai Yi's black face after finishing her drink.

"I still understand leisurely that drinking tonight is the most nourishing thing!" Bai Yi also became proud, the gloom on his face was swept away, and he had a bright smile that hurt someone's eyes.

"You two, don't do this in the future. Today is the last time. Although it is good to drink soup every day, I don't expect to become a big fat man, so if you come here in the future, you will be alone on weekends!" Feng Youran took advantage of them. Happily, she quickly said that in just a few days, she felt that she had increased a lot.

"Hehehe... just listen to your arrangement." Zhan Lie smiled, a touch of tenderness appeared in his restrained eyes, and then quietly dissipated.

"I have no objection either. When will your wedding be held? In Kyoto, I really can't find another topic besides you. Although I know you don't care, I don't like to hear those people criticize you, leisurely... ...You deserve better! I will stand in this position and bless you forever, so you must be happy for us and everyone!" Bai Yi smiled lightly, looking at her calmly.

"Thank you..." Feng Youran said movedly, he gave him such heavy feelings, she understands, she will work harder to make herself happy, time will dilute everything, she also blesses him...

Yueying opened the car door and looked at Ge Song who got into the car. He was wearing sunglasses, pursing his thin lips, and his fair and handsome face showed no expression.

"Go to Yejia!" Ge Song said in a low voice, dressed in black, his cold and gloomy demeanor gave off a chill and an indescribable heartache.

Ge Song stood at the gate of the compound, looking at the guards with guns, his eyes flashed with complicated and heavy light, if he walked in from here, then he would never be able to go back to the past...

The guard at the door looked at Ge Song, then at the car he was sitting in, and was still standing at the door, but with curiosity in his heart.

"I'm going to Ye's house!" Ge Song took off his sunglasses and said slowly, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

"I want to call to confirm, please give me your name!" the guard asked meticulously.

"Ge Song!"

The other side nodded, then dialed the phone, and at this time Ye Juehan's car also arrived at the door, he saw Ge Song at a glance, with a strange expression in his black eyes, told the driver to stop the car, and also Followed down.

"Ge Song!"

Ge Song turned his head and nodded, but his eyes kept searching his face inexplicably, which made Ye Juehan frowned and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

"Looking for me?" Ye Juehan raised his eyebrows, and Ge Song didn't come here when he was looking for him. Could it be that something important happened to him?Or... how could it be You Ran?
"I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for your old man!" Ge Song said with a chuckle, seeing Ye Juehan's expression in his eyes.

"Are you looking for my grandfather?!"

The guard at the other end also replied. He came over and said to Ge Song, "Master Ye said he didn't know you. I'm sorry, please go back!"

"Then tell him, others don't know a person named Ye Ziming? If he doesn't know him, then I'll leave!" Ge Song said with his hands behind his back.

"Ye Ziming? How do you know my uncle's name? What are you going to do?" Ye Juehan looked at Ge Song dangerously, and looked at him carefully, full of vigilance.

Ye Ziming can be said to be a taboo of the Ye family. He has been missing for 17 years. Those who have never seen people or dead bodies just disappeared. Even though the powerful Ye family has put in a lot of effort, they only know that he was in the city before he disappeared. Country M, as for the others, it's as if his traces were deliberately erased, which is basically the same, and Ye's family knows that he is more dangerous than good, so even mentioning it in front of Mr. Ye has become a taboo, for fear of making him sad. But I didn't expect that after 17 years, someone who shouldn't have contact would mention this name. How can this not be suspicious?
"You go in with me!" Ye Juehan asked Gao Zhiyong to block the guard's phone call, and then personally led Ye Juehan into the compound, into the most prestigious Ye family.

Ge Song looked at everything here. Under the seemingly simple appearance, everything is luxurious. This is the prosperity left by the Ye family after several generations of accumulation. Although he can feel the glory of the superior, but with himself Compared with the home where he has lived in country M for more than ten years, this place makes him feel more heavy. Perhaps this is also the origin of the two personalities of the Ye Juehan brothers. Different environments create different people.

"You sit here for a while, I'll go find grandpa!" After Ye Juehan finished speaking, he went upstairs, while Gao Zhiyong stayed in the living room and stood behind Ge Song with Yue Ying, without saying a word.

Ge Song's big white hands are playing with the bone china cup in front of him, the warm tea smells warm, he knows that man from his mother, and he also knows his family, but he never thought that he is related to the Ye family again, And it's still so close that I never thought of.

(End of this chapter)

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