Chapter 226 The Grand Finale (16)
Ye Juehan went upstairs and walked into the room where old man Ye used to rest and read. At this time, he was slowly flipping through a photo album, with an indescribable sigh on his lips.


"Grandpa..." Ye Juehan called softly, looking at old man Ye.

"Huh?" Old Master Ye raised his eyes from the photo album and looked at Ye Juehan.

"Grandpa, someone is looking for you..."

"I don't know!" Elder Ye said impatiently. Thinking of that son, he couldn't calm down. After so many years, will he see him again in his lifetime, or is he already... but he is dead? If so, why didn't he have a dream for so many years? Could it be that he still remembers his stubbornness back then?
"He said he knew the uncle!"

"What?! Say it again!" The photo album in Mr. Ye's hand slipped to the ground, and he looked at Ye Juehan in disbelief.

"His name is Ge Song. He's downstairs now. I'll let him come up!" Ye Juehan said, turning around and putting the medicine that Old Man Ye usually used into his hand. If there is any imbalance, it must be Ye Ziming!

"Let him come up quickly! Hurry up!" Old Master Ye urged Ye Juehan while holding the medicine in his hand.

"Grandpa, be careful, I'll bring someone up immediately!" Ye Juehan glanced at him, then quickly ran downstairs.

Grandpa Ye kept telling himself to relax, relax, but his nerves were tense, and he stood anxiously in the study, walking back and forth.

"Grandpa wants to see you!" Ye Juehan said warily to Ge Song. In his eyes, Ge Song was unfathomable. He still didn't know what his purpose was. This situation made him very annoyed.

"Yeah!" Ge Song nodded, walked up past Ye Juehan.

"Ge Song, if you have any wrong ideas, don't say that you can't walk out of the gate of the Ye family today!" Ye Jue said coldly behind him.

"Hehehe... Don't worry, I don't know how to eat people!" Ge Song laughed, his brown eyes swept across Ye Juehan's face, as if his reaction pleased him.

"It's best like this!" After Ye Juehan finished speaking, he turned his body and let Ge Song walk into Old Master Ye's room.

Ge Song lowered his eyes slightly when he saw the old man sitting on the recliner against the light and holding a photo album in his hand, but quickly raised them again.

"It's you who want to see me?" Old Man Ye raised his sharp eyes and shot at Ge Song. Seeing him, he suddenly seemed to be in a daze, his eyes glanced at the photo album in his hand, and his big hands trembled slightly.

"Yes!" Ge Song said neither humble nor overbearing, quietly taking in the shock of Mr. Ye, and turning it into a slight sigh.

"Who are you? Tell me the truth!" Mr. Ye put down the photo album and approached Ge Song step by step.

Ge Song smiled, looking very harmless, and said slightly teasingly: "Didn't you already guess it? Don't you even have the courage to admit it?"

Grandpa Ye was shocked, and took two steps back in shock. He covered his chest that seemed to be popping out with his big hands, and with some difficulty, he took out a bottle of medicine in his pocket and put it in his mouth. After a while, he calmed down. There was admiration and a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Ge Song gracefully walked to the sofa, poured himself a cup of tea with a teapot that was still warm, and looked at Mr. Ye with a faint smile.

Old Man Ye looked at Ge Song, and walked over, but he would soon return, and brought over the photo album he was looking at just now.

"How long has he been gone?" Old Man Ye asked in a low voice, as if he was ten years older. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he was still unwilling to believe that his son had left without seeing him. , Looking at this young man who was [-]% similar to his son, he knew that the dream in his heart was broken.

"It's been more than ten years..." Ge Song said slowly, flipping through the photo album, looking at those fathers who were completely different from his mother's life, the inseparable bloodline made his heart complicated .

"Why did you come back?" Mr. Ye is not confused. The magnificence of the Ye family is obvious to all. If he wanted to come back, he should have come back sooner, but he hasn't come back for so many years. Then he came back this time for another purpose. He remembered giving Yezi When Ming was about to leave on that mission, he once mentioned a woman to himself, but he didn't care about it at the time. He didn't expect that after more than ten years, Ziming's son came back...

Ye Family, he has officially handed over to Jue Han, could it be that this time he...

Ge Song raised his eyes and smiled, and shook his head in disappointment, "You think too much, but I really came here for a purpose this time, not for the Ye family, but for Feng Youran, you should know this person very well!"

"For her?" Old Master Ye frowned tightly. He didn't want to believe that his other grandson came back for the purpose of Feng Youran. His two grandsons had already broken his heart because of this girl. This time This is still for that girl. Could it be that she is the doom of the Ye family?Is it the nemesis of their Ye family men?he can't accept...

"I don't allow anyone to hurt her!" Ge Song turned cold, very displeased with Mr. Ye's reaction.

"Hehehe...Did I say I wanted to hurt her?" Old Master Ye smiled and sighed inwardly. It's too late for him to hurt that girl now.

Then the grandfather and grandson talked about their experiences for so many years, and the old man Ye was also very emotional. If Ye Ziming hadn’t let Ye Ziming get out of that task, it might be a different situation now. But with a thoughtful look, he asked with a light smile.

"The reason why you came back is to suppress Juehan, right?"

"This is what I owe Youran. Since I decided to step into the door of Yejia, I have decided to protect her happiness, and no one can destroy it. Otherwise, I would rather destroy it with her at all costs." Ge Song He replied decisively, without any hesitation.

"Good boy, you are really ruthless, but you seem to be late, I have already handed over the Ye family to Jue Han!" Grandpa Ye lowered his eyes and snorted.

"That doesn't matter. I just came to tell you that I don't need you to do anything for me." Ge Songyang frowned and smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Old Man Ye also raised his eyebrows, and smiled without saying a word.

After Ge Song left, Old Man Ye was silent for a long time. He looked at Ye Ziming in the photo and gently stroked him, sighed, then called Ye Juehan to his room.

Ge Song left Ye's house, Yue Ying looked at the gloomy young master, and followed closely behind him, Ge Song looked into the distance, and laughed softly, there was a kind of sadness and loneliness that could not be hidden in that faint laughter ...

(End of this chapter)

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