Chapter 229 The Grand Finale (19)
He is also from the Ye family, they are brothers, although he knows that the Ye family will not fall into his hands, but he knows that Ge Song's purpose is nothing but Youran, he can't watch Feng Youran marry that man like this , he couldn't do it.

"For a girl, do you think it's worth it? Is it worth it for you? Jueao is already a fact, and I don't want to blame you anymore, but he is your uncle's only child, so you still insist? Even if you persist, you Do you think that girl can do what you want? Let it go..." Old Man Ye said with a sigh.

"I'm going out!" Ye Juehan staggered out.

Ye Jue walked out slowly from the dark place, and the words he just heard were circling in his mind. During this period of time, he always felt a headache, and at night, he would dream all night. In the dream... That person, he felt that he was on the verge of collapse, and he couldn't even face Bu Qianrong, so he quietly returned to the capital from S City, but what he didn't expect was that he heard such a passage... Could it be that big brother he……

He quietly walked back to his room. In the dark, he sat weakly on the ground, leaning against the edge of the bed, looking at the moonlight outside. Suddenly, a flash of thought in his mind made his whole body cold, and he staggered down from the ground. Got up, rushed to the closet, opened the closet, and began to rummage, suddenly a few clothes in the corner of the closet caught his attention, he picked it up, looked at the same color as the dream image, his hands began to tremble , following his own feeling, he took out a small red flannel box from the right pocket of his trousers, hesitated for a moment, then slowly opened it, and a dazzling diamond ring appeared in his eyes, he held the ring along Looking at the moonlight, he could clearly see the name engraved on the inner edge of the ring.

Ding Dong... The ring fell from between his fingers to the floor, and his memory suddenly flooded out like a flood. He hugged his head and rolled on the ground in pain. His clothes were soaked in sweat, and finally his headache gradually subsided. Panting heavily, he lay on the ground, looking at the dazzling ring in the night, and shed tears...

What did he do, how did he do it?Youran's words seemed to be in his ears, the moment when the two broke up was right in front of his eyes, the happiness he got was ruined just like this, his was his!his!

Thinking of this, he wiped his face vigorously, pursed his lips, and rushed out clutching the ring in his hand. He wanted to tell her that none of that was true, but that he loved her, really!Leisurely... please give me a chance, I beg you!

As soon as he left the compound, two glaring lights shone on his eyes. He blocked his eyes with his hands, watching a slim figure slowly approaching.

"Jueao, let's go back!" Bu Qianrong said with a smile, and immediately touched his arm.

"Don't touch me!" Ye Jue roared proudly, his red eyes staring at her tightly like a beast.

"You remembered, didn't you?" Bu Qianrong withdrew his hand and said with lowered eyes. During this period of time, she saw his abnormality in her eyes, and she was extremely frightened. She always thought it would never happen by luck, but it just happened. up.

"..." Ye Jueao didn't speak, looked at her, turned his head, walked around her, and strode away.

It's unfair to Bu Qianrong, she loves him, there is no doubt, but he doesn't love her, first and now, but she knows his heart, but insists on binding the two together, then don't blame him Ruthless, he couldn't do it.

"Ye Jueao! You have no heart!" Bu Qianrong shouted hysterically from behind him, why did she let her know him, and why did she let her happiness be so short after getting him?Why?
"You're right, I have no heart, so please don't appear in front of me!" Ye Jue said coldly.

Bu Qianrong rushed forward, frantically beating Ye Jueao, but Ye Jueao let her move for a while... Bu Qianrong looked at Ye Jueao, whose face was red and swollen, but who was extremely calm, slumped on the ground, With red eyes, he smiled softly.

"Hehehe...hahaha...Ye Jueao, you are ruthless, you are so ruthless! Do you think it will be useful if you think about it? Her Feng Youran will marry my uncle soon, and they will have a child too. You are meaningless to her!"

Ye Jueao's body was stiff, and he stared at Bu Qianrong sullenly, wishing to tear her mouth open, "Shut up!"

"Don't give up, right? Then go, go, I'll see how you turn the tide!" Bu Qianrong said mockingly.

Ye Jueao turned around and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Feng won..." Bu Qianrong murmured, seeing Ye Jueao's disappearing back, she got up slowly, walked into the car on the side, and suddenly a dazzling brilliance burst out of her eyes.

Ye Jueao rushed to the small courtyard and looked at the place where he and Feng Youran lived together. Every brick and tile there was full of memories. He stroked the wall and held the door with his hands, but the door was easily pushed open , he was a little surprised, but still walked in quietly.

Feng Youran moved her feet. After writing for a while, she felt that her feet were numb, and the swelling made her very uncomfortable.

Ge Guanyu watched Feng Youran frowned as he pressed the hand on her leg, stepped forward, supported her with his arms, let her sit up, squatted down beside her feet, and massaged the acupuncture points on her calf with both hands, Feng Youran soon Leisurely felt a kind of blood flow comfort...

Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu's thoughtfulness, her eyes were a little confused, and she was suddenly moved in her heart.

Ge Guanyu frowned slightly, and said pitifully: "You have just recovered, don't always do so many things, tell me if you have anything, I'll help you, or your hands and feet will easily get numb!"

Looking at the man squatting at her feet, Feng Youran suddenly felt that she was so lucky!He loves her, she no longer doubts!
When you really love someone, that love will make him love you forever. Even if the child belongs to Ge Song, even if Ge Song is always in her heart, he still silently bears it...

A smile from the heart appeared on Feng Youran's face!

"Be more active..." Ge Guanyu looked up and was stunned, because Feng Youran was staring at him with a pair of glamorous eyes that were as bright as stars...

The two looked at each other, and a somewhat gloomy atmosphere was born in the sight of the two facing each other!
Feng Youran smiled sweetly, the smile on her calm and indifferent face was like a flower, melting frost and snow, like a spring breeze blowing by!
Ge Guanyu squatted there and forgot everything, staring blankly at the beautiful smile on her face which lit up her beautiful face.

"Youran..." Ge Guanyu could clearly feel his own heartbeat.

Feng Youran slowly stretched out her hand...

Ge Guanyu stared blankly at Rou Yi stretched out in front of him, she was as white as fat, slender and soft, she stretched out her hand towards him?
(End of this chapter)

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