Chapter 230 The Grand Finale (20)
Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu in a daze, and smiled more intensely, her willow eyebrows were raised, her phoenix eyes looked at him...

Ge Guanyu came back to his senses and smiled contentedly. Instead of holding her hand, he stood up slowly, looked at her sitting on the bed, bent down slowly, and looked at her expectantly with his black eyes, and then, Reached out to her!The palm lines in the middle of the slender palms are clearly visible.

Feng Youran burst out laughing... This man!

The jade finger moved, and the hand was gently placed between the slender palms, and was immediately surrounded tightly!Warm and powerful, Feng Youran was a little stunned, and her heart relaxed inexplicably!
Ge Guanyu pulled her up and let her lean into his arms, so as not to press her stomach, and sighed softly in her ear, with satisfaction and excitement in his murmured voice: "I finally got your hand , leisurely..."

Feng Youran felt a little sour at this moment, loving and being loved both touched her heart so much!
"Ge Guanyu, I'm really tempted..." He waited for her with his full love for her, and his tolerance and trust touched her heart.

Hearing her words, Ge Guanyu's low laughter rang in her ears, so satisfied and joyful, it made Feng Youran feel happy...

"Since the first day I saw you, my heart has been on you. I was afraid, hesitant, and even drove you away, but I still couldn't erase the traces you left on me. I fell in love with you." Poison, there is no medicine to cure it!" Ge Guanyu said in a low voice, although there was sadness and pain in the middle, but he was willing to do it!
Feng Youran gently closed her eyes, and listened to his heartbeat with her heart. In this embrace, she felt trust and safety.

"Even if my heart for you is not complete, are you still willing to hold my hand?" Feng Youran raised her eyes and asked Ge Guanyu.

Ge Guanyu lowered his head and smiled softly: "Yes."

Feng Youran gently stroked her abdomen with both hands: "You love this child too?"

When Ge Guanyu's eyes fell on her abdomen, his heart skipped a beat. If he told Youran at this time, the child's life experience...

Without hearing Ge Guanyu's answer, Feng Youran raised her head, and the way he stared at her abdomen seemed a bit complicated?
"What are you thinking?"

Ge Guanyu raised his head, and looked into Feng Youran's eyes that there was no suspicion from last time. She saw his complexity, but she still chose to trust him. This recognition warmed his heart but also brought pain!
But what if she remembered?Would she blame him for hiding it?Will it be misunderstood that he deliberately concealed it?After all, he had too many opportunities to explain this to her!

Ge Guanyu lowered his eyes: "Youran, if..."

"Huh?" Feng Youran felt weird about Ge Guanyu's suspicion, but she told herself to trust him.

When the words came to his lips, Ge Guanyu swallowed them, and he found that he couldn't bear to say them!
"If there was one thing I should tell you, but I didn't want to tell you, what would you do?" Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran and asked.

Feng Youran's eyes flickered slightly, her doubts deepened, and she asked calmly, "What are you hiding from me?"

Seeing her expression, Ge Guanyu was stunned, and smiled: "Tell me first, what will happen to you?"

Feng Youran looked deeply at Ge Guanyu: "As long as you don't have three wives and four concubines in your family, and you don't have children in groups, the rest of the things... You really don't want to say it, and I won't force you, but you have to know that paper will last forever." I can't contain the fire, I will know one day, and then, I will give you a chance to explain how I will react, and I can't answer you now!" But if this matter is related to me, I still want your confession!Feng Youran said silently in her heart.

"That is to say, the consequences depend on the situation?" Ge Guanyu watched her silently.

"Yes." Feng Youran felt a little strange, what was it that Ge Guanyu would rather choose to hide?

"Then I can guarantee that I don't have three wives and four concubines, but have a lot of children!" Ge Guanyu was silent for a long time before saying this.

Feng Youran nodded, everyone has a secret, if he really doesn't want to tell it, then she won't force it, but the only thing that makes her curious is, what made Ge Guanyu show such complicated eyes?

Seeing the doubt in Feng Youran's eyes, Ge Guanyu sighed, did he miss a good opportunity?He couldn't bear to let her face this matter!

Ge Guanyu walked to the bed with Feng Youran in his arms, helped her take off her shoes and socks, pulled the quilt over her body, and sat on the side of the bed and looked at her tenderly.

A warm current flowed through Feng Youran's heart, he really cared for her in every possible way!

Feng Youran sat under the quilt, looked at him sitting on the edge of the bed, and smiled at the corner of her mouth!
Ge Guanyu paused, and when he saw the smile on her mouth, his eyes deepened...

Her long arms wrapped around her body, her black eyes narrowed, her big palm held the back of her head, her beautiful lips slowly approached the target, her rosy lips slightly hooked into a smile.

"Hmm..." Feng Youran gasped softly next to his ear, and stopped his hands that were still messing around in his clothes with both hands...

"Rebellion? Don't even look at what's going on!" Feng Youran's voice was slightly annoyed.

The corners of Ge Guanyu's mouth twitched, his eyes were dark and frightening, he stared straight at her, and there was control in his dark voice: "You did it on purpose!"

"Hehe, do I have it?" Feng Youran said innocently with a light smile, the coquettishness on her face was even more pitiful.

Ge Guanyu sighed softly, and gently hugged her into his arms, Feng Youran closed her eyes, and the silence between the two was better than the sound...

Ye Jueao stood not far from the room. Although she couldn't hear the words inside, through the reflection on the curtain, she could clearly see two intimate and harmonious figures cuddling each other, which hurt his eyes. , he stood in the yard holding the ring tightly, watching the lights in the room being turned off...Suddenly, there was a fishy sweetness in his throat, and he covered his mouth with all his strength, but the bright red blood still flowed down his fingers When he came down, he closed his eyes and smiled wryly, stepping backwards step by step, and finally he escaped from the place he was thinking about, and missed... Really missed...

I don't know how he walked back to Ye's house. There is no lack of resentment in his heart, but if that person is his brother, what should he do?Those things were irreparable, and he chose a dead end for himself.

"Where did you go? What's going on?" Ye Juehan grabbed Ye Jueao and asked, with a look of fire and worry on his face.

Ye Jue looked at him proudly, as if he had never known him, waved his hand away, and walked straight inside.


Ye Jueao didn't look back but stopped in his tracks, and said coldly, "I've already remembered, you still want to lie to me?"

Ye Juehan was stunned for a moment, with a complicated expression on his face. He didn't expect to remember it at this time, but there was another matter that was urgent. "Bu Qianrong had a car accident!"

(End of this chapter)

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