Chapter 242
Ge Guanyu stroked Ge Tong's soft hair, the softness seemed to be plucking the string in his heart.

"Tongtong, do you think it's right for Daddy to do this?"

Ge Tong pouted, rolled his eyes around, put his fat little arms around his neck with a smile, and said coquettishly: "Although I feel sorry for Daddy, Tong Tong thinks that you did nothing wrong. There is a saying, it seems to be called taking a step back, Daddy's doing this will not only make Mommy no longer embarrassed, but also gain an advantage. No matter what happens in the future, Mommy will feel the most pain in her heart. Daddy is the one who cares most, as for that mistress, Daddy doesn't have to care at all, you and me, a genius baby, if we join forces, won't it make him suffer? "

Ge Guanyu laughed, is this what a child said?But he also knows that what Ge Tong said has some truths, and he is not a kind person. If some things cannot be stopped from happening, he will leave the best position for himself, instead of stubbornly letting her always have something in her heart. The unresolved connection, it is better to let them go together frankly, after all, there is still Tongtong between him and Feng Youran, and those memories that no one can replace, if it is really a comparison, He wouldn't lose too much to that kid.

"Daddy, you smile so darkly!" Ge Tong instantly petrified, and Daddy, who had a comforting face just now, showed such an expression. Now he is worried about Ye Jueao's future. This home is lively.

"Who else do you think you inherited your cleverness from?" Ge Guanyu glanced at his son and snorted, to be honest, his IQ is also super high, but only the elder sister in the family knows about this, even Ge Song doesn't know , so when everyone was impressed by Ge Tong's high IQ, they never thought that it was inherited from his genes.

"Daddy, Daddy, you..." Ge Tong's little boy stretched out his tender little finger, tremblingly pointing at his seemingly innocent and harmless father, unable to make a sentence.

"What an idiot son!" Ge Guanyu knocked Ge Tong on the head.

"Daddy, you are so bad, I want to tell mommy, tell brother, tell everyone!" Ge Tong finally regained his voice and screamed.

Woohoo... He was cheated for so long, wasted so much worrying about him, never thought that Daddy was watching him anxiously behind his back, watching him think of countermeasures, almost broke his dick Young heart, woo woo... Damn, hate, cunning old man, I won't make it easy for you!I want revenge!

"Hehehe... Son, your daddy is pitiful enough. If you don't help me and still bully daddy, then daddy really can't live. Why don't you just let me do it!" Ge Guanyu As he spoke, he became aggrieved, and Ge Tong was stunned by that demeanor.

"Daddy, Daddy, I am your son, so naturally I will help you anytime, don't feel bad, when that mistress comes, I will definitely not make it easier for him, trust me, no one can bully you " Ge Tong said anxiously, he had never seen Ge Guanyu so fragile, thinking of the reports on TV about the mistress and the crying complaints of his wife, he also half understood Ge Guanyu's mood, after all, someone shared his mother's feelings. Mi's love, Daddy is always pitiful.

"Really?" Ge Guanyu looked at Ge Tong with misty eyes, and that monstrous red mole exuded a strange light, which seemed to be breathtaking...

Ge Tong clicked his big eyes, patted his small chest and reassured firmly: "That's natural, you are my father, I am your son, sons should protect me, father, don't worry!"

"Well, Daddy can rest assured this time, thank you Tongtong!"

"'re welcome!" Why did Ge Tong feel so awkward in his heart, feeling uncomfortable all over, as if he was a fox being targeted by a hunter, think about what daddy said just now, and look at his expression, it's him Thinking too much?Well, it must be!
"Let's go, Daddy will take you to bed!" Ge Guanyu took Ge Tong's little hand and walked towards the bedroom.

After arranging Ge Tong to sleep on the bed covered with a quilt, Ge Guanyu got up gently and walked out, heaving a sigh of relief, and finally a successful smile climbed onto his extremely charming and charming face.

Hehehe... There is a saying, Jiang is still old and hot, son, your little tricks are all played by your daddy when he was young, although you are very good, but if you want to get out of the palm of your daddy , you have to grow up!

Back in her bedroom, she threw herself onto the bed without changing her clothes, buried her face tightly on the pillow that Feng Youran had slept on, and breathed in her scent.

Sigh... Ge Guanyu turned over, Ye Jueao, if you still want to be with Youran, then don't die easily... Aren't you unwilling?try to live...


Zhan Lie couldn't find Bai Yi anywhere, he finally felt some bad premonition, Liao Chenhui looked at him, walked over and asked.

"what happened to you?"

"Did you see Bai Yi's shadow? Why didn't I see him after searching for a long time?"

"Huh? He was standing there just now." Liao Chenhui said and pointed to the place where Bai Yi was standing just now.

Zhan Lie frowned, Bai Yi is not an impulsive person, he should be here at this time, and the news has been told to Feng Youran, it is impossible for him to leave quietly, what is going on?

"Manager Liao, we found a newly excavated cave at the back of the mine at a place closest to the landslide." Workers came up to report.

"Cave?!" Zhan Lie and Liao Chenhui looked at each other, they were both taken aback, and quickly followed the worker and ran over.

When they saw the cave that could only accommodate one person, the two of them were speechless. Bai Yi was in the antique business, and he was an expert in tomb robbery. However, in the past few years in Africa, his skill Basically, none of them came in handy. Although his abilities were good, doing so was an extremely risky move.

And Zhan Lie was even more shocked. He knew that Bai Yi and Ye Jueao were against each other. He knew Feng Youran earlier than himself. After all these years of staying together, the relationship can no longer be described in any words. This In fact, there is absolutely no need for Bai Yi to work so hard. He doesn't believe that he doesn't know about such a risk. He is gambling with his own life now...

Bai Yi... Do you know if you do this? Maybe it's all futile. Feng Youran has you in her heart, but she doesn't have a relationship with you. You will get her gratitude and make her cry. Is it love, is it worth it for you?
Zhan Lie looked at the cave, then strode down the hillside, rushed into his tent, carried the medicine kit and some water on his back, and returned to the hillside again.

(End of this chapter)

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