Chapter 243
"What are you doing!" Liao Chenhui grabbed Zhan Lie's arm and yelled, at this time Bai Yi went in and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, how could Zhan Lie, who was always rational, follow around at this time?

"I have to go, one more person and one more strength, you can't stop me!" Zhan Lie said as he held Liao Chenhui's hand, shook it away forcefully, and then crawled into the hole without thinking.

Liao Chenhui closed his eyes and sighed, Mr. much is your charm to make them all go crazy for you? Do you know that they did this just not to make you sad, do you know?

"Get a few people to come over, bring oxygen cylinders and clean water and follow them in, and some others will stand guard at the entrance of the cave and be ready to rescue at any time!"


Liao Chenhui sighed helplessly after finishing speaking, and then quickly ran towards the excavated rescue site. Now everyone is doing their best, the people below hold on!

Feng Youran arrived at the rescue site in a helicopter. Looking at the order at the scene, she felt a little relieved. It might not be as bad as she thought. Seeing Feng Youran's appearance, the employees and the wounded gave way. Listening to the commotion, Liao Chenhui heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Feng Youran walking from the crowd.

"Boss Feng!"

"How is the situation now? How long will it take to dig the tunnel inside?" Feng Youran frowned and asked, seeing Liao Chenhui's tired expression, she also faintly knew that things were not as easy as she thought.

"There are too many large rocks in the passage. After the excavator goes in, manpower is needed to assist, so the progress is not smooth. Based on the length marked on the original design drawing, it is only halfway done now."

"How's the ventilation inside? Is it working? Is the intercom working?"

Liao Chenhui shook his head. Except for the buzzing sound at the beginning, the walkie-talkie was cut off in less than 5 minutes, and the ventilation facilities seemed to have broken down. As time went by, the number of people inside became more and more more dangerous.

"I see, let's get busy!" Feng Youran said in a deep voice, she already knew the situation inside, and now it can be said that all people outside can do is to do their best and obey the destiny...

Liao Chenhui looked at Feng Youran's back, and suddenly ran over and shouted: "Boss Feng, on the other side of the mine, Bai Yi and Doctor Zhan have dug another passage to enter the mine, and I sent people to follow along." Go in, if it goes well, the people inside should still have a glimmer of life."

"What?! Say it again!" Feng Youran's eyes widened, and Bai Yi and Zhan Lie also went in. Do they know that this is very dangerous, and even if they do so, they may not be able to save the people inside. Fate may be in it.

"When Dr. Zhan and I arrived, Bai Yi didn't know how long he had been in, and Dr. Zhan broke in regardless of the obstruction. I already asked the backup to follow up with my things. If there is really a problem, they should take that Bring them out." Liao Chenhui said earnestly, after all these years of getting along, he is naturally very aware of the entanglement between several people, this is the matter, and it is probably because it is not Ye Jueao, but Bai Yi or Zhan Lie. The mutual understanding of Feng Youran will not make her sad, and they will try their best to fight, so he must understand and admire them from the bottom of their hearts.

Feng Youran rubbed her forehead, they all went down, they are crazy, really crazy...

"I, I'm going to the office, let me be quiet!" After Feng Youran finished speaking, she walked step by step towards her residence for these years. She wanted to think about it carefully, and now her heart was extremely confused.

Sitting on the sofa, curled up her feet, hugged her knees with both hands, buried her head in her legs, closed her eyes, and felt as if she had fallen into an endless vortex. Something happened to Ye Jueao, and she The peace in her heart was broken. Originally, she thought that the bond between herself and him in this life was just like this, but she didn't expect that the sudden incident made the feelings that she was a little ashamed to express burst out in her heart. The guilt for Ge Guanyu, for her son She was at a loss for what to do because of her uneasiness and the special feeling for Ye Jueao.

Ye Jueao treats herself like this, she can understand, there are too many memories and past ties between the two of them, if it wasn't for her willingness to let go because of his distrust, or because of his identity as Ye's family, maybe she They would not have come to this point with him, they fell in love and tortured each other, but she was lucky to have Ge Guanyu's care and walked out of the haze, but he was stubbornly persistent.

Maybe something really happened to Ye Jueao this time, and she would bury him deeply in her heart, feel sad and painful, but it was for him, only for Ye Jueao, but Bai Yi and Zhan Lie were different, for They, she is grateful, touched, and has the friendship between close friends, but she lacks love alone. If something happens to them, the heavy price is almost unbearable for her. She doesn't know if she can use it calmly. Live every day of your life.

She couldn't afford their love, but she enjoyed their years of silent dedication. Deep down, she felt guilty, and this guilt surpassed all feelings, so when she heard that they were going down, her heart ached. The heart also stopped.

Why are you so stupid?Knowing the answer but insisting on doing that, do you know that her heart can't bear it?why……

The light in the room gradually dimmed, and the day seemed to pass through the fingers again. Feng Youran looked at the dazzling high light outside the window, loosened her numb legs, and stood up from the sofa.

Bai Yi paused slightly, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve. In the past few years, he used the name of digging treasures here, but he hadn't really done anything, and his originally skilled movements were a little jerky. Pressing the pickaxe, he carefully dug down the soil in front of him. If he hadn't always wandered around the mine, he might not have been able to find that the rock structure in this place is different from that of the mine. I guessed that there should be a lot of space inside. Although it is strange for such a structure, a road leading directly to the landslide site is definitely a way to survive. Although the situation inside is unknown, his belief makes He kept telling himself that he must persevere.

"Bai Yi, how are you? Change me!" Zhan Lie handed him water, but Bai Yi refused.

"You don't know the condition of the soil layer. If you don't do it well, there is a possibility of landslides here. I won't drink the water for now, save it!" Several people who had followed in retreated out one after another, after all, it was hot inside It is narrow and narrow, and their persistence depends entirely on their willpower.

"No, if you get dehydrated later, won't we be trapped inside, drink quickly, this is an order!" Zhan Lie forced the water into his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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