Chapter 392 Food Status
The little guy gave his father a blank look: "I'm not talking nonsense, it's your father who said that we are not allowed to leave here, and that there are bad guys who want to abduct us and sell us."

The man gave him a hard look.

Gu Qingyi found a relatively clean place to sit on the floor, and pinched the little guy's face without temper: "Your father is afraid that I will sell you too."

As soon as these words came out, the man was instantly embarrassed.

The little guy was confident: "My sister is not a bad person."

"How do you know that I'm not a bad person? Knowing people, knowing faces but not heart, maybe I just want to sell you?"

No wonder these men are so wary of her. However, in this situation, they are too busy to take care of themselves, and they know how to protect women and children. These people are really good.

"It's not a bad thing to be a little vigilant, you are all together?"

"We are villagers outside Lanzhou City. When the flood came, we all ran to the mountains to save our lives."

"Yes, we know everyone from ten miles and eight villages very well, so we got together. Anyway, as long as we have something to eat, we don't need to die from starvation. We all have wives and children to support, and we can help each other together."

Gu Qingyi frowned slightly.

These people are so optimistic, why did they look like they couldn't survive at the beginning?
"Our place is not bad. The fields are flooded, and we dare not go into the deep mountains, so we only dare to move around at the foot of the mountains. Fortunately, few people come here because of the remoteness."


"Someone snatches food." The little guy asked her again, "Sister, let me tell you, there are people like us everywhere here, and people often come to grab our food."

Gu Qingyi looked up at the adults beside her.

The man said hesitantly: "There is not enough food, so we can only grab it."

As if he knew that the beautiful girl in front of him had no ill intentions towards them, the man hesitated for a long time, and said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, someone passed by here before the girl, and we originally wanted to snatch it. "

A man next to him couldn't help but interjected: "Those people are like girls, they are followed by many guards."

Qin Shu glanced at him.

From the looks of it, they had been taught a lesson, so they didn't dare to think about their own party.

Gu Qingyi wasn't angry either, troublesome people came out of troubled times, she wasn't surprised that such a situation would happen.

Looking at the little guy beside her, she asked again: "Aren't you afraid of being beaten for staining my dress?"

The little guy fell silent, and after a long time, he said, "But my sister didn't hit me!"

Seemingly ignorant and innocent words, but listening to it makes people feel sad.

Gu Qingyi smiled, but did not speak.

If he hadn't been desperate, this little guy wouldn't have risked his life to gamble on her tenderness.

Glancing at the people around her, she was silent for a long time before asking, "Then what are you guys doing?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

The little guy beside him said, "Looking for something to eat."

Gu Qingyi turned her eyes to look at the people around her, and asked lightly, "What do you eat?"

"Wild vegetables, game from the mountains, as long as we can eat it, we will eat it."

"What about this?"

Pointing away with her slender fingers, everyone followed her gaze and saw a woman carrying a simple bamboo basket with some white soil in the basket.

Everyone fell silent.

In the silence, Qin Shu's voice sounded: "That's Guanyin soil."

(End of this chapter)

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