The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 393 Avalokitesvara

Chapter 393 Avalokitesvara

Qin Shu looked at her: "Steam Guanyin soil, you can eat it like a steamed bun, and you can temporarily satisfy your hunger and extend your life after eating it, but this is only the result of eating a small amount. If you eat too much Guanyin soil, you will die."

"When there was a severe drought in Qingzhou more than ten years ago, many people died after eating this kind of soil."

The faces of the victims turned pale.

Gu Qingyi looked at them: "Have you eaten?"

The victims were silent.

An elderly old man beside her said tremblingly: "When the flood came, all the food in the family was washed away, and the house was also destroyed. We were left to survive, but we still have to live what!"

"It's hard to survive the natural disaster. We can't let ourselves starve to death, so we can only go up the mountain to find food."

"Young people can still hunt some prey back. We old guys, women and children can only dig wild vegetables. After the wild vegetables are finished, we will eat grass roots and bark. The grass roots and bark are gone, and only this Guanyin soil is left to eat."

Gu Qingyi was silent for a long time: "Who told you that Guanyin soil can be eaten?"

There were quite a few elderly people present, and when they saw such a beautiful and noble girl talking with them here, they also gathered together, and when they heard her question, they answered her.

"We old people all know that this is passed down from generation to generation. When there is a famine, there is really nothing to eat, so we just eat this."

"In the early years, there were troubled times outside the country of Yan, but many people died. That is to say, our country of Yan was relatively peaceful, and the people's life was a little easier. Basically, there were no major disasters, and they could still live in peace. An An survived."

"Our place is not bad. The county magistrate is also very clean and honest. He only thinks about us. If you encounter that kind of corrupt officials who don't care about the life and death of the people, you won't be able to save any wealth in peace and prosperity."

An old lady sat beside her, smiled and said, "The little girl is so young, isn't she married yet? If she gets married and becomes the head of the family, she will know how difficult it is to live in peace."

Probably because the elderly people love to chatter, a few people pulled Gu Qingyi and kept talking about how difficult life was, and Gu Qingyi also patiently accompanied them all the time.

It didn't stop until the village head brought the family members of these old people over.

Seeing such a beautiful little girl being dragged to talk by them, and seeing the guards guarding the little girl in black who are not easy to mess with at first sight, the village chief's face turned green.

After ordering them to take the old man back, the village chief stepped forward and apologized repeatedly: "Miss, I'm sorry, these old people are old and their brains are not very clear. Don't be as knowledgeable as them."

Gu Qingyi said lightly: "It's okay."

She has noticed that some of these people are not so clear-headed, and it is normal to forget things easily when they are old, so sometimes the elderly will repeat a few words over and over again, but she always knows what she wants to know .

Gu Qingyi raised her eyes and glanced at the village head who was sitting down in front of her, and said lightly: "Guanyin soil cannot be eaten, so don't let the villagers eat it in the future."

The village head was taken aback, but he smiled wryly after realizing it: "Miss, look at this mountain now. Everything that can be eaten has been eaten, and the one that cannot be eaten has been chopped up for firewood. What is left for us ordinary people?"

"We have no power and power, and we don't have much money. We can only rely on God. Now God doesn't give us a way to survive. We can't even buy food."

(End of this chapter)

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