Chapter 394

The village head pointed to the victims around him and said, "I can see that the girl is very honorable. Although I don't know why the girl came to the disaster area at this time, the girl probably never worries about life."

"Perhaps the girl reads and writes every day at home like all rich ladies, or plays the piano and embroiders, but when the girl is enjoying the embrace of her servants, there are too many people in this world who are still worrying about their livelihood."

"Girl, for us, we just need to live."

"I know why the girl doesn't let them eat Guanyin soil. If it is possible, no one would like to eat this kind of thing, but the girl..."

The village chief looked at her with a simple and honest face, with a helpless smile on his weathered face, as bitter as Coptis chinensis.

In front of an ordinary citizen who is not even considered an official, Her Majesty the Empress, who speaks out her words and deeds in the court, dare not look him in the eyes for the first time.

"If you don't eat, you will starve to death, if you eat, you will die, but if you eat, you can live longer. Of course we choose to eat."

Gu Qingyi closed her eyes. A person who has always been calm, at this moment, there is finally no trace of warmth left in her eyes.

Qin Shu looked at her worriedly: "Master."

She glanced at Qin Shu, and asked the victims patiently, "Where's the food for the imperial court's disaster relief?"

"Didn't His Majesty order to open warehouses for disaster relief? What about food? What about money? The state government and county government don't care about you?"

As soon as these words came out, as if poking a hornet's nest, the victims who gathered around said in one voice: "There is no disaster money at all, and the prefecture and county governments have not opened warehouses for disaster relief."

"That is, the imperial court doesn't care about our life and death at all. Those officials eat delicacies every day, but we ordinary people can't even provide the most basic food and clothing."

Gu Qingyi frowned deeply.

"Where is the Zhizhou of Qingyun Twelve States? He just watched?"

The village chief said: "We don't know what's going on with Mr. Zhizhou, but the county magistrate has opened a warehouse to provide disaster relief, but the county government has limited grain storage, and there are some profiteers driving up prices. The county magistrate is also very embarrassed now."

"I see."

Gu Qingyi nodded and said, "I want to go to the city to see, can the village chief lead the way?"

The village chief thought for a while, turned his head to look at the victims, was silent for a while, and said, "Okay."

This girl may be a turning point for the current situation of Qingyun Twelve States.

Gu Qingyi felt that these people could see the situation more clearly and be more rational than ordinary people, that's why he told them so much.

The village head is a rare visionary.

Gu Qingyi ordered: "Leave all our food, and we will go to the county government."

Qin Shu bowed his head and replied, "Yes."

The county is even worse than outside the city.

At least the people outside the city knew that they had to find their own way of life, and if they couldn't, they would go up the mountain to find food, but the people in the city looked more miserable than those outside the city.

From a distance, you can see the desolate and desolate scene in the city, but when you get close, everyone is even more dumbfounded.

Gu Qingyi stood on the shaft of the chariot, silently looking at the gate of the city, his face was as cold as water, and the suppressed anger seemed to choose someone to devour.

The crowd of refugees was like water, curled up in every corner of the street, everyone was dirty and messy, ragged trousers and clothes were shrunk tightly on this group of refugees, all of them were disheveled, yellow and thin.

The village head was by her side, sighed and said, "Fortunately, this is June. If it's cold winter, I don't know how many people will freeze to death."

(End of this chapter)

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